Recent content by aberal

  1. aberal

    Isle of Mull

    Nice composition, but I reckon that the HDR effect spoils it a tad. Pity, because it looks "overworked".
  2. aberal

    Choose one photograpy book

    My personal favourite is the Hot Shoe Diaries by Joe McNally. Its not the sort of book you read from cover to cover, rather one you constantly dip into. My version falls into the category of "well thumbed". As an aside , I HATE "Understanding Exposure" with a passion. IMHO its the most over...
  3. aberal

    My daughter and a tired mum

    Nice shots, both. The only criticism might be that in both cases their left eyes are a little out of focus.
  4. aberal

    Loch Katrine

    Looks like you've been struggling with the available light. It's always hit and miss at this time of year. Hang around if you can and you might bet lucky. IMO the nicest light to be had and colours of the countryside are at this time of year. Did you take a trip on the Maid of the Loch?
  5. aberal

    Archie and Lela

    4 & 6 for me. Crop out the trees above them in #4 and a square crop to #6 would be my only suggestions. Dogs are bonkers in the snow aren't they?
  6. aberal

    First proper attempt at light painting: Lotus Elise

    #1 has a certain ethereal quality which is not unattractive. #2 is a photo of the rear end of a yellow car in the dark.
  7. aberal


    Both really nice, but the one in the snow is extra special, partly because of the yellow against white colour contrast, but also because its a different viewpoint from the norm. Might benefit from getting rid of that stray bit of grass and some of the other debris though?
  8. aberal

    Best bang for buck tripod for travelling

    Edit: Deleted - just remembered its against the rules to offer to sell outwith the classifieds. I think..
  9. aberal

    My Daughter

    What a lovely face, Nicely captured - properly exposed etc. Don't agree about the comment about the hair - adds to it imho. But i don't like the advert for GAP. It leaps out too much and is annoying. Cropped in closer and you have a lovely portrait.
  10. aberal

    Streetlife in Prague.

    I like the "black and whiteness" of them. Very black and white. :) Which process do you use?
  11. aberal

    Some walls in Edinburgh

    1 & 2 need some decent light on them to make them interesting. Looks like they were snapped on a bit of a dull day. No. 3 is nice - I like the bus. And no. 4 is an excellent abstract.
  12. aberal

    Latest Wedding - Camper van, super bright flowers and lots of sun

    I love these mate - brilliant stuff. Only two things I don't like - the blurry white thing in front of them in the shot where they walk through the woods is just too distracting and the reflected shot near the end with double images of the bride does odd things to be my eyes! Both other than...
  13. aberal

    On the streets of Edinburgh

    Nice set - but that's one wide angled lens though....!
  14. aberal

    Loch Farr - Scottish Highlands

    You need to go back with an ND grad. You're nearly there - but not quite. :)