365 : A self portrait every day for one year


chin up dad ...

if it dont kill ya it makes ya stronger ;)


p i s s e d off and your still shooting these :clap:

Hope the news isnt as bad as it seems, anything i can do to help just ask
We care Marcel.
Thanks for all your kind words everyone....I sincerely mean that...I actually meant 'dont care' as in 'dont care the reason' if that makes sense :) (I meant it in a nice way).
Suffice to say, the good nights sleep did the trick, and I woke earlier this morning with a clearer and more positive outlook (y)

So many thanks to everyone who has offered kind words, both in this thread and also in private. It's...as I like to say......'warmed my cockles' :D

Onto today's 365!

337.365 : A finger of fudge is just enough....

Marcel Booth posted a photo:

...to give your kids a treat!
(Click here or here if you have no idea what I'm on about)
I made cookies again tonight :D
The recipe I now refer to as 'Kates nom nom cookies' (It was posted on a forum by someone called Kate).
Well tonight, I had another go, and instead of choc chips...I chopped up some fudge pieces.

When my daughter got back from brownies, I was just weighing the ingredients out, so I said she could help me. She did help by nicking some fudge pieces, mithering for some spare chocolate, and er, beating the egg lol (And taking some photos!)

Theyre just out, so I'm off to eat another one :p Daughter is in bed now, so I'd better save her some...maybe one or two :p

Before I finish for the evening, I'd like to say a big thankyou to everyone who offered me kind words after last nights 365, both publically and privately. Like I said, my 'news' wasn't life threatening, nor was it extremely serious. Just news that many other families are getting during these troubled times.

Luckily we had some semi-good news to counteract last nights bad news.
And also, as I said....a good nights sleep really does help clear the mind and put things into perspective. I have what's around me, my family, and no way is any of it in danger......and that's what matters!

Nite nite chaps! :)


338.365 : Wishing you all a merry Christmas....

Marcel Booth posted a photo:

It's that time of year again, time to write out the Christmas cards.
We've whittled it down recently, we only send a select few cards to close relatives, friends, and close neighbours who we talk to.

We now get our christmas cards specially printer (ooer, posh!). Not as posh as it sounds though.
For the past couple of years, our daughters class design their own christmas cards, and the school get them printed at a local printers (if we order them of course). I think it's a much better idea than bulk buying loads of cards and then sending them to people you hardly speak to.
Now our son has started at the school too, we buy a pack of his too.

In the photo is the one my daughter designed (They even print 'Designed by' and their name on the back :) )

So that's it, all our Christmas cards are done, ready to send (except one or two stragglers).


God your organised lol im a last minute rush around panic merchant :) Glad here all not so bad today .
Just spent foooorever catching up, i've not really had chance to get online for a few months now, but yours was the on thread i kept an eye on when i could. Just caught up again, and actually haver time to reply.....you are truely inspirational, if we ever meet, just so you know, you'll be getting a great big sloppy kiss! :D

You have done a fantastic job with this thread, and I hope that as well as securing an army of fans, that its helped you as well.

Anyway, enough of the emotive stuff, :puke: well done!!:clap:

:confused: Thankyou very very much for your lovely words :)
I'll have to make sure I buy some tic-tacs :D

Seriously, thankyou for the kind words. It's the replies and responses to each photo that has helped me keep going to be honest, especially during the days when I really just want to jack it in.

The finish line is so close now!
339.365 : Oof! I'm such a star!

Marcel Booth posted a photo:

And it ain't the good kind!

We went shopping for a christmas tree this afternoon.
We were going to go this morning, but just like last week, we all hopped in the car....went to start it and bleurgh....nothing.

So we all came back in the house, I had a bacon and egg dinner then an afternoon nap :D
Borrowed the neighbours charger (again), and away we went this evening to get one.

We decided to get a posher tree this year, but smaller (so it costs the same). The prices have gone up again this year, as expected. Still not too bad though.

We *always* get a real tree though.
When I was growing up, my mum used to always get a real tree. One of those big bushy ones, with that great pine smell. Sticky bark, full of sap too.

It's that smell that brings back so many memories for me. As soon as I smell it I'm instantly 6 years old again, rushing downstairs at 4am....running into the living room...and it's the smell I noticed at first.
So that's why I always insist on a real tree in this house.

Well tonight we chose our tree. After a walk round, a majority vote won on this one. Nice and even round all sides.

We got it home, I cut half an inch from the bottom of the trunk, and popped it in the stand (which was wedged down the back corner of the shed from last year).
A couple of litres of water later, and she was stood pretty and steady :)

I never get to decorate it though! I leave that to Lou and the kids.
No...I just get lumped on the top as the star with some pine needles stuck up my bum :p


That sure looks painful. :puke:

Lou and the kids have done a grand job of the decorating. (y)
It certainly *was* painful! I'm still pulling pine needles out of, well, where pine needles just shouldnt be!

I'll pass on your praise to Lou and the kids (and your distaste about sticking me on the top of the tree....which you missed out of your post :p)
Another great picture Marcel. You're the man!

You want to be careful though with last picture otherwise people might start calling you The Big Fairy!!!! Not that I would I should hasten to add!
340.365 : Happy Anniversary!

Marcel Booth posted a photo:

This 365 is dedicated to one of the most special people in my life. She's my soul mate and my rock. She's been right beside me through some very dark times in my life, and hasn't once faltered, wavered, or abandoned me. For that I'm truly grateful.
She really is one in a million.

As you can guess, today is our anniversary.
When we met, 13 years ago she was a shy footy-mad 17yr old and I was a slim (and very handsome) 18 yr old who was just about to start Uni.
13 years later, I'm a jobless house huband, I've put on quite a bit of weight too. Nevertheless, we're 7 years married, have 2 children and a cat, and are quite settled in our little domestic routine, and I couldn't be happier. Not really.

Sure, we argue every now and then, and sometimes she does my head in (Seriously, if she moves that tv one more time so it's neatly facing the couch and not my desk, I'm going to go mental :D).
But hand on heart, I wouldn't swap her for anything. She's the most beautiful, thoughtful, and caring person in the world. She's given me two gorgeous children, and despite the episodes of depression, and my bouts of self-pity and overwhelming lack of confidence, she still loves me for who I am, despite all my flaws.
I really am the luckiest and happiest man alive.

Louise, I may not show it enough (does any man?), but I think it all the time, and I make sure I tell you at least once every day. I love you my little snugglepops :D


Beautiful British wifey. Wine for the lady!

Quite brought a tear to my dry old meat pies.
Thanks for the kind words everyone. I'm sat in the living room now, the heating has been off for ages, and my toes are COOOOOOOOOLLLD so I'm going to go to bed with a book I think. My little hot water bottle will have warmed it up nicely :D
Happy Anniversary to you both
What a lovely picture and sentiment, where would we be without our lovely wives, even if we don't show it(y)
:love: Happy Anniversary Mr & Mrs Bod :D :clap:
Thanks very much Robin, indeed where would we be ;)
Thanks Grendel :)
Well done and congrats keep it going your on the home stretch now :)
Happy anniversary to Mr & Mrs Marcel.

A lovely well told story M8.

I bet though you kept telling Mrs Marcel the shot was out of focus or something else just to get another kiss!!!
Last edited:
LOL guilty as charged!

I've just shown her the shot I chose and the text I wrote.
The reply? "aww bless"....and off she toddled. I take it all back :LOL:
Aww Marcel :) I haven't been on here for yonks (been so busy since we moved!) and just started catching up with your 365. The first photo I looked at was the last one you posted and already you've brought tears to my eyes! You are so good at writing how you feel and as the reader you can feel the weight of every word :) Happy anniversary!
Thanks very much Miss McT :)
I'm beginning to enjoy the actual writing of the post more than the photos these days...lol

Well it does say *Talk* Photography :p
Happy anniversary! I really nice simple photo but it is probably one of the best, for the sheer emotion in it, and the story alongside :)
341.365 : Are we nearly there yet?

Marcel Booth posted a photo:

We went to Harvey's first nativity play tonight at school, entitled "Are we nearly there yet?'
I've noticed schools always do a modern take on the traditional nativity nowadays. Injects a bit of fun into a well versed story I suppose.

Well tonights story was about the Walker family who went on holiday, mithered by their children (With cries of 'Are we nearly there yet?' incase you hadn't guessed). Naturally their holiday led them across the deserts to Bethlehem (it wouldn't be a nativity otherwise!) where 'Mary & Jo' did their thing.

Anyway, it was a great play, seeing the kids jumping about, singing and dancing.
(Harvey was a villager by the way).

And you know what one of the best things is? I took my full camera bag, snapped away with a 70-200, and no one batted an eyelid.

That's why I love my children's school (that and many many other things of course). They don't restrict photography or filming. Not one parent I know of has a problem with it.
Parents are informed that their child may be photographed or filmed as part of school events, and if they wish to object, then they must do so in writing. I don't know of any parent that has.
I've filmed pretty much most of my daughters events at school, taken lots and lots of pictures, so we have a massive amount of memories to look back on in the future.
It's refreshing to see a school with such a common sense approach on cameras.

Naturally if I was to walk into the playground in the middle of lunchtime and just start snapping away I would be approached, and rightly so.
But they don't let media-led paranoia and overhyped fear get in the way of parents just wanting to record their children growing up.

Mind you, I didn't need to film it anyway, the school filmed it themselves, and both the infant and junior productions are available on DVD for £5. A very fair price indeed!


342.365 : Christmas Shopping

Marcel Booth posted a photo:

After a bit of a lie in this morning (Which I thank my wife for!), I was coerced into town to do some christmas shopping.
After finding a parking space, we wandered round, browsing the shops for something to get my mum and step father for christmas.

After stopping for some lovely fish and chips at a little cafe in the market place, we were about to carry on, when my wife nudged the table, sending my full cup of tea into her lap. She said it didn't hurt...but it hurt me...I'd been waiting 10 minutes for that thing to cool down and was really looking forward to it!
After getting her cleaned up, it looked like she'd had an accident, as she was wet through *snigger*, so off to the shops to buy her a pair of jeans, which she wore out of the shop :D

We ended up getting a few bits and bobs, before coming home to collect the kids from school.
The result? I'm knackered. I hate shopping in busy towns. Too many people...especially the ones that like to dawdle along at the speed of a stoned tortoise....and always in my way.

I think I'll stick to my internet shopping for the time being thanks....at least until the christmas 'rush' is over!

(And no, we never did find a suitable present for my mum and stepdad).


I know how you feel Marcel. I share both your phobia of shopping and frustration at slow walkers.
I sooooooo hate shopping :( being dragged about endless shops by my daughter lol and trying keep grandkids from ransacking the place while daughter looking at stuff its a nightmare lol.Im totally exhausted by time I get home.What is the facination with women and shopping woudnt be so bad if they actually bought stuff. You have my deepest sympathy marcel .