52 From Dark Star - 52/52 Texture :) (Phew!)

Hmmm... is using a faux amis cheating ... Nah... :D...

Well done John, a very clever interpretation that is too ... ;) I like it apart from that bit of crust right in the front that's not quite in the DOF... I think a diagonal cut would, as Jean said, work better

Try doing that with Health :nono:

Not exactly a cop out, merely a more inventive interpretation :LOL:

I agree with the comments though. The DoF at the front is not quite right and I'd have liked to see a diagonal cut too.

Apart from that it's ok :D

Merry Christmas to you and your family
Ah well perhaps I'll reshoot this one :)

Funnily enough it was cut diagonally but I guess I just didnt show that properly

I agree about the dof as well but by the time I'd sussed that the set up had been put away (not eaten yet ;))

From a guitar high to a bread low - what a pain :D (How appropriate :D)

And merry xmas to all you guys too :D
:LOL: nice one! I'm not sure whether to call this an act of genius or a crowbar! Nicely done all the same
I like the twist! Good take :clap:
Thanks guys :) I would say the crowbar was out in full force Conor :)

Here, a day late, is Health or should I say are Healths. Typically I spent a good while setting up a celementine and a bunch of cod liver oil tablets today taking about 20 shots - juxtaposing a natural source healthiness with, if you like, packaged health :) Then in Sainsburys I saw what I am submitting as my 51st shot :) And Yes I do go shopping with my camera gear :)

It took 2 shots! :bang:

So here is my set up shot:


And here is my Sainsbury's shot:


Which do you prefer I wonder :)?
Catching up on comments.....

Ha-hah -- when Simon first posted the subject I read it as "bread" and was tempted to do the same as you :D. I like the lighting and with better DOF it would be a really nice shot.

These are both very well executed but I prefer the first one - more original concept and composition, and also I LOVE citrus fruit and eat it in great quantities.

You're spoiling us this week. Two great shots.

I love the DoF in the second one - absolutely spot on. Nice angle too.
But it's No.1 for me.
The colours are just beautiful and I love the way that the orange is reflected in the capsules.
Nice capture of the skin on the clementine and it's sharp in all the right places :love:
Catch-up time for me too John, the Clementine and cod liver oil tablets,
very cleverly thought out, nice and sharp <ouch :D> as well (y)
Two great shot sir...:clap: But liking the first one best

and only because I love you...:love: Clone out the tiny specks...(y)

Excellent work young man...:notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:
....and I'm behind again. Sorry :bonk:

Organised: I like it... I like it a lot. Clever interpretation and the lighting, wood in the BG and posh handwriting are all spot on (y)

Confusion: Not your most inspired work but I think it does fit the theme... there is a pattern but at the same time it's all higgeldy piggeldy. I think that's the technical term anyway :D

Music: You did what with your strat?!! :eek: As everyone else has said, great shot... made even better by the minimal PP I think :clap:

Pain: You've crowbarred in an absolute stunner there John. Looks good enough to eat... nice BG too, is it a tea towel or something? Not sure if the DOF would have worked better with the front edge in focus rather than the back, but that's just being picky.

Health: Sainsbury's all the way for me :D Great DOF (as always) and it is just a stronger image imo. I see where you were going with the first but I'm not loving the composition I'm afraid.
A double dose of Health - that can't be bad! :D

#1 I love the colours and the beautiful detail in the skin of the clementine and even the 'seams' on the capsules. I think it would be even more stunning cropped square - losing a few of the health-giving capsules but (imho) gaining in strength of composition. :clap::clap:

#2 If I ever see someone lurking in the supermarket or the diy store clutching a camera and taking shots of rows of product - I'll come and say 'hello'. This is definitely 'your' signature style, John. As always, spot on. :clap::clap:

I can't chose a favourite between 2 such excellent shots - a very Health end (well, almost) to the year. :)

I like both shots, but I think the Sainsbury one edges it :clap::clap:
Well done on managing two for the theme John... as for going shopping everywhere with the camera gear...

I really like the second one, the DOF and angles work really well, but I think I prefer the first one (y)
Thanks for all the comments on that pair folks :) I'm sticking with the Sainsbury shot :)

Just as well cos my final shot of the year for texture is a bit fruity too :)

Thanks to everyone for their support for this 52 its been fun and I will get comments on your finals shortly :)

Another great shot from you Sir...:clap:

and a big well done to you for reaching the end of this 52 challenge... you are one a few to get to the end... and you did it in style...John...:clap::clap::clap: good luck with the next 52s...(y)
Pain.... you don't need a crowbar for that, you need something much bigger!!! Still a very good shot though.

Love both of your health shots, how do Sainsburys feel with you shooting in their stores?

Texture, a harder theme than I gave it credit for this one, I think I would have liked a bit more contrast on the skin of the lemon.

Well done on completing the year!



and secondly the obligatory C&C:

For the first time I'm not convinced by your DOF - would like to see more of the grater in focus. But who cares - you made it to the end and I like it (y)


from me, John, for completing the 52. (y)

A stylish finish for Texture. I like the addition of the grater, (posh looking grater, at that!) and it definitely fits the bill. :clap:

It's been a year of great photos and you've got lots to proud of. Which is your favourite from your 52? I think I'd vote for the recent guitar shot.

Best of luck for 2010. :)

Well done on getting to the end John (y)

I think that shot works really well, really like the colours and the texture (y)

happy new year
Thanks all for your comments and all your support - it really has been great to work on the project with you all

Just as a coda, as suggested by Jean, here are my picks of my year's shots

Starting with my least favourite: Week 25, Freedom - bit of a cop out :)


My two favourites were: Week 4 - Surprise and Week 49 - Music

I like these two because they were both realisations of lightbulb moments I had - and they were both a good deal of fun to do :)

Week 4 - Surprise


Week 49 - Music


And a special mention for this one as it means a lot to me for its message and its simplicity - perhaps this is my personal fave after all

Week 23 - Inspiration

My thoughts on all the other photos are pretty much covered by the other posters, so all that's left to say is congrats on crossing the finishing line (y)! I have to agree with the heart being quite an inspired shot, really like that one. You were thinking quite outside the box for it and produced a lovely photo as a result.
I'm finally catching up on comments here - I like your texture shot very much indeed, with the contrasting colours and use of DOF (y)(y).

And I love your three favourites :clap::clap: Congratulations on completing the year!
Well done on finishing the 52 with a good take on the theme. Thanks for your advice over the last year. Best of luck in 2010

Congrats on the completion John (y)
From your "hot picks" mine has to be the Ge'tar
Nice work!

from me too on finishing your 52 :clap::clap:

And 2 (3) crackers to end on. I like both Health shots but the Sainsbury one just edges it (y)

Texture,there are a number of different textures in there and the composition and DoF is spot on, as I would expext from you young sir.

I also want to say a big thank you for your support and friendship this year. It's kept me going at times. I think you too are los cojones del perro ;)