5d Mark iii PDF manual causes iBooks to crash

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I have searched for this and found no results, but I am sorry if this has already been asked, or if this thread is in the wrong section.

Does anyone else keep their PDF manuals on their iPhone in iBooks for easy reference? My 7D manual and my 580exii manuals load up fine but my 5Diii PDF causes the app to crash. Anyone else experienced this?

Checking the Apple forums suggests changing the language, updating iBooks but neither works for me. iPhone 5 running IOS 7. The forums suggest this issue is caused by a 'bad PDF' which is no help because it's the one I refer to the most. Can you suggest anything? Perhaps a different source for the PDF manual?

Thanks in advance

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Thanks for your help. However, when I try to use Safari on my phone to download the manual from the USA site I get a message that says 'safari cannot download this file'. Same from the Australian site. Any thoughts?
The 5dIII PDF works fine on my ipad using ibooks.

Using the most up to date firmware on an ipad air.
I downloaded this ages ago onto my iPad and I also have it on my iPhone. I'm sorry I can't remember how I did it, but I've only just noticed - I have two different copies on my phone (4s) and one just causes iBooks to exit! The other one is fine.

When I look at the titles of the PDFs, one is called EOS_5D_Mark_lll_Instruction_Manual_EN (this one crashes) and the other is called eos5dmkiii-im2-c-en Perhaps I downloaded one onto the iPad and iCloud has put it into my phone? Sorry I can't remember more, but perhaps it is worth looking for another PDF.

Also, I've noticed the im2-c version is not on my iPad, but the first one mentioned above is. I also have another manual version on my iPad. I think we were advised to download a new manual when the firmware was updated.

None crash on my iPad, so maybe it's a slightly different version for iPhone?
I realised that I had different versions of the manual on my iPhone and iPad with the same title - maybe why it was crashing? I deleted my iPhone one. I then used your link Dave1 - thanks ( had to email it to myself). This downloads a zipped version. I opened that in an app called PDF export. Once I'd opened it I could then choose to open it in iBooks. Hope this helps someone else.

I don't recall having to unzip anything before, but the above worked for me this time.
I realised that I had different versions of the manual on my iPhone and iPad with the same title - maybe why it was crashing? I deleted my iPhone one. I then used your link Dave1 - thanks ( had to email it to myself). This downloads a zipped version. I opened that in an app called PDF export. Once I'd opened it I could then choose to open it in iBooks. Hope this helps someone else.

I don't recall having to unzip anything before, but the above worked for me this time.

Glad you got it sorted.