weekly Anita's 52 week thread 2013

Hi Anita
Still I think you could lose a little on the sides and overall its a bit flat as has been mentioned.
Whimsical is a really nice happy image :clap:, works well for the theme as you say the people are a bit distracting but unavoidable really
Yes he is jumping. He suddenly had a whim, in the middle of the street, to jump to the side and click his heels together.
Hi Anita, whimsical: I think I can see what you were after but there's something about the composition... perhaps a lower POV would have made him look like he was jumping higher?
Hi Anita

I'm liking the thinking behind your whimsical shot......doing a jig on a whim.....so for that a (y) a bit of eye contact may have lifted it a bit ?
Whimsical, one of the best for me. It just makes me smile :D

I like the expression on his face and the slight motion blur in the feet.

A tad wider, maybe.

Works for me too... the shadow on the ground behind him and the movement in the feet are the important factors it has that prevent him looking floaty - or pasted in....

Good catch... (not staged at all was it)?
Connection is brilliantly done, just a really fun idea, nicely executed.

I like beginning, it's a nice subtle conversion with really nice detail, but the clipped 'Emily' tag (I assume it's Emily) just bugs me a tiny bit.

I like the composition in Still, really draws you into the shot, lovely greens too.

Whimsical would be better without the people, as you said, and a bit of eye contact would be perfect.
Hi Anita

Curve the second pic works more than the plant pot though it could do with a slight crop right and bottom.

Power, the train for me although its a little to central in the frame,
you would maybe have to get a little lower in the frame for the picture of the boiler to work.

Solitude, what can I say obviously a clever choice for a pic (y)

Sweet, I have seen this type of pic lots of times before I think its one of those you either like or are not keen on unfortunately I am of the latter opinion, I am sure other people will like it you seem to have done a good job on it.
Hi Anita

Curve the second pic works more than the plant pot though it could do with a slight crop right and bottom.

Power, the train for me although its a little to central in the frame,
you would maybe have to get a little lower in the frame for the picture of the boiler to work.


Hi. Thanks for commenting.
I was undecided over the 'curve' pictures and will try a different crop.

I agree the train is a little central. I need to think a little more about the shot before taking it, but can be difficult sometimes. Think I panic a little when I have to do it quickly. I would have liked to have been a little lower for the train PIC to get in all the steam.
It wasn't possible to get lower for the boiler as it was in a cellar with limited access but know what you mean
Hi Anita

Sweet, I have seen this type of pic lots of times before I think its one of those you either like or are not keen on unfortunately I am of the latter opinion, I am sure other people will like it you seem to have done a good job on it.

I wanted to try out something different and make use of my diy lightbox . I tried some pictures of boiled sweets as well but you couldn't tell what they were. I must admit that having done the 'skittles' picture I'm not sure I like it either :)
Hi Anita, good catch up. (y)

Curve 2 is the pick of the bunch for me It just works, who knows why? :shrug: I just like it. ;)
I really like solitude, the beach and the sky with the distant mountains really give a feel of solitude, but the distant dog walker really tops it off. Great one. (Could maybe go a little bit clockwise?)

Sweet I don't think you should do yourself down on this one, you've obviously spent a long time setting this up and have gotten a good result from it. I feel it lacks a little bit of "pop", these are brightly coloured sweets and the image should be bright and colourful. Yours is a tad grey to my eye.

A tweak to the levels, or curves, or brightness / contrast whichever you prefer should yield good results, along with a smidge of saturation increase.. ;)

I had a quick play, >>>>>> linky <<<<<<<, edit on the right side, along with the levels control box I used.

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Sweet I don't think you should do yourself down on this one, you've obviously spent a long time setting this up and have gotten a good result from it. I feel it lacks a little bit of "pop", these are brightly coloured sweets and the image should be bright and colourful. Yours is a tad grey to my eye.

A tweak to the levels, or curves, or brightness / contrast whichever you prefer should yield good results, along with a smidge of saturation increase.. ;)

I had a quick play, >>>>>> linky <<<<<<<, edit on the right side, along with the levels control box I used.


Thanks for that. Its so much easier to have someone give you a practical example. I'll have a play on Photoshop :)
Hi Anita

Power....now that's a proper head of steam......I like everything about this shot from the leadline of the tracks , the tree's framing the engine & steam/smoke.....brilliant :clap: just a shame the engine wasn't the right way round :bonk:

Curve....#2 for me.....well spotted & shot....we should all look up more often cos there's some pretty amazing things above our heads (y)

Sweet...something else I've yet to try but I like your shot Not really ble to offer crit as not done it myself but I feel maybe slightly closer up to make the reflections in the droplets more obvious ?

Solitude...spot on theme & a great shot...might be tempted to lose a smidge off the bottom though ?

Fab catch up missus (y)
Hi Anita

Still - good shot with converging lines and focal point. Lacks a bit of impact i feel because a little on the dark side

Whimsical - Very good. You should be happy with that. A more shallow dof would have reduced the impact of the people behind.

Curve - #1 unusual to have a curve created by something broken but i prefer #2 as a better comp and more interesting subject - sort of BOGOF:)

Power - #1 for me .Others have said about pov and i think that i would have had it a bit closer to emphasise the power

Solitude - very good sky and hills on horizon. Figure may be a tad too small in the shot but good to include anyway. Could do with rotating clockwise to straighten horizon.

Sweet - not familiar with this sweet but you have made a good arrangement. Agree with Graham that more popping colour would help. Nice abstract feel too.

Cut by anitacv.1, on Flickr

Really struggled with light in this so if anyone has any tips about photographing in low light/candlelight I'd be grateful to hear from you. :help:
What a good idea :)

I like the light coming through bringing out the brighter orange without overdoing it.
Hi Anita

cracking idea for Cut...looks like you've handled the exposure well , orange oranges & blue blues , possibly a sdmidge blown on the cnadle light but I know it's not easy at all to get this type of shot right.....good work missus :clap:

Live, Raining then, nice colour in there and good focus on the rain.

Cut, dont think you could have done anymore with the exposure looks fine to me always difficult to get candlelight right you have done a good job (y)
Cut is a good take on the theme and well exposed considering the darks and very bright whites. I might have taken a small bit off the top.

Live another interesting take here, I like the focus on the water on the glass and I have to agree the weather is terrible lately.

Hi Anita,
what do you mean by struggling with the light? perhaps if you gave us more info we could help?

Seems to me you have done a pretty good job here in any case.

live I'm not that keen on. miserable day etc. I only like happy stories!

Good image for reflection, might have worked even better if you had just captured the glass it would have been quite abstract
Hi Anita,

I like the idea of food with the composition. I feel a splash of light from the front would help lift it and show a touch more detail.

Melt. Great colours, great idea and really well executed. Well done.:clap: