Be careful of the courier who deliver for MPB

Look at it from my point of view,would have anybody involved MPB or DPD have bother so much if I had not started this thread,I don't about you lot but I can't afford to write the amount paid for this camera.
Before this thread the only person I had spoke to was a lady on the phone,I have no e.mail from MPB or DPD to confirm my position about this item.

I will say the main blame lies with DPD,but also as MPB were the suppliers the only recourse I have is with them :shrug:

What else can I do nothing just wait and hope my parcel turn up :thinking:

If I understand your post correctly, are you saying you will be 'writing off' the money you have paid? If so, how?
Look at it from my point of view,would have anybody involved MPB or DPD have bother so much if I had not started this thread,I don't about you lot but I can't afford to write the amount paid for this camera.
Before this thread the only person I had spoke to was a lady on the phone,I have no e.mail from MPB or DPD to confirm my position about this item.

I will say the main blame lies with DPD,but also as MPB were the suppliers the only recourse I have is with them :shrug:

What else can I do nothing just wait and hope my parcel turn up :thinking:

So basically it's the businesses fault despite keeping you in the loop :cautious:

From what I can see there is no blame with MPB as they have behaved like a business should. Yet you're still continuing to slate them. I suspect you're just an awkward customer who will continue with their crusade despite what they do. The equipment has been delivered to a location near you. You cannot get to it, so it is the business's fault that your neighbour's are awkward. Am I reading this right?
So basically it's the businesses fault despite keeping you in the loop :cautious:

From what I can see there is no blame with MPB as they have behaved like a business should. Yet you're still continuing to slate them. I suspect you're just an awkward customer who will continue with their crusade despite what they do. The equipment has been delivered to a location near you. You cannot get to it, so it is the business's fault that your neighbour's are awkward. Am I reading this right?

I fail to see what mbp could have done in top of what they did. Other than personally drive an extra one to you which no company would ever do. Mistakes happen and the driver is to blame.
While my own experience of using MPB is mixed, I'm not sure what more they could have done in this instance.
Look at it from my point of view,would have anybody involved MPB or DPD have bother so much if I had not started this thread,
DPD - probably don't care about this thread, even in the unlikely event they know it exists. Every courier company has hundreds of complaint threads all over the internet.
MPB - the majority of people who have used them have nothing but praise for their professionalism, so I doubt this thread has made them do anything differently to what they would have done anyway. It's a shame you fel the need to make such a provocative thread title without first giving them the chance to resolve the issue in private.

I don't about you lot but I can't afford to write the amount paid for this camera.
Who has suggested you should? No-one. Don't be such a drama queen! :)
In the unlikely event it gets lost, MPB will have to refund you as it's not legally yours until they deliver it.
And, as I suggested about two pages ago, you could always request a refund under the DSR - the law requires them to refund you straightaway, regardless of how long it takes them to get it back from the courier.

Before this thread the only person I had spoke to was a lady on the phone,I have no e.mail from MPB or DPD to confirm my position about this item.
Did you ask for one? I'm sure MPB would have if you'd specifically requested it. Since YOU raised the issue publically, it is not unreasonable for them to reply in the same medium.
DPD probably won't give you much information becuase you are not their customer.

I will say the main blame lies with DPD,but also as MPB were the suppliers the only recourse I have is with them :shrug:
Agreed, and MPB appear to be doing their best to resolve the issue. You still haven't said what you think they should be doing that they haven't already done.

What else can I do nothing just wait and hope my parcel turn up :thinking:
Have a right royal whinge about it on the internet? ;)

I have to say, at first I had a lot of sympathy for your situation and could understand your reaction as being the flash of annoyance we all get when things outside your control go wrong. But your continuing complaining - without any suggested solutions - is now starting to reflect really poorly on you. Maybe step away from the computer and have a nice relaxing beer? :)

Try to have a chilled-out and enjoyable bank holiday (that applies to everyone!)
Think this was all resolved at post #66
DPD - probably don't care about this thread, even in the unlikely event they know it exists. Every courier company has hundreds of complaint threads all over the internet.
MPB - the majority of people who have used them have nothing but praise for their professionalism, so I doubt this thread has made them do anything differently to what they would have done anyway. It's a shame you fel the need to make such a provocative thread title without first giving them the chance to resolve the issue in private.

Who has suggested you should? No-one. Don't be such a drama queen! :)
In the unlikely event it gets lost, MPB will have to refund you as it's not legally yours until they deliver it.
And, as I suggested about two pages ago, you could always request a refund under the DSR - the law requires them to refund you straightaway, regardless of how long it takes them to get it back from the courier.

Did you ask for one? I'm sure MPB would have if you'd specifically requested it. Since YOU raised the issue publically, it is not unreasonable for them to reply in the same medium.
DPD probably won't give you much information becuase you are not their customer.

Agreed, and MPB appear to be doing their best to resolve the issue. You still haven't said what you think they should be doing that they haven't already done.

Have a right royal whinge about it on the internet? ;)

I have to say, at first I had a lot of sympathy for your situation and could understand your reaction as being the flash of annoyance we all get when things outside your control go wrong. But your continuing complaining - without any suggested solutions - is now starting to reflect really poorly on you. Maybe step away from the computer and have a nice relaxing beer? :)

Try to have a chilled-out and enjoyable bank holiday (that applies to everyone!)

Thanks will do i guess the sheer frustration of it all was getting to me,it took me a while to save up for it,was really looking forward to giving it a a try.

Jesus, nearly 24 hours later and you're still bleating on about this.

Please don't ever buy anything from my shop. You sound like one of those customers that nobody wants.
Jesus, nearly 24 hours later and you're still bleating on about this.

Please don't ever buy anything from my shop. You sound like one of those customers that nobody wants.

No i am one of those customers who when he pay for his goods like to have them.
Anyway wouldn't want to buy from your shop you sound like someone who doesn't who doesn't give a damn about the customer once the money has been taken :razz:
....did this thread really just turn into a 'ner ner nanner ner' type thing!?

Speaks volumes really.
No i am one of those customers who when he pay for his goods like to have them.
Anyway wouldn't want to buy from your shop you sound like someone who doesn't who doesn't give a damn about the customer once the money has been taken :razz:

That's a pretty childish statement. You don't know me or my business.

If this had happened after buying from me, I would have done everything MBP has done for you. EVERYTHING THEY CAN.
No i am one of those customers who when he pay for his goods like to have them.
Anyway wouldn't want to buy from your shop you sound like someone who doesn't who doesn't give a damn about the customer once the money has been taken :razz:


It must be patently clear to you by now that your stance on the mistake made by DPD's driver has had some empathy from others on here.

Your spiral into a huge blame game over how you feel about the retailer, their delivery agent followed by iterating over and over again then ignoring very lucid and correct reassurances about the legal position you are in - you then prattle on as if somehow something magical was going to soothe you and make everything OK. Instead all you have done is lose the empsthy and time and time again you heap blame on MPB who have publicly stated you would not lose money, and they would keep an eye on the matter over a Bank Holiday weekend.

The driver made an error which you have clearly stated has happened before. Errors occur in life especially in delivery services. The manner in which they sort it is a measure of commitment to thrir business.

In reading MPB they have done all thst they can to sott the problem which amounts to ALL they can do in the given circumstances.

That will also be the situation with DPD as the package is out of their reach if it is in the locked container owned and on the land of your neighbour. (Legal issues if you "break in" to the container)

With the assurances in place, the parcel secure (the contents of which are NOT YET yours), my advice is, calm down and find other reasons and events to channel your energy into in a more positive way.

We all make mistakes and if you ever find someone perfect (you perhaps?) in this life then please point them out and we can petition the post office to issue a stamp to commemorate that person.

Yes I am an MPB customer and have had excellent service even when I misunderstood something they made clear. DPD were excellent with my orders.

EDIT - Your new tthread title is poor and petulant.

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I havent read the whole thread but in fairness its nothing to do with MPB or DPD, its a problem with whoever was doing the deliveries that day. Ive never had any problems with DPD and like the way the text with an hour timeframe as opposed to most who say it can come at anytime between 8am and 7pm which doesnt help at all.

I dont know what the deal is with DPD but im pretty sure with UPS and Royal Mail the item is insured just in case things like this do happen, so even if the camera is gone youll still get the money back, it will take time though, you cant expect it to be sorted out in a day, youre probably looking at a few weeks!
I've followed the thread & tbh I would be just as angry & frustrated as the OP, especially coming up to a Bank-Holiday w/end.
I thought the (original) thread title was OTT too.

Fair play to the supplier for trying to sort it quickly, but at least it brings to their attention the issues purchasers can have with their chosen carrier & maybe their contract with them needs to be looked at/discussed.

As soon as the mistake was noticed, the carrier could have telephoned the driver & told him to re-deliver.

I can see both sides of the issue, but some of the comments towards the OP are, imho, a bit OTT in themselves.

Anyway, hopefully it will soon be sorted amicably & there won't be any ill feelings.
I've followed the thread & tbh I would be just as angry & frustrated as the OP, especially coming up to a Bank-Holiday w/end.
I thought the (original) thread title was OTT too.

Fair play to the supplier for trying to sort it quickly, but at least it brings to their attention the issues purchasers can have with their chosen carrier & maybe their contract with them needs to be looked at/discussed.

As soon as the mistake was noticed, the carrier could have telephoned the driver & told him to re-deliver.

I can see both sides of the issue, but some of the comments towards the OP are, imho, a bit OTT in themselves.

Anyway, hopefully it will soon be sorted amicably & there won't be any ill feelings.

Thanks, as for the carrier the driver refused to go back,then when MPB rung them again this morning they again refused to go,so MPB had to re book and pay them to return today,again no luck the cupboard is locked and no one is home.
I was unable to stay home to check if the people were at home due to commitment taking the kids from school out on an end of term trip.
So the carrier are refusing to return unless they are payed each time,so MPB have asked me to try and keep an eye out for them,but i have other commitment over the weekend castle trip for the kids tomorrow,plus i have little one Sunday,
So we have agree me and MPB if i can not get my goods buy Tuesday they will start the refund process and hopefully it wont take to long.
And they will make a claim against the carrier.
And of course, leaving a note for your neighbour with your mobile number would be just, er, too simple?
What happened to that beer I suggested? Blimey, you're making me stressed now!

New thread title is barely better than the last one - apportioning blame (what little there is) to the wrong people.

Seriously, step away from the keyboard. Because - with all respect - right now you're sounding like a whining toddler. With over 2,000 posts under your belt, you're clearly an old hand here, and it would be a shame if this is what defines your presence here.
Simon, do the very decent thing and go and edit the thread title. MPB have done nothing wrong.
I can see both sides of the issue, but some of the comments towards the OP are, imho, a bit OTT in themselves.

Absolutely agree, seems everyone feels the need to jump in and put the knife in :shrug:
Pure schadenfreude. I don't think I've enjoyed someone else's misfortune as much in a long time. I'm looking forward to the next posts. Thanks to all who have contributed so far, please keep it up.
So, badmouth a good company because a supplier let them down...

All delivery companies balls up. I have had great service off RMail but I know others haven't. I have been annoyed by City Link but sure others have been fine. They probably have told them to sort it out, but what do you expect them to do, get the MD to drive to the depot and shout at people???

You must be the customer people dread!


Actually I am the kind of customer that these people dread, because that's EXACTLY what I expect. If I pay someone to deliver a product on a day then that is what should happen. They need to move Heaven and Earth if it goes wrong.

There really should be a law that states that no-one in the supply chain gets their money UNTIL goods are successfully delivered.

Or adopt the American pizza delivery model: if it's wrong, it's free. They are never wrong!


Very different example there Chris and not really comparable. The Pizza drivers work for the Pizza companies and the company therefore has full control.

Actually I am the kind of customer that these people dread, because that's EXACTLY what I expect. If I pay someone to deliver a product on a day then that is what should happen. They need to move Heaven and Earth if it goes wrong.

There really should be a law that states that no-one in the supply chain gets their money UNTIL goods are successfully delivered.

Or adopt the American pizza delivery model: if it's wrong, it's free. They are never wrong!



You are the kind of customer I don't work for.

Though not in retail I am in a positiin of having something that brings clients to my door so I don't have to sell.

Your assertion that companies should not get paid till goods are delivered is OK for some products but for some it's a no go.

As for a "law" - we have way too many and where genuine mistakes occur and you are inconvenienced then as long as a reasonable effort is made to recover the situation then no amount of law would make one iota of a difference to the situation you found yourself in. Your package would still be in your neighbour's locked container. Genuine errors occur in life and have donr so in mine. How they are resolved does make the difference but your experience is one of those out of the ordinary moments.

I find that when I have issues wherein I have no control of the situation, where I know I cannot get a resolution until a fixed point in time then I refuse to sit and grow old in anger, upset and dyspepsia. I get on with life.

I feel for your situation as the main dynamic is that you don't mnow when your neighbours will retutn and nobody can oprn that container without a court order. Exceptional frustration for you.

In this situation I would expect the seller to refund you and for you to move on. The matter is now with the seller and courier. Their failure is no longer your problem as long as you are refunded at the earliest opportunity.

Enjoy the weather and chill, life really is too short.

Absolutely agree, seems everyone feels the need to jump in and put the knife in :shrug:

I agree as well, and in my eyes MPB are jointly responsible, I'm pretty sure the OP didn't ask for his parcel to be sent with DPD who do seem to have a name for messing up.

Perhaps MPB should offer alternative carriers, I know for an extra £2-£3 I would choose to have the item delivered by Special Delivery.

I suppose it's no consolation to the OP, but it seems DPD haven't singled him out for poor service, 3/10 doesn't seem like lots of happy customers.
dont think its just a dpd issue ive worked for a courier company and ive seen what they do anyone who has bought anything off me will attest to my packaging ritual

they are all terrible

im with simon here if there has been a mistake its down to mbp to sort out how they do this i dont know as i guess its the used V2 he bought that i was eying up so its not easy for them to replace ?
dont think its just a dpd issue ive worked for a courier company and ive seen what they do anyone who has bought anything off me will attest to my packaging ritual

they are all terrible

Agreed, it's why I made the comment of having Special Delivery as an option.

I think the problem is that MPB are making a profit on the delivery charge (Their delivery charge of £8.95 for a camera body on a large contract via courier is probably £3-£5 more than their actual cost).
Agreed, it's why I made the comment of having Special Delivery as an option.

I think the problem is that MPB are making a profit on the delivery charge (Their delivery charge of £8.95 for a camera body on a large contract via courier is probably £3-£5 more than their actual cost).

They also have to pay for packaging, their time, and after all they are a profit making venture at the end of the day. Almost all online companies use couriers for items like the ones MPB sell, so it's hardly MPB that are the odd ones out. I'm with many of the previous posters - I regard DPD as one of the best of a bad bunch.

As I said before, there's an inherent risk with deliveries. Things like tracking and compensation ensure those risks are kept to a minimum, but mistakes and errors do occur (even with Special D!).
They also have to pay for packaging, their time, and after all they are a profit making venture at the end of the day.

It could be argued that the profit should be made on the item being sold, not the postage.

Look at Amazon, they offer 2-3 day for free, and then a 2 day and 1 day courier as well as RMSD.

Tellingly, a camera kit from Amazon is £7.49 for RMSD, and they also have to pay for packaging and time (both business expenses).

Getting back to MPB, it wouldn't hurt their reputation to offer an additional service, let them keep their £8.95 "next day" delivery by Deceptive Parcel Deliveries ;), and then add an extra service at even £11.95 for those that would like more peace of mind and use RMSD.

It's all about good customer service at the end of the day.
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Comparisons only make sense on companies of an equivalent scale. Comparing MPB to Amazon is never going to be entirely logical.

(and, the word "tax" is another thing...)
....add an extra service at even £11.95 for those that would like more peace of mind and use RMSD.

It's all about good customer service at the end of the day.

That'll be Royal Mail that lost the 17-40mm I sent to fixation....