Canon 5D MKIII official owners/users thread, anything related to the 5D MKIII

There's no reason for that, as far as I know. Did you measure that, or is it just a feeling? ;)

As you may read here, that's with the 1D X and probably 1D X Mark II also, but not for the 5D III:

It's so obvious it doesn't need measuring! Dips to about 4fps possibly 3. And the autofocus is sluggish.

Even the manual states it may happen with less than 50% charge.

A battery grip won't cure it either because they still draw power from the batteries individually.

Something I didn't mention earlier because I always have them off but to also help write speeds have in camera noise reduction, htp and alo off.
I write to both cards, set the CF card to Raw, SD card to S1 (2880 largest side, jpeg), don't have an issue with speed. SD card is backup in jpeg or if I need to quickly pull into a laptop, ipad etc.
Fast cards are good for loading into lightroom. I use Sandisk extreme 60mb/sec 16gb and 32gb CF cards, 16Gb 45Mb/sec SD cards. generally the SD card stays in the whole time, can take a lot of images as backup.

Burst mode in sport, haven't yet overrun the buffer and had issues, including taking some race crash footage. Generally shoot motorsport and sunday morning football/rugby.
It's so obvious it doesn't need measuring! Dips to about 4fps possibly 3. And the autofocus is sluggish.

Even the manual states it may happen with less than 50% charge.

A battery grip won't cure it either because they still draw power from the batteries individually.

Something I didn't mention earlier because I always have them off but to also help write speeds have in camera noise reduction, htp and alo off.

Yes but they don't run one battery down before switching to the other so there is a benefit to having the grip and two batteries. Fair bit of shooting to get both batteries below 50%
Yes but they don't run one battery down before switching to the other so there is a benefit to having the grip and two batteries. Fair bit of shooting to get both batteries below 50%

Absolutely, for sports/wildlife/aviation I'd definitely use one. It sort of alternates doesn't it.

I suppose what i was trying to say is the grip does not increase the voltage and give any faster AF drive or anything like that.
Yes but they don't run one battery down before switching to the other so there is a benefit to having the grip and two batteries. Fair bit of shooting to get both batteries below 50%

I have two official Canon batteries and one third party one. The third party one complains it cant read from it, but works fine.
All three easily shoot over 1000 images before they drop to one bar remaining. I've never really needed to use a battery grip, nor particularly liked the extra size or weight, however if it works for you then thats whats important.
Thats a myth. Doesnt happen on my camera

Can't say I ever noticed it either when I had mine. Maybe because I generally put fresh batteries in every time and also never used it without a grip. It is mentioned in the manual though, although it doesn't give a rate.
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Apologies for the thread bump but wanting to get a few opinions on the 5D Mark III...

I currently use a 7D (Mark I) but am looking to upgrade, perhaps going full frame. With the release of the 5D Mark IV, have the prices of the Mark III come down much yet? I don't want to splash out if they are expected to fall a little more in a few months? All hypothetical of course but it was my understanding that the price of the Mark IV was relatively prohibitive so this hasn't affected Mark III prices yet? I'm referring to new bodies not second hand by the way.

Tl:dr - is now a good time to buy a new 5D Mark III body?
This is a good price.

There may be better......... You could save £200ish by buying 2nd hand.

Edit: In most respects you'll find it a huge improvement on a 7D.

Thanks, I'm aware of new prices (I've even used Hdew before to buy my 7D) but I'm more keen to know whether the prices of these bodies have fallen much since the release of the Mark IV? It was my understanding that they hadn't (and therefore they might be expected to fall in the short-term).
Just had mine delivered. I always 99.9% shoot raw any settings out of the box I should change without reading all 129 pages!

Also any recommendations for where to get a spare battery, official or non.
Turn off the option to shot with no card installed :)
As for batteries, my opinion is that when you're paying 5D3 prices, then it's best to stay with genuine batteries (YMMV).
So you're looking at between £60 and £75 depending on where you look from the usual suspects for a Gen LP-E6N
Non genuine batteries work, however you'l get a nag saying the battery won't communicate with the camera.
You get around 1500 shots per battery
I use Top-Max batteries in my 80D and have no issues at all. I originally got them for my 5Dmkiii off Amazon. I tend to rotate the batteries i use so my genuine Canon battery gets used just as much, but there is no notiable difference in shots taken etc as far as i can tell.
New to the 5D3 after years and years of using a 50D with nine focus points. Finding it a bit overwhelming to start with.

Firstly I usually use one point AF, but there are two options 1 spot AF and 1pt AF. I'm reading that spot is for more accuracy. Is one faster than the other, I can't see why you wouldn't choose spot all the time?

Secondly when I shoot football using AI servo would you change that to Zone AF or an expanded/surround set up?

Lastly back button AF which I use a lot with my 50D and you go to custom options to set up the AF-ON. Looking at the custom settings am I right in that the Mk3 AF-ON is already set up for back button AF I just need to turn off AF start on the shutter in custom controls and switch that to metering only?

Sorry for the questions 3 year late but this AF is a hell of an upgrade on what I had and the booklet isn't all that great. :LOL:
New to the 5D3 after years and years of using a 50D with nine focus points. Finding it a bit overwhelming to start with.

Firstly I usually use one point AF, but there are two options 1 spot AF and 1pt AF. I'm reading that spot is for more accuracy. Is one faster than the other, I can't see why you wouldn't choose spot all the time?

Secondly when I shoot football using AI servo would you change that to Zone AF or an expanded/surround set up?

Lastly back button AF which I use a lot with my 50D and you go to custom options to set up the AF-ON. Looking at the custom settings am I right in that the Mk3 AF-ON is already set up for back button AF I just need to turn off AF start on the shutter in custom controls and switch that to metering only?

Sorry for the questions 3 year late but this AF is a hell of an upgrade on what I had and the booklet isn't all that great. :LOL:
hi danny there is a booklet avalable for just the mk111 auto focus settings on canons web site if you search a bit. there is a link on this thread someware as well!
New to the 5D3 after years and years of using a 50D with nine focus points. Finding it a bit overwhelming to start with.

Firstly I usually use one point AF, but there are two options 1 spot AF and 1pt AF. I'm reading that spot is for more accuracy. Is one faster than the other, I can't see why you wouldn't choose spot all the time?

Secondly when I shoot football using AI servo would you change that to Zone AF or an expanded/surround set up?

Lastly back button AF which I use a lot with my 50D and you go to custom options to set up the AF-ON. Looking at the custom settings am I right in that the Mk3 AF-ON is already set up for back button AF I just need to turn off AF start on the shutter in custom controls and switch that to metering only?

Sorry for the questions 3 year late but this AF is a hell of an upgrade on what I had and the booklet isn't all that great. :LOL:
I tend to use the cross shaped focus points for football with I think, Case 5 - it has an icon of a footballer :)

I don't think mine was set up for back button focusing. If you select the Q - quick menu on the back, and then navigate to the button settings (about mid way on right of screen - sorry don't know how to describe this icon), it's really easy to change the functions of the buttons quickly. Another alternative is to use the preview button on the front of the camera so it switches from one shot to servo when you hold it. I used to use this method, but tend to use back button now, especially once I realised how quickly I could change it on the Q menu if needed.

I tend to use one 'square' rather than the finer point, but I'd think it depends on what you're shooting.

You can customise lots of things. I like to have the Set button so that when I hold it, I can change the ISO without taking my eye from the viewfinder.

Following on from the discussion above and the 5d3 AF. I have rented one out for a shoot this weekend and whilst fairly proficient with my camera (7d) the 5d3 is slightly different.

Can anyone point me in the right direction for which case, tracking sensitivity etc that i may need for this weekend?

It will primarily be used for a mountain bike shoot where most of the time i will be tracking a fast moving bike coming towards me or from the side and need the Af to keep up with the rider.

Thanks in advance.
Hello all, I have taken the plunge and ordered a 2nd hand mk3 yesterday. Have spent a few hours yesterday going through the pages here for tips and advice. Is there anywhere else to look, I found the Ken Rockwell site very useful when getting used to my mk2.
Hello all, I have taken the plunge and ordered a 2nd hand mk3 yesterday. Have spent a few hours yesterday going through the pages here for tips and advice. Is there anywhere else to look, I found the Ken Rockwell site very useful when getting used to my mk2.
snap ;-)
Few shots with the new toy.

I've uploaded them from my mobile the originals aren't that soft ? The 3 kids one is
Hi guys I'm sure it's been asked many times before however I can't seem to find it what grips do you guys use with the 5d Mark III I'm looking to get a new one as the one currently on my camera the joystick has fallen off I'm looking for a replacement not sure budget will stretch to a Canon genuine one was wondering what other brands you guys recommend I previously used handle ones and never had a problem with previous cameras any help is much appreciated cheers
Hi guys I'm sure it's been asked many times before however I can't seem to find it what grips do you guys use with the 5d Mark III I'm looking to get a new one as the one currently on my camera the joystick has fallen off I'm looking for a replacement not sure budget will stretch to a Canon genuine one was wondering what other brands you guys recommend I previously used handle ones and never had a problem with previous cameras any help is much appreciated cheers

I have a meike grip. Also used meike on other canon camera previously. Never had an issue with any of them
I have a meike grip. Also used meike on other canon camera previously. Never had an issue with any of them
Cheers for that I am tempted with either that one or hahnel one I've used them before and never had any issues but have heard a few issues with the 5d mk3
Hi guys I'm sure it's been asked many times before however I can't seem to find it what grips do you guys use with the 5d Mark III I'm looking to get a new one as the one currently on my camera the joystick has fallen off I'm looking for a replacement not sure budget will stretch to a Canon genuine one was wondering what other brands you guys recommend I previously used handle ones and never had a problem with previous cameras any help is much appreciated cheers

I use a genuine Canon one. I bought it second hand from MPB so keep an eye on their site. I would always go for a Canon version over third party, budget allowing, but buying used can make a lot of sense.
After using a not branded grip for about one year, I bought a genuine Canon, as the other grip started to fail. Camera did not awake sometimes by pressing any button, I had to remove the batteries first, then the camera showed "low batteries", even if the were 75% full. I know, there are many satisfied users of Meike and other copies, but I now just feel much better with the Canon grip. And even if there's not a lot difference by touching a plastic oder metal grip, I always had that fact in my mind and maybe there was a mind caused difference though. I use Canon grips on my 50D and the old 5D too. I got them used for the price a Meike or similar would cost new and they were completely unused by the previous owners.
Drinks Ladies...

Ive just started to use my 5Dmkiii again. Since getting my 80D about 6 months ago ive not touched the 5D. I had thought of selling it but was too lazy. Now we have darker days im finding the 5Dmkiii to be a winner again.
It does feel like a very old camera compared to the 80D, but ther lack of noise in my shots evens things out for now.

I just need to get used the size and weight increase again.

Very tempted to get the new 24-105L mkii to go with it. As much as i love the 24-70 f/2.8 mkii im used to a bit more reach now.
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