Canon 5d4 battery drain.

:confused: Tell you what, in the interest of fairness, let's have a straw poll:

Does anyone on this forum consider 6 days non-use to be a 'prolonged period' to the extent that they'd seriously consider removing a rechargeable lithium battery from a high-quality, pro-spec DSLR?
I have just fully charged a LP-E6N and placed it in my 5D4 and will check from time to time over the next few days how long the charge lasts. I notice that the battery is marked 2/3 for recharge performance. I also charged my second LP-E6N which also has 2/3 performance and 76%% charged but fully charged according to the charger. Are any of you seeing figures of less than 100% for a "fully charged" battery? Both batteries are about 2 years old.

This charger was originally for my 5D2 but is still recommended for the 5D4.

:confused: Tell you what, in the interest of fairness, let's have a straw poll:

Does anyone on this forum consider 6 days non-use to be a 'prolonged period' to the extent that they'd seriously consider removing a rechargeable lithium battery from a high-quality, pro-spec DSLR?

Indeed. A camera that when it was introduced cost £3.5k body only.

Quite shocking "customer service" from Canon.

Battery now down to 37%.
I have just fully charged a LP-E6N and placed it in my 5D4 and will check from time to time over the next few days how long the charge lasts. I notice that the battery is marked 2/3 for recharge performance. I also charged my second LP-E6N which also has 2/3 performance and 76%% charged but fully charged according to the charger. Are any of you seeing figures of less than 100% for a "fully charged" battery? Both batteries are about 2 years old.

This charger was originally for my 5D2 but is still recommended for the 5D4.

I could be wrong but I thought when the LP-E6N batteries came out, they couldn't be charged to full capacity with the older chargers. I seem to remember using my charger from the 7D2 rather than the 5D3 so that I got optimum charge for all of them.

I will do the same with my 5D4 and a LP-E6N.
I have just fully charged a LP-E6N and placed it in my 5D4 and will check from time to time over the next few days how long the charge lasts. I notice that the battery is marked 2/3 for recharge performance. I also charged my second LP-E6N which also has 2/3 performance and 76%% charged but fully charged according to the charger. Are any of you seeing figures of less than 100% for a "fully charged" battery? Both batteries are about 2 years old.

This charger was originally for my 5D2 but is still recommended for the 5D4.

I've just charged up a LP-E6N. The (5D4) charger showed a green light. According to the camera it was 96% charged and it said recharge performance was just 1/3. Maybe I could have left it longer - I removed it as soon as it was green. I will see how the charge goes in the next few days. I've removed the lens.
I've just charged up a LP-E6N. The (5D4) charger showed a green light. According to the camera it was 96% charged and it said recharge performance was just 1/3. Maybe I could have left it longer - I removed it as soon as it was green. I will see how the charge goes in the next few days. I've removed the lens.

You probably know this but the recharge performance is the general condition of the battery . According to Canon you should replace a battery when it shows just one red square. Well it all adds to the bottom line , doesn't it........
You probably know this but the recharge performance is the general condition of the battery . According to Canon you should replace a battery when it shows just one red square. Well it all adds to the bottom line , doesn't it........
Yes I realised about the condition, however before reading this thread I didn't realise they recommended replacing them when it gets down to 1/3. It will be interesting to see how it fares. I would expect it to drain even more quickly than one in good condition....
:confused: Tell you what, in the interest of fairness, let's have a straw poll:

Does anyone on this forum consider 6 days non-use to be a 'prolonged period' to the extent that they'd seriously consider removing a rechargeable lithium battery from a high-quality, pro-spec DSLR?

Still waiting to hear back from Canon. To say I'm furious is an understatement.
Glad it's not just me with Nikon ... they've had my D850 25 days so far and I'm still waiting for the rear TFT screen to be replaced. :(
Glad it's not just me with Nikon ... they've had my D850 25 days so far and I'm still waiting for the rear TFT screen to be replaced. :(

I can top that - I had to wait 3 months for a part to repair my 24mm PCE. Nikon repairs - and parts are glacially slow. No experience of Canon but with Nikon gear - you want to have duplicates of everything so that if you break something you have a working item,

Still waiting to hear back from Canon. To say I'm furious is an understatement.
Any word from Canon yet?

Nikon called me to say that they haven't done my little job yet and probably won't for at least another week!
At least a loan D850 is now on its way to me.
So at just under 4 full days (bar 90 minutes), my battery has gone from 96% to 93% - at less than 1% a day it is plainly is not draining as yours is @jerry12953, although I don't know if they drain 'linearly'. Perhaps when they are emptier they drain faster? This is with only a 1/3 recharge performance and turning it on on and off to check battery each day.

I won't continue to monitor it's performance as I want to use the camera tomorrow. I've been using my R which drains batteries pretty quickly when I use it - haven't tested that when not in use.
Same for me. In four days my charge has dropped from 100% to 98% so 1/2% a day so far. I will continue to check for a while as I do not think I will be using the camera. I emphasise again that us use mode 2 for GPS so GPS shuts down when the power is off. Also I have WiFi off as well.

My (rather old) AA Eneloops "dropped " from a claimed 1900 Mah to a tested 2135 Mah in roughly 3 years. Hence my opinion that LP-E6n packs are junk.

That was back in 2013, my AA Eneloops were bought, probably (but I am not certain) in this century yet in my 7D2 canon battery grip, they easily outlast and outlive two LP-E6/N packs at less than half the claimed capacity + they are cheaper too.

I really don't like the LP-E6 series packs - the older BP511 packs were much better.
Any word from Canon yet?

So at just under 4 full days (bar 90 minutes), my battery has gone from 96% to 93% - at less than 1% a day it is plainly is not draining as yours is @jerry12953, although I don't know if they drain 'linearly'. Perhaps when they are emptier they drain faster? This is with only a 1/3 recharge performance and turning it on on and off to check battery each day.

I won't continue to monitor it's performance as I want to use the camera tomorrow. I've been using my R which drains batteries pretty quickly when I use it - haven't tested that when not in use.

Same for me. In four days my charge has dropped from 100% to 98% so 1/2% a day so far. I will continue to check for a while as I do not think I will be using the camera. I emphasise again that us use mode 2 for GPS so GPS shuts down when the power is off. Also I have WiFi off as well.

Hence my opinion that LP-E6n packs are junk.

Thanks for the feedback folks.

The (more senior) Canon guy was due to phone me back on Thursday but as I was away selling stuff / earning a living I asked to postpone the call till today (Monday) Unfortunateley he then told me he was off on leave so it will have to wait till August 9th!

In his email he told me that LPE6n's in a 5d4 will lose charge at about 1% per day. Plus there is also a minor drain on the battery which keeps the (separate) internal clock battery charged up (or maybe that's included....?). So that's completely in line with other folks' experience. Mine became completely discharged after 8 or 9 days ie at about 12% per day. And that's after a "repair"!

The number of times I have been told that the battery will discharge if GPS is left on.....

I have sent him a very strongly worded email.

Interestingly I put a fully charged LPE6 (which according to Canon is only fit for disposal) in my 6D on the same day, and it has dropped to 73% thirteen days later. Its still showing fully charged on the top LCD.

They just talk complete BS some of these tech people........
It does point to your particular 5D4 having a problem or are the LP-E6N batteries not up to the job as Johnf suggested? While I am seeing good performance with holding charge from the current battery I am testing, I am not so sure about the other which I will test next. The charger turned green on two occasions but the camera indicated 76% charge. I have since tried charging again and on the second occasion, it was in the charger for over 12 hours before it finally turn green again. The camera also thought it was 100% charged as well. I do get the impression that there maybe an issue with these batteries or charging them.

I felt that I had to get an official Canon battery (rather than a compatible) or it would give Canon an additional excuse to wriggle out of their resonsibilities with my 5D4.

But apart from that i can't see any reason at all to buy a Canon-labelled battery in future. They're all probably out of the same factory anyway..........
I would agree with @Dave Canon that it would appear your 5D4 does have an issue.

I once purchased a genuine Canon battery on Amazon and I did wonder whether it was a clever copy. It was just a little different from the one that had come with the camera. I've never done any testing of any of my batteries and haven't noticed anyone of them underperforming - even the one I've tested with, with it's 1/3 recycle performance.

I still use my LP-E6s.
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When I had my D500 I had major issues with battery capacity, getting as little as 300-400 shots per charge and discussions with Nikon got me nowhere so I sent it to Nikon UK for repair. Eventually (40+ days later!!) they told me that there was nothing they could find wrong with it and everything was within expected standard, they 'serviced' it and sent it back ... lo and behold on return the problem had gone away!
When I had my D500 I had major issues with battery capacity, getting as little as 300-400 shots per charge and discussions with Nikon got me nowhere so I sent it to Nikon UK for repair. Eventually (40+ days later!!) they told me that there was nothing they could find wrong with it and everything was within expected standard, they 'serviced' it and sent it back ... lo and behold on return the problem had gone away!

That sort of thing makes you wonder. Can you believe anything these people say?

40 days though! Nikon seem to be quite shocking for repairs.
40 days though! Nikon seem to be quite shocking for repairs.

I thought so too ... my D850 needs a replacement rear TFT screen and they've had it 29 days as of today.
Apparently they have "issues" at the repair centre and as a consequence I am expecting a loan D850 to be delivered by DPD within the hour, it seems to me to be incredible that such a repair should not have been completed by now and the fact that I have a loan coming doesn't bode well for it being completed anytime soon.
Anybody spotted a lost DPD van? :(
It's all a conspiracy!
There was one up our road earlier on.

Yeah mine too, buddy but he was delivering, something on time,and no it wasn't from Nikon or Canon:LOL:,I honestly don't think "Nikanon" do on time. It's a shocking read.. this thread!! Jerry, Roger, I do hope both of you get sorted soon lads ...this is SO wrong.

Ha, i'd like the MD of canon UK to have stood, foot for foot, beside me and do what I did to get my little dream toys that cost a fortune(it is ,to me a blumming fortune) . I'd lay a bet in a coupe of years when he could stand straight( ok if he didn't get killed in the process, and I'm for once not joking there) customer service might change somewhat. Sure it will never happen ,but the thing is I think these two companies may well get a wake up call shortly I think we are seeing that happen. already...... droves of togs are moving away it is actually really sad isn't it:(

I feel for ya both lads I really do,it utterly should not be like this:

I so want to sing the praise of the folks that have those incredible brains,that make this gear. The gear that allows me to try and capture sommiit;) LMAO what ever that might be .......

In all honesty I probably still can: they are just part of a machine and god they do well. The machine though is not performing terribly well at times it's a real shame

With companies of this size surely they should just do right by their customers no messing about ... eg: ".Roger we are having a probs in the tech dept we'll bung ya a D thingy:LOL: keep ya going,while we sort things out"..................".Jerry, Hmm that don't sound quite right,We'll have a play!! Here's a new body to keep ya earning (your XXXXX,my lens my body are amazing LIVING ) while we get out heads down" and then own the fact if it isn't right. But to a massive concern ownership can also huge l

This should be base manners ( HONOUR) base customer service for folks that have spent thousands,their should be no messing no blagging.

It should be simple................. common....................... decency

Jerry I spent 6 K with canon the tool I bought is stunning amazing , not worthy springs to mind:). that's my only brand new purchase and it was to coin a phase a proper kicking

From the off lies,only canon can ever own that . I'm not bitter the tools are stunning it's just plain sad tis all.

all the luck both;)
Yeah mine too, buddy but he was delivering, something on time,and no it wasn't from Nikon or Canon:LOL:,I honestly don't think "Nikanon" do on time. It's a shocking read.. this thread!! Jerry, Roger, I do hope both of you get sorted soon lads ...this is SO wrong.
I recently had to have the top plate replaced on my 5D4. I was notified when it arrived and 3 days later notified it was in transit back to me. This is my only experience of sending anything off to them and I was impressed by their speed. I am a silver member of CPS which may have made a difference.

For @jerry12953 though, this issue/problem/fault must be extremely frustrating - I wasn't trying to belittle your experience by calling it an issue by the way, I just wanted to confirm that your camera's battery is definitely draining beyond my own cameras. Best of luck getting this sorted when your man returns on the 9th.

My same battery (reminder - started at 96% and 1 out of 3 on the recharge capacity) is now at 42% having been left in the camera for 8.5 days and used to take over 450 photos last night. This makes me think that there is no need to replace a battery just because the recharge capacity is only 1 out of 3. It is doing okay.
I'm just wondering how many other people on here with a canon 5d4 have problems with batteries draining over a period of time? I've had a whole series of Canon dslr's without having a hint of battery drain, even if I've left them switched on. However my 5d4 drains over a period of about a couple of weeks.

I sent it for repair under guarantee when allegedly a couple of circuit boards were replaced. However it's still just the same.

This just shouldn't be the case, so I'm going to take it up with Canon - make a bit of noise , as it were.
I'm told by an electronics guy that while the older cameras/gadgets had simple processors. The newer all singing and dancing versions use an advanced processor (whatever it's called) that stays on and needs to draw a current for reasons I cant remember.
The newer ones do drainmore, mine do, my mates do and my good ladies does. My old 30d (used for exploring) doesn't, leave that 6 months no problems.