Canon EOS R Series Cameras

I know this question is really too early to ask as I am getting very excited about using the R7 and processing the RAW files.
Hence why I ask that DPP can convert R7 RAW to DNG so I can open in my LR Classic
Not sure if you can get the latest version of DPP ahead of getting the camera but if you can you could download an R7 raw file and give it a go with your set up.
Slowly losing the will to live waiting for the R7 .... not a peep from Park cameras.

Checking my e-mails (several times) everyday, requesting I settle the balance after the deposit. Nothing yet from LCE. I think it's safe to assume we missed the first batch to arrive in the UK. I'd heard a rumour, August will be the next batch.

I don't mind the wait but updates wouldn't go amiss, from whatever source.
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I don't mind the wait but updates wouldn't go amiss, from whatever source.


To be honest I am more than happy with my 7D MKII but I have the money sitting there from selling all my Sony gear (and a load of Canon stuff) and i want NEED to spend it as soon as possible :LOL:

I have actually started looking at the Sony A1 (which is 3 times the price) and if Sony bring out a A9 MKIII with a 35/40mp sensor while I'm waiting for the R7 Canon would see my order cancelled in an instant.

To be honest I am more than happy with my 7D MKII but I have the money sitting there from selling all my Sony gear (and a load of Canon stuff) and i want NEED to spend it as soon as possible :LOL:

I have actually started looking at the Sony A1 (which is 3 times the price) and if Sony bring out a A9 MKIII with a 35/40mp sensor while I'm waiting for the R7 Canon would see my order cancelled in an instant.

I will sell my 7Dii, simply because I do want a collection of cameras,
Also the wife will be moaning if I do not sell ! !
I will sell my 7Dii, simply because I do want a collection of cameras,
Also the wife will be moaning if I do not sell ! !

I actually kept my 7D (MK1) for this moment, to use to part finance the R7, it sat in a drawer for the last few years and I traded it just a few weeks ago, along with an X-T10 and some Fuji glass.

I was suprised how good the 7D looked when I appraised it before asking for a quote, it looked almost like new. It felt a shame to part with it until I remembered that sensor, which I never got on with.

Anyway, it's behind me now, looking forward to getting my R7, eventually.
I actually kept my 7D (MK1) for this moment, to use to part finance the R7, it sat in a drawer for the last few years and I traded it just a few weeks ago, along with an X-T10 and some Fuji glass.

I was suprised how good the 7D looked when I appraised it before asking for a quote, it looked almost like new. It felt a shame to part with it until I remembered that sensor, which I never got on with.

Anyway, it's behind me now, looking forward to getting my R7, eventually.

I understand your feeling about the 7D, it was my first decent DSLR after my 450D and I loved it and though the 7Dii was an improvement I did not think it was a big step forward. IMO about one half to two stops better than 7D. Yes the AF system was very good and the inclusion of second card slot for SD was nice touch.

I will sell my 7Dii + battery grip & L bracket.
I sold my 5D4 to fund the R7. This left me just my M50 (which to be fair I used more anyway). I’m now thinking I don’t really need the R7 as life got a lot easier now that I don’t have to over think what camera to take out.

This why I do not want a collection of cameras, just 2 is enough.
R7 to do everything and Sony A6600 for traveling, days out etc as is is small !
This why I do not want a collection of cameras, just 2 is enough.
R7 to do everything and Sony A6600 for traveling, days out etc as is is small !
Yeah. I plan on still using my M50 a lot, and also for holidays.
Seems stable going back to crop only after all these years, but I much prefer Mirrorless cameras. Maybe one day I’ll get a FF one.
I don't mind the wait but updates wouldn't go amiss, from whatever source.
I recently pre-ordered an Olympus camera. Ordered in Feb, arrived in June and didn’t get a single update. I enquired 2 or 3 times and always got a speedy response. In my feedback I let them know some updates would have been welcome. I was worried I might miss the email that said it was in stock.
I have contacted the retailer regarding my R7 order and they informed me Canon have shipped less than they were informed !
Therefore there will be another delay in receiving the R7 the excuse was world shipping issues !

If it makes you feel any better. I waited 7 months for my R5 :D
Cliffton Cameras
Do you know what number you are in list? I have ordered from them as well and had no update and when I called I was told it could be a couple of months.
Prior to the release of the R7 I was looking to replace my 7Dii with an R6. My main interest when I bought the 7Dii were wildlife and aviation but I am finding I'm also doing a lot more landscape recently.
The vast majority of the online chatter regarding the R7 is around its use for nature photography - particularly bird photography.
I'm aware good photos can be taken with any camera but there seems to be an idea that Full Frame is a big step up in image quality - technique being the same compared to Crop Sensor.
My question is how does the R7 compare with the R6 for image quality for landscape work please ? Or do I have to decide which is my main priority when choosing a body ?
My question is how does the R7 compare with the R6 for image quality for landscape work please ? Or do I have to decide which is my main priority when choosing a body ?

I would take the R6 for landscape, the R7 for wildlife .... or spend the extra and get the R5 which will do landscape better than the R6 and wildlife better than the 7D MKII (and won't be far off the R7 either)
Prior to the release of the R7 I was looking to replace my 7Dii with an R6. My main interest when I bought the 7Dii were wildlife and aviation but I am finding I'm also doing a lot more landscape recently.
The vast majority of the online chatter regarding the R7 is around its use for nature photography - particularly bird photography.
I'm aware good photos can be taken with any camera but there seems to be an idea that Full Frame is a big step up in image quality - technique being the same compared to Crop Sensor.
My question is how does the R7 compare with the R6 for image quality for landscape work please ? Or do I have to decide which is my main priority when choosing a body ?
Until there are reliable reviews of the R7 who can say. I expect it will be the same as DSLRs with full frame being better for landscape. Perhaps use the Canon free hire service although the R7 was not listed the last time I looked.
Prior to the release of the R7 I was looking to replace my 7Dii with an R6. My main interest when I bought the 7Dii were wildlife and aviation but I am finding I'm also doing a lot more landscape recently.
The vast majority of the online chatter regarding the R7 is around its use for nature photography - particularly bird photography.
I'm aware good photos can be taken with any camera but there seems to be an idea that Full Frame is a big step up in image quality - technique being the same compared to Crop Sensor.
My question is how does the R7 compare with the R6 for image quality for landscape work please ? Or do I have to decide which is my main priority when choosing a body ?
Before the R7 was announce I would have in the near future purchased a used R6 for airshows, portrait, wildlife, in fact everything ! ! lol
Used the R6 is apx £1800-£2000 and now the R7 is on the scene everything apart from landscape will be performed by the the R7, for me that it is.

I would love to go on a Nick Page, Branden Van Son, Thomas Heaton etc landscape work shop, and for that type of photography FF would be a must for dynamic range and more importantly the ISO level which noise appears. So I would boy either EOS RP or R as they are cheap enough and reasonable quality.
i do not need eye / object AF tracking as most focusing will be done manually.
I’ve seen some fantastic landscape shots taken on everything from a pocket camera to a medium format. I disagree that FF is a must. Sure, if you can afford more than one camera then go for it, I’d do the same, but no, it’s not a must at all IME.

I think we like to justify our purchases more than we need to. Nothing wrong with wanting better etc, but if you can’t get a good shot with a half decent camera, buying a more expensive one is not the real answer.
Before the R7 was announce I would have in the near future purchased a used R6 for airshows, portrait, wildlife, in fact everything ! ! lol
Used the R6 is apx £1800-£2000 and now the R7 is on the scene everything apart from landscape will be performed by the the R7, for me that it is.

I would love to go on a Nick Page, Branden Van Son, Thomas Heaton etc landscape work shop, and for that type of photography FF would be a must for dynamic range and more importantly the ISO level which noise appears. So I would boy either EOS RP or R as they are cheap enough and reasonable quality.
i do not need eye / object AF tracking as most focusing will be done manually.

The r7 probably has better dynamic range than the RP. I like the rp and have used it for a range of things, but it’s not the best if you want to push the files in post.
The r7 probably has better dynamic range than the RP. I like the rp and have used it for a range of things, but it’s not the best if you want to push the files in post.

yep, that would be my choice the A7iii !

I was just mentioning cost as the RP is pretty cheap ( for me personally, as I already have canon L glass), unlike Nick Page, Branden Van Son, Thomas Heaton as the workshops are pretty expensive, well expensive for me !
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I expect it is part PR/marketing stunt to gauge demand but this year the shortage of semiconductors is seriously impacting several industries. Perhaps they should have waited until their supply chain improved but this does not seem to be the way things are done.
If you multiply the number of camera shops x the number of cameras delivered to each, why would Canon Uk sit on hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of equipment for several months? Cameras they have paid Canon for? At the same time having buyers cancel because they won’t wait?
The r7 probably has better dynamic range than the RP. I like the rp and have used it for a range of things, but it’s not the best if you want to push the files in post.

I am glad you commented about the RP as i was debating if a cheap ish RP appear in used section I was tempted to get for landscape, however now I will properly get either EOS R or Sony A7iii !
If you multiply the number of camera shops x the number of cameras delivered to each, why would Canon Uk sit on hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of equipment for several months? Cameras they have paid Canon for? At the same time having buyers cancel because they won’t wait?
Probably because they have not not made the cameras yet. Similar to the new car situation.
Anyone know how or if you can change the size of the focus box in single point ?
I sometimes feel like cancelling my order and waiting till it all settles down. This would also mean I can try and shop elsewhere if I see any stock.
The other part of me hopes i won’t have to wait too long. It’s the wait that’s killing me lol.

Nothing to stop you looking elsewhere, if you find one just cancel your order with WEX.

As I read more and more about the camera I am both impressed and a little disappointed, the slow readout of the sensor is causing some serious rolling shutter problems in 30fps mode and the high ISO can be very hit and miss in how much noise you get.

If mine doesn't come in the next batch (end of July) I will be cancelling and continue with my 7D MKII until after the new year. I really wanted the R7 for this weekend (RIAT) and once the dark and gloomy days and nights start the camera will be less interesting to me.
Nothing to stop you looking elsewhere, if you find one just cancel your order with WEX.

As I read more and more about the camera I am both impressed and a little disappointed, the slow readout of the sensor is causing some serious rolling shutter problems in 30fps mode and the high ISO can be very hit and miss in how much noise you get.

If mine doesn't come in the next batch (end of July) I will be cancelling and continue with my 7D MKII until after the new year. I really wanted the R7 for this weekend (RIAT) and once the dark and gloomy days and nights start the camera will be less interesting to me.

I have watch quite a few YouTube videos about 30fps and rolling shutter and I think this was to be expected from what is a revamp sensor, though I will be using mechanical 15fps most of the time.
ISO noise, again I expected this because it is crop sensor and my Sony A6600 has noise, though better than my 7Dii !
Nothing to stop you looking elsewhere, if you find one just cancel your order with WEX.

As I read more and more about the camera I am both impressed and a little disappointed, the slow readout of the sensor is causing some serious rolling shutter problems in 30fps mode and the high ISO can be very hit and miss in how much noise you get.

If mine doesn't come in the next batch (end of July) I will be cancelling and continue with my 7D MKII until after the new year. I really wanted the R7 for this weekend (RIAT) and once the dark and gloomy days and nights start the camera will be less interesting to me.
Yeah. My reason for cancelling first world be so I'm not looking at my emails everyday excepting to see one from WEX. My reason for not cancelling is although i was 4 days late, i am at least in to upper half of the list (i assume), plus the adapter. Im in no hurry as such, but i hate waiting.
I must admit the more ‘reviews’ i see, the less excited i am, but i do still want it. Not going to to worry too much about the electronic shutter. Ill never need to shoot that fast. IBIS and the AF are the two things i feel i need. Also the video mode seems better implemented than on my M50, and should encourage me to shoot more video (especially with IBIB).

Also feel the same about missing out on the summer, but either way im using a crop camera so not something that will put me off (as longs as the quality is on par, or betters the M50). Id quite often chose the M50 over my 5D4 anyway, so im used to noise. For me its features over ultimate IQ that i go by.