Daily Carol's 365 from 12th December 2012 - A Year of Happiness

no buts! flowers that can be purchased in a Florist NOT a Greengrocer! :LOL:
"Come Dine With Me" in the South?? ;) Dont like cauliflower and dont like cheese sauce so looks like dinner just for two then .... unless Matt joins in :)
"Come Dine With Me" in the South?? ;) Dont like cauliflower and dont like cheese sauce so looks like dinner just for two then .... unless Matt joins in :)

Ah see...no..yeah....(crash)... I only have two plates .....three knives. Two forks and one spoon... Its rather a 'Ted rogers' round here at the moment...
so two sittings then ? :)
HA!!! I dont think so ....... seen you're shot of the multiple yous and know you have a sofa AND chair - plates on knees and good DVD :)
hmmmmmmm ....... well one chair is enough anyway :)
I can but try :D Or is that I'm trying as many have pointed out to me in my very few years :thinking:
errrr........ I think so :thinking: :LOL:
Thanks Jeff :) will try that one
Ok Guys - I am going to have to cheat just a teeny weeny bit today as I didnt manage to take any photos yeasterday at all - except for my daughters boyfriend showing me a few tricks with lights and the camera :D and they are not good enough to put on here so I went out today(with some bread for the ducks) and guess who came for a bite to eat??? Mr Heron!!! Two years!!... yes TWO years I have been trying to capture him up close but never been able to - he's always stayed at the other side of the lake and as my strongest lens is my 80-200mm I just couldnt get good enough shots of him but today he made my day by standing no more than 6 feet away from me so I took as many as I could get before he flew off to another part of the lake. So the title of todays shot (well yesterdays) is JOY as that is what I felt when I saw him :D
No editing done on this one at all yet so critique is welcome :)

261212 by CTB SNAPS, on Flickr
261212 (1) by CTB SNAPS, on Flickr

And this shot was stood right next to him - am quite pleased with the shot though am sure there are a few 'defects' on it
Loving that second shot Carol. I was just thinking how it might look close up....and bham ...you post one up close.. Well done. Though viewing it on my phone..i like the crop.
Loving that second shot Carol. I was just thinking how it might look close up....and bham ...you post one up close.. Well done. Though viewing it on my phone..i like the crop.

Thanks Kev :) No crop on either one - that is how close I got to him - right up close :D Had another even closer but the b/g looks like he's moving at a very igh speed :LOL: Love taking photos of these birds - even if they dont do as you want them to :)
Thanks Kev :) No crop on either one - that is how close I got to him - right up close :D Had another even closer but the b/g looks like he's moving at a very igh speed :LOL: Love taking photos of these birds - even if they dont do as you want them to :)

By crop..I apologise I meant close up.. Slippage of the tongue..
:) Glad you like it though :)
Great shots of the Heron Carol.....for me they are your best shots to date(probably because I only normally do bird photography, so I do lean towards bird shots)...
Fantastic shots carol, Xmas can be a hard time to get photos as we are usually to busy, these are lovely shots tho especially as they played ball for you being so close
Great shots of the Heron Carol.....for me they are your best shots to date(probably because I only normally do bird photography, so I do lean towards bird shots)...

Wow! Thanks Lee :) That coming from someone who does Bird Photography is a compliment in itself :) I am very pleased with them I have to admit - even got one of him in flight and will try and get it on here so you can see - not the best shot but I like it :)
Fantastic shots carol, Xmas can be a hard time to get photos as we are usually to busy, these are lovely shots tho especially as they played ball for you being so close

Thanks T :) other shots are in my album on my page :)
You have every right to be pleased with them.... and, in flight shots are much harder generally anyway...
carolthomasburns said:
Thanks T :) other shots are in my album on my page :)

I was just looking at them on fb, you've done well lots of good ones :)
started to rain as I got to shot 150 so took a few more and came home :) Smiling all the way :)