Answered 'Critique' or not 'Critique'?

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We have several times recently had issues over critique being offered on photos posted in the 'Photo Genres - Sharing & Critique' Forums.
It has been felt by some that critique should only be offered in this section if the 'Critique' Prefix is applied, however it has always been the case that critique is offered in the 'Photo Genres - Sharing & Critique' Forums.

Those who do not wish to receive critique are generally pointed to the 'Photos: For Pleasure' part of this Forum, which states:-
This is a forum for sharing those photos for which you require no critique at all. Photos you have taken just for fun, or silly snapshots. Please do not offer any critique in this forum.

Bearing in mind the 'Critique' Prefix now being available, how should we view offering critique in the 'Photo Genres - Sharing & Critique' Forums where the Prefix is not used?

In essence is critique now restricted to photos where the 'Critique' prefix has been applied?
Is there a prefix for No Critique? If not maybe one should be added as i'd see anything added to the Critique sections as open to Crit!
That's my thinking too. :)
Bearing in mind the 'Critique' Prefix now being available, how should we view offering critique in the 'Photo Genres - Sharing & Critique' Forums where the Prefix is not used?

It's not available in the Photos for Pleasure Forum, well not for me anyway
It's not available in the Photos for Pleasure Forum, well not for me anyway
No Ingrid, it's in all of the others ... that one is specifically assiged as not for critique. :)
The reason that photo's for pleasure was started, was that it was a "safe haven" for people to post what ever they wanted to.
With no critique to be offered in there.
All other photo sharing forums were for critique.
If you didn't want critique then you needed to stipulate from the outset of posting.

This all used to be in the rules.
But it seems its no longer there..
The reason that photo's for pleasure was started, was that it was a "safe haven" for people to post what ever they wanted to.
With no critique to be offered in there.
All other photo sharing forums were for critique.
If you didn't want critique then you needed to stipulate from the outset of posting.

This all used to be in the rules.
But it seems its no longer there..
Maybe the Prefix 'No Critique' is needed or the Prefix 'Critique' needs to go? :)
Maybe the Prefix 'No Critique' is needed or the Prefix 'Critique' needs to go? :)

The Critique prefix was brought in to replace the In Depth Critique section of the forum as it wasn't getting much use.

I was of the mindset (and I still am) that anything posted anywhere other than Photos for Pleasure was there to be critiqued but there was quite a desire for the Critique prefix among the members at the time iirc.
The Critique prefix was brought in to replace the In Depth Critique section of the forum as it wasn't getting much use.

I was of the mindset (and I still am) that anything posted anywhere other than Photos for Pleasure was there to be critiqued but there was quite a desire for the Critique prefix among the members at the time iirc.
I feel it now needs clarifying to avoid 'issues'. :)
I think it a real shame that critique (for whatever reason) seems to have fallen by the wayside. Looking critically at a photograph and finding its plus or negative points was one one of the most valuable learning tools. I think photos posted anywhere but photos for pleasure are open fir critique
Never used a prefix, don't really see why anything other the the NSFW is needed if things are posted in the correct forums
and no idea what TP2.0 means

I agree with Hugh, but I have noticed in the past few years some people seem to get upset at anything but the "great picture" replies so perhaps that is what this is for, perhaps all we need is the no critique or another line under the avatars to state it

On which subject, the only reason I had "NO" to editing my pictures is because one previous member could not accept
that his pictures were anything but perfect and would then ruin other peoples, including mine, by editing them to their taste,
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I usually try to provide a little crit for others and appreciate it when they do the same for me.
I think it a real shame that critique (for whatever reason) seems to have fallen by the wayside.
Image posting on Face book has a lot to answer for IMO.

Photos for Pleasure was there to be critiqued but there was quite a desire for the Critique prefix among the members at the time iirc.
That's exactly how I remember it also (y) previous member could not accept
that his pictures were anything but perfect and would then ruin other peoples, including mine, by editing them to their taste,
You are not alone in that.
.It was months before I realised that swans "over there" were not a subspecies and not naturally blue ;)

and no idea what TP2.0 means
I'm surprised its still there TBH. I was for identifying issues when we swapped servers.
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On which subject, the only reason I had "NO" to editing my pictures is because one previous member could not accept
that his pictures were anything but perfect and would then ruin other peoples, including mine, by editing them to their taste,

IIRC, I did that for the same reason.

.It was months before I realised that swans "over there" were not a subspecies and not naturally blue ;)

Maybe swans are so cold up there that that's how he remembered them...

As far as the original point raised, I think that the poster of the shots that inspired this thread would have been happy with some helpful critique but was (IMO rightly) a bit PO with the criticism aimed at the shots.
Not snacking on?
Tricky. When does comment become critique? Nice, good, not your best? Good but not my cup of tea?
I was of the mindset (and I still am) that anything posted anywhere other than Photos for Pleasure was there to be critiqued but there was quite a desire for the Critique prefix among the members at the time iirc.
No I didn't you misqouted Marc by leaving the first bit off your quote :p
Once more for the people at the back of the class :p
you cropped it to suit yourself .. with screen grab quote not me :rolleyes:
Full quote above underlined part the important part ..
Note the anywhere other than part
Once more for the people at the back of the class :p
you cropped it to suit yourself .. with screen grab quote not me :rolleyes:
Full quote above underlined part the important part ..
Note the anywhere other than part

No I didn't I took a screenshot of your quote from Marc, sorry if I wrongly assumed that is what had been said
so didn't go back to check the post
So one last time a SCREENSHOT of the entire message with your actual quote highlighted :rolleyes:

Last time, photo's for pleasure is critique free (y)
Phew :)
So can you critique "photos for pleasure" or not? :exit: