Do you see a tint

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I have processed this image in Lightroom on my calibrated Dell IPS screen, every other screen I view the image on it has no tint, it just looks monochrome.
All these 'other screens' are my laptop, my works cheap desktop and a few friends laptops.
I thought people here would have a decent display, so do you see an tint or just B&W? I have a print in the post so I guess that will solve things.

When I first looked I thought I could see a slight yellowy sepia tint.

Then my eyes just reverted to black and white.
I can see the difference between the two on a few screens / devices
There is a slight tint,which is very obvious when compared to the second image, even on my ipad. The sepia border makes it stand out even more I think.
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This simplest way to find out is to hover the mouse over any part of the image and see if the rgb values are the same. (in an image editor, unless there is a browser plugin that does it)

In the first image there is a small difference between the r,g & b values with red being highest, green in the middle and blue the lowest, but only about 1% separating the values.

The second image has equal rgb values.

The top one "looks" sepia to me.
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Yes definitely a slight yellow-green tint. I like it.
This simplest way to find out is to hover the mouse over any part of the image and see if the rgb values are the same. (in an image editor, unless there is a browser plugin that does it)

In the first image there is a small difference between the r,g & b values with red being highest, green in the middle and blue the lowest, but only about 1% separating the values.

The second image has equal rgb values.

The top one "looks" sepia to me.

Instant Eyedropper is great for this, it's a free little utility that just sits in the system tray, when you need to just drag the mouse pointer from it to something on the screen and the hex triplet of the colour is shown.
Thanks everyone, I'll have a look at the instant eyedropper tool.