Dog schidt

No, I'm saying you can buy a replacement 5d for £300. I recently sold one for that in very good condition.

What have keys and teeth got to do with loading film? WTF??!
Hmm... problem is - no control of supply, people would just get one off eBay. It's also a little too easy for hipsters to accept. You need to trick them into thinking that they've actually worked hard to achieve their artistic results.

ahh but these would be special 'lomofilters' guaranteed to be like really hip man :LOL:

(lets face it having lots of old cameras easily available on ebay didn't stop hipsters from buying into the whole lomography thing)
Maybe just rip-off the lomography business model - find a Chinese manufacturer making exceptional s***ty plastic lensed digital cameras, get sole retailing rights, change the price from £7 a unit to £169.99, make an online store complete with hipster marketing, sit back and flog this dying hipster horse (my brother just grew a hipster beard and got a silly side-parting haircut - a sure sign of a trend being in it's death throes is when sensible middle-class business men adopt it!).
The Petzval lens raised about $1 million on kickstarter and costs about £500. Seems to be a hipster market out there for this type of crap. The Nikon 58 Noct I've never heard of being £400 though.
nope il show u my tumblrs if u like :)

im a real person. they didnt believe me on back henry street either, but i am honestly truely a real person, i dont know who scrivens is, they accused me of being someone called westy on there.

Your pics are fine. I'm not having a go at your photographic ability - I just can't stand companies like dog schidt lenses because it's simply well marketed crap, a la lomography.

BTW, probably be worth edit your post and adding a NSFW tag onto you links.
well moose i uploaded a pic of my photography equipment pile for u as proof im me not some scriven (on page 1)
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We need to get on the next big thing - how about we create a market in taking images through the bottom of old bottles instead of lenses. We get a glass recycling centre to supply the bottles in bulk cheap - then we get a Chinese manufacturer to do us body caps with the centres cut out in bulk - and we pay a bunch of gullbile morons piece work rates to glue the two together - then we sell them on a suitably hip site at "only" £20 each .. each one is different so every effect will be unique (but s***e)

You heard it hear first - one day Rodney we'll be millionaires ;)
well my lens's are goingthat way anyway, i keep finding new scratching and crap in them :\ so expensive to have em cleaned or fixed though. but i wont have to worry with this new one
We need to get on the next big thing - how about we create a market in taking images through the bottom of old bottles instead of lenses. We get a glass recycling centre to supply the bottles in bulk cheap - then we get a Chinese manufacturer to do us body caps with the centres cut out in bulk - and we pay a bunch of gullbile morons piece work rates to glue the two together - then we sell them on a suitably hip site at "only" £20 each .. each one is different so every effect will be unique (but s***e)

You heard it hear first - one day Rodney we'll be millionaires ;)

That is genius.
The Petzval lens raised about $1 million on kickstarter and costs about £500. Seems to be a hipster market out there for this type of crap. The Nikon 58 Noct I've never heard of being £400 though.

Oh aye... you could pick up a used for less that £500 around a decade or so ago. Same with crappy anamorphic projector lenses.. they were dirt cheap back then as well.. you could get one for £10 as no one really had a use for them any more, but the DSLR movie scene has seen to that now. Looks like old M42 lenses will go the same way.

Their branding manager is probably a very clever man. Take an old Russian lens you cash buy f0r £20, make it a bit more s*** and sell for lots of profit. Not seeing why he needs his head looking at. His customers though...........

Agreed. It's far easier to make money off stupid people than clever ones:

Beats Headphones anyone? LOL
The More I see of people falling for claptrap like this, the more convinced I become that the next generation will be born without the facility of opposable thumbs, because frankly we, as a species must be heading back to the primeval swamps...
How will they txt each other?

It'll be speech recognition. They'll talk to their phones, it'll turn it into txtspk and send it by text.

ps. If anyone develops an app that does this then I want some form of credit for the idea!
there is already an app for that btw i am not a hipster. im not even sure what one is.
there is already an app for that btw i am not a hipster. im not even sure what one is.

Lol, there's really an app for that ? I guess I shouldn't be surprised but still :).
The 'hipster' term's described here. Non mainstream bohemian millenials in gentrifying neighbourhoods. lol. It's used to slight someone for being trendy or self indulgent but that doesn't seem to fit with what it's supposed to mean.
Well I'm self indulgent, I'm not trendy though and I don't conform, like I don't care how the image turns out in camera, I just rely on photoshop which the old farts of photography hate but saying that buying this lens is to try to seee ipwhat I can do in camera on my knackered 5d granted it's only knackered coz I mistreat all my equipment to the point most people would be horrified lol, and the majority of paid work I do the people want it old filter style
But the one trend I have noticed especially in photography communities is the old people that do photography 40+ seem very scathing of anything new! like the 60+ togs! yes I use the short hand tog! seem to hate digital. I got banned from my local camera club for arguing for digital
But the one trend I have noticed especially in photography communities is the old people that do photography 40+ seem very scathing of anything new! like the 60+ togs! yes I use the short hand tog! seem to hate digital. I got banned from my local camera club for arguing for digital

may be closer to the truth

however lomo isn't new, its same s*** different wrapper for old style film photography
There seems to be a bit of negativity in this thread... to say the least.

OP. I can see the appeal and I hope that you'll be very happy with your new old lens :D

I have Minolta Rokkor, Olympus Zuiko and now also Canon FD lenses and I admit to spending more money than they're worth getting them serviced and fettled and it can even make financial sense as these old lenses will (probably) still be in use when Canon 50mm f1.8's have fallen apart and turned to mulch. Image quality is a different matter and what we like is a personal thing.

Anyway, more power to you for going this route and I hope you enjoy! :D
No they told me digital photography wasn't proper photography, and I told the. Not to worry they would be dead soon so they didn't have to worry about it lol >.<

And thank you woof woof. I will be happy with it I'm sure :) it will do till I find someone to give me the money for my xt1.
The more I'm researching this company the more I think they're onto something. There's tons of those 16 year old girl hipster type 'photographers' out there. The type that helped fuel the lomography boom several years back. Well, these days it's getting harder to find cheap film and processing and a lot of these people wont put up with the non-instant-gratification of film. So there's a market for these 'painfully artistic a-level photography hipsters' out there in the digital world.

Use a 'normal' camera set up and actually learn to create an image? Nah, not hipster enough. That wont "impart a distinctly analogue and physical character onto digital imagery, and replace some of the tangible aesthetics that have been lost since digital acquisition and a reliance on post production has become commonplace"! Obviously! What they really mean is - I have absolutely zero photographic talent but rather than work on that I'd rather use magic snake-oil to do it for me. "Hey hipster! Simply buy my expensive s***ty lens and you too can be a photographic genius! Artistic results guaranteed with every press of the button!"

Effectively lenses like this are going to become the new cross-processing. I mean - look at this review/blog post about the lens:

Tell me that doesn't remind you of this:

Absolute s***e photography hiding behind some stupid gimmicks marketed at £XXX a pop.

I should be buying shares.

I disagree with everything you've written there and TBH I think it's condescending garbage.

It is possible to know how to set a normal camera up to take an image and take good images and have a brain in your head and decide to think for yourself and decide what sort of image you want to create and how and there's nothing wrong with being 16 or being a girl or with taking images that other "photographers" think are arty worthless crap. One opinion is as worthless as the next :D
We need to get on the next big thing - how about we create a market in taking images through the bottom of old bottles instead of lenses. We get a glass recycling centre to supply the bottles in bulk cheap - then we get a Chinese manufacturer to do us body caps with the centres cut out in bulk - and we pay a bunch of gullbile morons piece work rates to glue the two together - then we sell them on a suitably hip site at "only" £20 each .. each one is different so every effect will be unique (but s***e)

You heard it hear first - one day Rodney we'll be millionaires ;)
Oh aye... you could pick up a used for less that £500 around a decade or so ago. Same with crappy anamorphic projector lenses.. they were dirt cheap back then as well.. you could get one for £10 as no one really had a use for them any more, but the DSLR movie scene has seen to that now. Looks like old M42 lenses will go the same way.

Agreed. It's far easier to make money off stupid people than clever ones:

Beats Headphones anyone? LOL

The 58 Noct has always been a rarer lens and commanded a high price, even a decade ago long before any 5D MKII.
The 58 Noct has always been a rarer lens and commanded a high price, even a decade ago long before any 5D MKII.

LOL.. not three grand for a used one it wasn't... Not even close. It wasn't even close to that new when they stopped making it. I recall it was £1200 approx. You could pick up a well used one for less than £500 10 years ago. They weren't even that rare. Now.. if you own one, even if it's knackered... you'll get a couple of grand for it. Mint... possibly anything up to £4K... All because stupid people like to jump on bandwagons.
I don't believe it's stupid, as people should be allowed to use what equipment they want how they want. There is a lot of photography snobbery around these days. :/
I don't believe it's stupid, as people should be allowed to use what equipment they want how they want. There is a lot of photography snobbery around these days. :/

LOL @ The irony of that comment.
LOL @ The irony of that comment.


I think that a number of personal traits affect my image making and image making is what it is. I think calling it photography is too limiting and that may seem silly to you but c'est la vie. I'd say that I was an artist before I picked up a camera but later I made my living in electronics, computing and manufacturing so the technical aspects appeal as well as the creative and emotive aspects. These lenses seem to combine technical and artistic interest and I applaud that.

When I look at a lot of the images posted here I think "so what?" Bird in flight? I couldn't care less... Yet another tight head shot? God give me strength... but this is a forum and you have to expect that and I do take a lot of "so what?" pictures myself. These lenses will not be of interest to everyone judging by the comments and to those people who just don't see the appeal I'd say that they should adopt a live and let live attitude and let 16 year old girls or anyone else who wants to go in a different direction just get on with it.
I don't believe it's stupid, as people should be allowed to use what equipment they want how they want. There is a lot of photography snobbery around these days. :/

The name of the company should ring all the bells that it is taking a p***, no more and no less. £30 for an old lens on ebay is a fair game, but this is really something special. I'd love to see a caption in a big exhibition - 5d mkIII with dog schidt lens... :LOL:

I think that a number of personal traits affect my image making and image making is what it is. I think calling it photography is too limiting and that may seem silly to you but c'est la vie. I'd say that I was an artist before I picked up a camera but later I made my living in electronics, computing and manufacturing so the technical aspects appeal as well as the creative and emotive aspects. These lenses seem to combine technical and artistic interest and I applaud that.

When I look at a lot of the images posted here I think "so what?" Bird in flight? I couldn't care less... Yet another tight head shot? God give me strength... but this is a forum and you have to expect that and I do take a lot of "so what?" pictures myself. These lenses will not be of interest to everyone judging by the comments and to those people who just don't see the appeal I'd say that they should adopt a live and let live attitude and let 16 year old girls or anyone else who wants to go in a different direction just get on with it.

I'm not quite sure why you quoted my comment at the top of that post, as I see absolutely nothing relevant to it in your reply.

I was referring to the irony of someone who paid 10 times more than he should have for an old Russian lens because it now has a picture of a sh*tting dog on it accusing others of snobbery.

I think that a number of personal traits affect my image making and image making is what it is. I think calling it photography is too limiting and that may seem silly to you but c'est la vie. I'd say that I was an artist before I picked up a camera but later I made my living in electronics, computing and manufacturing so the technical aspects appeal as well as the creative and emotive aspects. These lenses seem to combine technical and artistic interest and I applaud that.

When I look at a lot of the images posted here I think "so what?" Bird in flight? I couldn't care less... Yet another tight head shot? God give me strength... but this is a forum and you have to expect that and I do take a lot of "so what?" pictures myself. These lenses will not be of interest to everyone judging by the comments and to those people who just don't see the appeal I'd say that they should adopt a live and let live attitude and let 16 year old girls or anyone else who wants to go in a different direction just get on with it.

I don't know what you were looking at on this forum and the broader world so far, but creative photography and other visual arts aren't just another headshot or bird in flight. Similarly mass produced overpriced hipster lens is not a form of art by itself, and it would take far more effort to set apart the images from the other hipster turd that relies on degradation of badly composed and lit images all in the same exact way. This is duplication by intent or ignorance.

I suggest you spend some time in the national portrait gallery (London), Wildlife photographer of the year exhibitions, to name just a couple. There are plenty more resources that would easily demonstrate what visual art is all about.
I got banned from my local camera club for arguing for digital

It is probably for the better. Many clubs are just irrelevant groups of short minded but very proud people... I choose to avoid them in the first place.
i find nothing enjoyable in wildlife photography no mater what lens u use tbh. I create art work with what i do. :)

and ive made myself a promise with this lens. im not going to leave it on the floor with the rest of my lens's and camera, and im goign to buy all my kit lens caps and back caps and one for the body. i decided im gonna look after my new lens's and cameras from now on. Once i buy somewhere to store them
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I don't know what you were looking at on this forum and the broader world so far, but creative photography and other visual arts aren't just another headshot or bird in flight. Similarly mass produced overpriced hipster lens is not a form of art by itself, and it would take far more effort to set apart the images from the other hipster turd that relies on degradation of badly composed and lit images all in the same exact way. This is duplication by intent or ignorance.

I suggest you spend some time in the national portrait gallery (London), Wildlife photographer of the year exhibitions, to name just a couple. There are plenty more resources that would easily demonstrate what visual art is all about.

Eh? As you missed my point let me explain again...

My point isn't that there are only two creative options - BIF or head shots - it is that one mans meat is another mans poison.

Personally I do feel like screaming when the same old clichés come out and the same old Taliban like cries come up from the same posters but that's just me and I can see why people posting here are venting so much about these lenses. But no, I don't need to spend time looking at the sites you mention and I don't really need to look at your images or those of anyone else and then run off and take the same shots. If I want to go my own way the option is there and the option is there to use these lenses, or not :D

These lenses give another choice. What's wrong with choice?
LOL.. not three grand for a used one it wasn't... Not even close. It wasn't even close to that new when they stopped making it. I recall it was £1200 approx. You could pick up a well used one for less than £500 10 years ago. They weren't even that rare. Now.. if you own one, even if it's knackered... you'll get a couple of grand for it. Mint... possibly anything up to £4K... All because stupid people like to jump on bandwagons.

10 years ago they were still on ebay for close to $3,000 now. Nikon only made 12,000 in 20 years so they are one of the rarer Nikon lenses. Good glass that isn't made any more will always go up in price when modern technology breathes new life into it.
Well I'm self indulgent, I'm not trendy though and I don't conform, like I don't care how the image turns out in camera, I just rely on photoshop...


But the one trend I have noticed especially in photography communities is the old people that do photography 40+ seem very scathing of anything new! like the 60+ togs!

Ageist hipster.

These lenses give another choice. What's wrong with choice?

Choice? yes, it is a choice. Jumping off a cliff can also be a choice. But it doesn't make it YOUR art just because it is non-traditional. It is the art of the inventor (of Dog thingie in this case) and not yours unless you do something special and unseen before. If this is what you like and love it is fair game, but please spend a bit of time destroying your own cheap ebay lenses and pushing the game a little bit further.