Dressage training


TPer Emeritus
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Our horse Zeus is at dressage boot camp for a couple of weeks so we went along there to see how he was getting on. Dressage isn't the most exciting of sports to photograph but here are a few images anyway. :D

All taken with the D700 & 70-200mm VR




4. They were also training some other horses whilst we were there, this one is a big old boy called Lester who is working to a much more advanced level...


7. Going home
Great set as always, Gotta love abit of stressage as my horsey friends call it lol.
rider's face is blown in them, not a massive expert on these as if they're more for training purposes then they're great as the horse exposure is nailed :D

Like the last one though, espesh the tree on cam right for some reason
I like Nos. 4, 3 and 7 Colin.

I am hoping to be able to watch and get some dressage shots next weekend at Brightling Park - just for the experience as they have a photographer there already, so any tips would be gratefully received. For some reason this appeals more than the show jumping or cross country - I have a feeling it might be your fault after seeing your pictures here :D
Yep agree hes stunning, wanna sell him!? :LOL: He looks like he moves like a dream!

Why send him to bootcamp and not do it yourself? i loved it when i started doing stressage on my mare and seeing her come along :)

Thanks Lisa, the reason he has gone for some training is that both he and my wife need to learn a bit more, she has taken him as far as she can and as such needs guidance. He was only backed two years ago (by wife) and is only five years old but he should be working to Medium/Advanced Medium by next year.

He's not for sale. ;)
Looks like he is coming along well, love the last and look forwards to sseing his career in photos