weekly Garys(Gjhill) 52 for 22 - Week 52 - Showcase

A very different take on precision, but fits the theme, it's all down to the scale required.

Abandoned?? Vehicle

week 43 - Vehicle.jpg
Not sure that I'd want to take this one out quading....
Not sure that I'd want to take this one out quading....
The next door neighbour bought it for his son who is around 3/4 years old
looks more like a ‘project’ to me
Autumnal works nicely Gary, good colours and the shine from the rain.
Nice colours in the leaves, and they are wet, typical Nov weather. I find the background a little distracting at the bottom.

That looks like a nice day out, great shot.
It’s the view from the front of a cottage we rented in Shropshire, miles from anywhere in order to prevent Dave the staffy being spooked by fireworks on the 5/11
Autumnal perfect for theme. Once pointed out, I agree a small crop off the bottom would add to it, and it's a bonus that the leaves are wet.

Snappers - lovely spot. Sorry to hear that you have to go to such lengths for Dave, but what a great name :D and hopefully you enjoyed the break.
You've managed to highlight the tree from its background which isn't a easy feat. Nice one.
In the local park

That's a curious shaped fence - perhaps not intentionally curved? Have you got a wider shot? I agree with Simon. Well spotted.
I think it was originally a straight piece of fencing and when dug up to be replaced the act of removing caused it to become curved
a couple of my fly tying implements

week 49 - Tools.jpg

week 49 - Tools-2.jpg
Good close up shots Gary.
Perhaps some line and a couple of tied flies might add context?
Curves: well spotted, Is it something that was just pulled up and discarded?
Tool(s): love these, you could have used the first one for your curves submission!
Interesting looking tools. I'm glad you explained as I was clueless :)