Get well soon Matt and Darrell

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Well the night before last Matt (MWHCVT) and Darrell (The dodo) were involved in a serious car accident

Both were cut out and suffered some serious injuries but both are doing ok I believe.

Matt had a very bad cut to his arm and was having surgery last night.

Darrell had a puncture lung , pelvis injury

Thoughts are with you lads

here is to a speedy recovery:)
Best wishes to them both and hoping for a speedy recovery!
Blimey, get well soon guys.
Terrible news, I hope the 2 of you are both ok.
Get well soon.

:( Get well soon boys.

Hope you'll come our with some fab pics for your 365 Matt xx
All the best for a speedy recovery :)
Get well soon guys (y)
best wishes for both.
Best wishes to them both and hoping for a speedy recovery!

Blimey, get well soon guys.

best wishes

Best wishes to both of you for a speedy recovery, hoping to see you back here soon.

Terrible news, I hope the 2 of you are both ok.
Get well soon.


:( Get well soon boys.

Hope you'll come our with some fab pics for your 365 Matt xx

All the best for a speedy recovery :)
Get well soon guys (y)

Sorry to hear that.

Healing vibes to both.

best wishes for both.

Sorry to hear that about the boys hope they get well soon

Best wishes to both Matt and Darrell for a speedy recovery

oh my word, all the best guys!

Get well soon guys....and wishing you a full recovery :(

Any excuse to get out of doing a 365!

On a more serious note, wish you both a speedy recovery and hope to see you about soon :)

Bloody hell!! Get well soon guys!!

Thanks for posting Vince, All the best guys, get well soon from all of us here (y)

Blimey what shocking news......

Get well soon guys - hope you both make a full recovery


Thanks for the Togetherness of TP ............the lads will appreciate it !!(y)
Oh crap, I hope they're both OK and recover soon!

Wouldn't surprise me if Matt stuck a camera on his gurney to photograph the lights :)
Blimey, I turn my back for a couple of days and all hell breaks loose!

Get well soon guys (y)
Wishing you both a speedy recovery.

I drive along that road everyday to and from work and did notice yesterday morning evidence on the road surface that there must have been an accident the previous evening, horrible to think that it was two fellow toggers.
Get well soon!
Here is a song to help...

Soft kitty,

Warm kitty,

Little ball of fur.

Happy kitty,

Sleepy kitty,

Purr Purr Purr
Hope you both make speedy recoveries.

Don't know you guys but all the best in your recoverys!
Wow thank you all for you best wishes!!, really means alot too us both, i am now safely back in the comfort of my own bed, few broken bits and pieces but nothing that wont heal in time.
Matt has had to stay in for another nights as the surgery to his arm was postponed until today (nothing to serious just a laceration that needs some good old stiching).
Give us both a week or so and im sure we will both be back fighting fit.
Once again many thanks for all the kind words from both of us
Get well soon both of you and take it easy

How about once everyone in the challenges section has had a chance to see this, I move it over to out of focus?
I think there are a few more who'd like to extend their best wishes and they may well miss it in here.

Don't know how I navigated my way here but best wishes both for a speedy recovery (y)