Heat wave

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Here's evidence that being academically bright doesn't mean someone has an abundance of common sense which is why I find Sir John Hayes's position as Chair of the Common Sense Group baffling. It's an informal group of conservative politicians and journalists who advocate for the future direction of the Conservative Party and the UK.

Enlightening read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Hayes_(British_politician)

This is what Sir John CBE and MP for South Holland and Deepings .(.Lincs) has just said in relation to the forecast highs of 38-40C on Monday/Tuesday.

People taking precations against the very high temperatures coming on Monday and Tuesday are "snowflakes'" and "cowards". Adding that "it's what's wrong with the country"
He's previously been described as a climate change sceptic and recently contributed to a report calling for climate action to be delayed.

In a public information video released on Friday Penny Endersby, chief executive of the Met Office, said: "The extreme heat we're forecasting right now is absolutely unprecedented"

The advice is to have the windows and curtains open during the morning and as the temperature climbs close both. We've had the curtains closed at the back..we face SSE at the back but have left the windows open. The idea is to minimise the heat getting into the house. Also, very hot sun will fade carpets .I'm thinking patio doors area of the dining room so the blinds are closed.

I read on a weather forum that after the cool period, following Monday and Tuesday's heat, the temperatures will once again climb to mid-30s. Quite often the temerature at Heathrow is quoted and is always 3-4C higher but that's because of the so-called 'urban heat island' effect. I'm sure it's quoted by the media for impact.

Goodness knows how they are coping with 47.5C in parts of Portugal where 80% of the country is at 'exceptional' risk of fires. Portugal and Spain are in a red zone. At least 1,500 hectares have been destroyed by a fire in Las Hurdes in Extremadura, western Spain, which has led to the evacuation of about 400 residents.
To be honest, the earth as we know it is done. It is just a matter of time before things get very bad. I used to think it would be 100 years plus, but now, that’s much reduced.

People like this MP are astonishing. Thick, or paid by the oil industry. What other reasons can there be for having attitudes like this?
To be honest, the earth as we know it is done. It is just a matter of time before things get very bad. I used to think it would be 100 years plus, but now, that’s much reduced.

People like this MP are astonishing. Thick, or paid by the oil industry. What other reasons can there be for having attitudes like this?

I agree. It is astonishing but if you read the Wiki link I posted you'll see that he's extreme in his views. Anti-abortion in any circumstances. For capital punishment. A protectionist shunning globalist free trade. Strong Leave supporter. Member of the Countryside Alliance..basically the hunt and shoot lobby.On the hard right of the Party.He probably gets on very well with Rees-Mogg and Steve Baker.

Wiki also records that he suffered a serious brain injury when he was 20 and hasn't fully recovered but considering his pathway through life it doesn't seem to have affected his progress into high office.

I think we've gone past the recovery point and extremes of weather with catastrophic consequences are just going to be more frequent and affecting more of the planet. China's leadership have said they won't reach the levels of CO2 required to comply with current targets until 2060. Also, I don't often hear about the carnage it's causing to wildlife.

On October 2nd this year Brazilians have an opportunity to get rid of the climate change denier (and Covid,too) Bolsanaro. he's allowed swathes of the Amazon to be cut /burnt down and given licenses to mining companies to do their worst. Fortunately, the previous president Luiz Lulu da Silva has a very strong lead in the polls 46%-32% and he's passionate about caring for the Amazon. He did so when he was last in office. Hopefully, this time he and his Workers Party won't be mired in corruption which put him prison for a while.
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It is the bats*** crazy loons outputting nonsense like that that empower thick people like the MP mentioned in the OP.
Well, I'm sure I'm in a minority here but I do try to read other views than those we see on MSM every single day. The fact is that temperatures have always fluctuated and indeed hotter times throughout history have been thought to be the "optimum." The doom mongers and alarm junkies should consider current trends in historical contexts but of course they don't and anything that questions their narrative must be extreme right wing conspiracy theory, white privilege or some other deflecting alarmist word salad and some personal attacks and insults will be thrown in the mix PDQ.

There was a nice little repost to a weather forecaster today telling us that Monday and Tuesday are going to be life threatening and it was to ask him if he would give the same advice to people flying off on holiday. Well, of course he should and it's right to keep people informed but turning the hyperbole up to the max on every issue begins to irritate. Have people become so dependant on government intervention and media alarmism that they can't think for themselves these days? It would seem so. I also watched with interest the recent debate on the percentage of co2 in the atmosphere and the amount that was related to human activity but of course that questions the narrative and ridicule and insults must be immediately deployed. See above. And of course those deploying attack and insult tactics see themselves as being the caring sharing ones.

Time will tell on all of this but lets not pretend we're following the science as anyone proposing any science that doesn't fit in with the accepted groupthink will be burned at the stake by the pitchfork wielding caring sharing mob.
It is the bats*** crazy loons outputting nonsense like that that empower thick people like the MP mentioned in the OP.

We should burn all books containing this dangerous drivel and take down all internet sites and not stop until..

Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.

Well, it is far easier to adopt the stance that this rapid increase in the world's temperature is normal, than it is to consider what lifestyle changes are necessary to reduce our impact on the planet.
I'm going to miss it as Im on nights :)
I'm going to miss it as Im on nights :)
Well, the way things are going lots more of us will be on nights.

The bigger question will be will there be enough food, or water.
To be honest, the earth as we know it is done. It is just a matter of time before things get very bad. I used to think it would be 100 years plus, but now, that’s much reduced.

People like this MP are astonishing. Thick, or paid by the oil industry. What other reasons can there be for having attitudes like this?
Possibly he doesn’t know the difference between Fahrenheit and Centigrade*.

Edit to add, Wiki says:

Hayes suffered a serious head injury in his early 20s, from which he has never fully recovered.

* (I know, but I’m old fashioned)
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Well, I'm sure I'm in a minority here but I do try to read other views than those we see on MSM every single day. The fact is that temperatures have always fluctuated and indeed hotter times throughout history have been thought to be the "optimum." The doom mongers and alarm junkies should consider current trends in historical contexts but of course they don't and anything that questions their narrative must be extreme right wing conspiracy theory, white privilege or some other deflecting alarmist word salad and some personal attacks and insults will be thrown in the mix PDQ.

There was a nice little repost to a weather forecaster today telling us that Monday and Tuesday are going to be life threatening and it was to ask him if he would give the same advice to people flying off on holiday. Well, of course he should and it's right to keep people informed but turning the hyperbole up to the max on every issue begins to irritate. Have people become so dependant on government intervention and media alarmism that they can't think for themselves these days? It would seem so. I also watched with interest the recent debate on the percentage of co2 in the atmosphere and the amount that was related to human activity but of course that questions the narrative and ridicule and insults must be immediately deployed. See above. And of course those deploying attack and insult tactics see themselves as being the caring sharing ones.

Time will tell on all of this but lets not pretend we're following the science as anyone proposing any science that doesn't fit in with the accepted groupthink will be burned at the stake by the pitchfork wielding caring sharing mob.
My bold...

You say...And of course those deploying attack and insult tactics see themselves as being the caring sharing ones.

But you've done exactly that in your first paragraph. My bold again."The doom-mongers and alarmists", you said. Pejorative terms.

I'll just point out these facts. There is nearly 100 percent agreement among scientists. The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says that global warming is accelerating, and will reach 1C above pre-industrial levels by 2030 which is a 10 years earlier than previously forecast. A Met Office study has assessed how human activities are increasing the likelihood of extreme heat days of 30C..35C and 40C, locally .That trend will continue with the south east being hit the hardest. In the past London exceeding 30C would occur regularly but not every year as is the case now.The last time London didn't reach 30C was back in 1993. Levels of CO2 are now 50% higher than before the Industrial Revolution. ie..pre 1760. Recent measurements from the Mauna Loa observatory in Hawaii show that for several days in February and March 2021, atmospheric CO2 levels exceeded 417 ppm. Pre-industrial levels were about 278ppm. The annual average CO2 concentration is increasing year-on-year. Just think about this fact..As human-driven emissions have increased, the rise in CO2 has accelerated and it took over 200 years to reach a 25% increase by 1986. By 2011 (25 years later) the increase reached 40%. Now after one more decade it's reaching 50%.

2022 will be the first year with the annual average CO2 at 50% above pre-industrial levels.

You said " I also watched with interest the recent debate on the percentage of co2 in the atmosphere and the amount that was related to human activity. etc"

When was that and which channel ? What was the data ?

You say that the warnings by the Met Office are hyperbole and turning it up to the max on every issue begins to irritate. In that respect what are the issues that have caused you irritation other than this upcoming scenario ? In relation to Monday/Tuesday's forecast temperatures..high 30s and a 50% chance of 40C..I heard 41C today... what constitutes hyperbole for you ?

Another line in your post ."Have people become so dependant on government intervention and media alarmism that they can't think for themselves these days? It would seem so."

Think about this,Alan. I recall it and so will you. In 2003 15,000 people in France died as a result of a heat wave where the maximum temperature reached 37.8C. Most of those who died were elderly and many in good health. Monday and Tuesday's temperatures here are forecast to be 36/37C in the amber areas but there's a red area covering parts of central, northern, eastern and south eastern and the Met Office are saying 39C but a 50% chance of 40/41C here.

It's incumbent on the goverment to ensure the population are fully aware of risk to life. In this instance the goverment is so concerned that it's called a Cobra meeting because the temperature will be such that it's been deemed "a danger to life " As you'll be aware,despite endless advice to keep out of the hot sun re the risk of sunburn and intitiation of skin cancer people ignore the advice. It doesn't mean the authoirities should give up putting out such advice.

Yes,there have been periods of temperature fluctuation over millennia but the issue here is that human activity, since the Industrial Revolution, has affected natural cycles. I always say to people that the debate is not whether we're experiencing climate change but to what extent human activity has played a part. If almost 100% of climate scientists say human activity is driving this change then that's good enough for me.
Possibly he doesn’t know the difference between Fahrenheit and Centigrade*.

Edit to add, Wiki says:

Hayes suffered a serious head injury in his early 20s, from which he has never fully recovered.

* (I know, but I’m old fashioned)

I wrote that in my original post

"Wiki also records that he suffered a serious brain injury when he was 20 and hasn't fully recovered but considering his pathway through life it doesn't seem to have affected his progress into high office"
Well, I'm sure I'm in a minority here but I do try to read other views than those we see on MSM every single day. The fact is that temperatures have always fluctuated and indeed hotter times throughout history have been thought to be the "optimum." The doom mongers and alarm junkies should consider current trends in historical contexts but of course they don't and anything that questions their narrative must be extreme right wing conspiracy theory, white privilege or some other deflecting alarmist word salad and some personal attacks and insults will be thrown in the mix PDQ.

There was a nice little repost to a weather forecaster today telling us that Monday and Tuesday are going to be life threatening and it was to ask him if he would give the same advice to people flying off on holiday. Well, of course he should and it's right to keep people informed but turning the hyperbole up to the max on every issue begins to irritate. Have people become so dependant on government intervention and media alarmism that they can't think for themselves these days? It would seem so. I also watched with interest the recent debate on the percentage of co2 in the atmosphere and the amount that was related to human activity but of course that questions the narrative and ridicule and insults must be immediately deployed. See above. And of course those deploying attack and insult tactics see themselves as being the caring sharing ones.

Time will tell on all of this but lets not pretend we're following the science as anyone proposing any science that doesn't fit in with the accepted groupthink will be burned at the stake by the pitchfork wielding caring sharing mob.
For starters, the people who are going to die if we get to 40°+ are not the demographic jetting away to holidays in the sun. Secondly those hot countries have buildings & other things adapted over centuries to cope with the heat plus more air conditioning than we have and in many cases less humidity. When the humidity is near 100% even 85° can be brutal.
I'm going to miss it as Im on nights :)

You won't miss it..you'll either be home during the day before the Monday night shift or in bed through Tuesday. You will only miss it if you live in the north of Scotland. which you don't... :D
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View attachment 360778View attachment 360779

Yeah these are the guys who say CO2 is good for plants (who knew!) and the glaciers are thickening.
Yeah these are the guys who say CO2 is good for plants (who knew!) and the glaciers are thickening.
The great thing about plants is that you can let them grow for 150 years, then cut them down and burn them to allow Macdonald's beef burgers to grow.
Who do we believe and trust these days though ,books are only read by old dodderers like myself , the younger generation pick up there phone or I.pad and read whatever nutter on faceberk or u.tube is pumping out as the truth , you only have to look at modern day Russia to see how a whole population can be fed lies and fantasies which they will then take as absolute truth .
So who is telling the truth re.climate change .. the Middle Ages suffered periods of extreme cold i.e markets on a frozen Thames, the Roman period was hotter than now the sea level was higher i.e the city of Chester when started by the romans was a island . And before that circa 10,000 years ago you had a thousand year mini ice age “ the younger dryas”
The point is that all these have reasons, like the current heat explosion has a reason. We have taken millions of years of sequestered carbon and released it into the atmosphere in less than 200 years.

As I have said up thread, it is far easier, and far more comfortable, to not accept that we are in crisis, for it allows us to carry on behaving in this planet- destructing way without conscience.

The heat is only one aspect of what we are doing. Pollution, loss of habitat, the spreading of plastic residues to every part of the planet, these are just as serious. Now it might be argued that since, as individuals, we cannot do anything about it we shouldn’t worry. However that doesn't excuse wilfull ignorance and peddling wrong conspiracy theories about how everything is OK. It isn't.
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Well, I'm sure I'm in a minority here but I do try to read other views than those we see on MSM every single day. The fact is that temperatures have always fluctuated and indeed hotter times throughout history have been thought to be the "optimum." The doom mongers and alarm junkies should consider current trends in historical contexts but of course they don't and anything that questions their narrative must be extreme right wing conspiracy theory, white privilege or some other deflecting alarmist word salad and some personal attacks and insults will be thrown in the mix PDQ.

There was a nice little repost to a weather forecaster today telling us that Monday and Tuesday are going to be life threatening and it was to ask him if he would give the same advice to people flying off on holiday. Well, of course he should and it's right to keep people informed but turning the hyperbole up to the max on every issue begins to irritate. Have people become so dependant on government intervention and media alarmism that they can't think for themselves these days? It would seem so. I also watched with interest the recent debate on the percentage of co2 in the atmosphere and the amount that was related to human activity but of course that questions the narrative and ridicule and insults must be immediately deployed. See above. And of course those deploying attack and insult tactics see themselves as being the caring sharing ones.

Time will tell on all of this but lets not pretend we're following the science as anyone proposing any science that doesn't fit in with the accepted groupthink will be burned at the stake by the pitchfork wielding caring sharing mob.

OK, so you don’t believe global heating is caused by man’s activities but you do presumably believe it’s happening since your explanation is that ‘it’s always happened’. The steps to counter global heating are the same in either case and virtually all of them are good things to do anyway — harnessing the sun, wid waves etc for electricity production, more intelligent farming, preserving biodiversity, better insulation and so on, so why don’t we buckle down and do them and stop whining about it it?
The good news is they are rowing back a bit on the temperature forecast by a degree or two :)
Who do we believe and trust these days though ,books are only read by old dodderers like myself , the younger generation pick up there phone or I.pad and read whatever nutter on faceberk or u.tube is pumping out as the truth , you only have to look at modern day Russia to see how a whole population can be fed lies and fantasies which they will then take as absolute truth .
So who is telling the truth re.climate change .. the Middle Ages suffered periods of extreme cold i.e markets on a frozen Thames, the Roman period was hotter than now the sea level was higher i.e the city of Chester when started by the romans was a island . And before that circa 10,000 years ago you had a thousand year mini ice age “ the younger dryas”

Yes, but most of the recorded frost fairs on the Thames were in the early C17th - C19th. This was during the Little Ice Age, but old London Bridge with its narrowly spaced piers had a lot to do with it too. Ice and debris drifting downstream tended to get lodged in the spaces between the piers, obstructing the flow and making it easier for the river to freeze.
OK, so you don’t believe global heating is caused by man’s activities but you do presumably believe it’s happening since your explanation is that ‘it’s always happened’. The steps to counter global heating are the same in either case and virtually all of them are good things to do anyway — harnessing the sun, wid waves etc for electricity production, more intelligent farming, preserving biodiversity, better insulation and so on, so why don’t we buckle down and do them and stop whining about it it?

Good question :)

One answer:
In March last year the government scrapped its flagship green homes grant scheme just over six months after its launch.

It was a £1.5bn programme, which offered households grants of up to £5,000 or £10,000 to put in insulation or low-carbon heating and the cancellation leaves the UK without a plan for tackling one of the biggest sources of greenhouse gas emissions. A select committee of MPs found the scheme..quote.. “botched in implementation ... the administration seems nothing short of disastrous”. Far from creating new green jobs as had been promised, the environmental audit committee found some builders had laid off staff owing to problems with the scheme. The MPs recommended an urgent overhaul.

Loft and wall insulation. This is excellent on the face of it but....exactly what you are entitled to and eligibility requirements can become baffling, especially as new schemes are released and can vary region to region. This can often result in many households making contributions where they don’t need to, or worse, missing out on funding entirely.

I cannot ,for the life of me,understand why the goverment can't organise it better. I appreciate that costs have to be taken into account and it can't be right that 'the well off', whatever the criteria for that would be, gets the government to pay for insulating their home in the leafy suburbs of Home Counties towns or villages for instance. I sometimes wonder if what they do is to make a headline statement about a scheme to shore up their green credentials and then put so many obstacles in the way..deliberately if I'm being cynical, that it never really takes off.
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Well, it is far easier to adopt the stance that this rapid increase in the world's temperature is normal, than it is to consider what lifestyle changes are necessary to reduce our impact on the planet.
So what lifestyle changes are necessary?
Let me take a wild guess.
Driving a car
So what lifestyle changes are necessary?
Let me take a wild guess.
Driving a car

I think most of us know what the lifestyle changes that we need to make are. But we wilfully disregard them and carry on in "business as usual" mode. If the Government were 100% committed to making the changes that are necessary from their side, to set an example, it would be more difficult for the general public to ignore all the advice, pleadings, and exhortations aimed at them to change their way of life.

And even if the Government did finally get on board there would be whining and winging about the nanny state, and worse, from climate change sceptics and other opponents.
Yes, but most of the recorded frost fairs on the Thames were in the early C17th - C19th. This was during the Little Ice Age, but old London Bridge with its narrowly spaced piers had a lot to do with it too. Ice and debris drifting downstream tended to get lodged in the spaces between the piers, obstructing the flow and making it easier for the river to freeze.
I doubt very much that the cold weather at the time was localised to the upper pool of London .. it would also need to be over a foot or more thick to support horses and wagons on it . We have in my 70+ years on the planet even quiet a few ups and downs in weather none like the present heat wave lasting very long at all ( bar 1976 ) but yes mankind has giving a big helping hand but a lot of it is blown out of proportion by the media and a younger generation that tends to think that anything they haven’t seen before is the end of the world .. I can still remember winters in my teens when we had icicles growing on the inside of windows , todays younger generation would scream end of the world if it happened these days but it’s just down to better insulated houses and modern heating ,instead of single glazed sash windows and coal fires which went out at night ..
I wonder what todays kids would make of having to sit round a paraffin heater in the winter to get warm or know how to get a coal fire to ‘draw’ by holding a page of the news of the world in front of it ..
Like everything else things have changed rapidly and todays generations don’t bother to ask there elders before spouting out there life changing views on faceberk etc
^ That spouted life changing view is sadly, quite a bit wrong.
We should burn all books containing this dangerous drivel and take down all internet sites and not stop until..

Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.

Dear oh dear. Mr Angry person. Have you noticed that those who gave your initial post a 'like' haven't backed you on this extreme outburst...a super-charged rant, in reality. Your reaction is exactly the kind of reaction that comes from people who are presented with facts that show their position to be untenable. I presented you with many facts and I suspect your rage..(it is rage when you post in bold...ie shouting at the rest of us)..because of those facts and a couple of awkward questions and it's why you haven't responded to my post to you at 10.20pm last night.

"We should burn all books ..you say [supporting anthropological climate change].

In 1616, this book written by Nicolaus Copernicus in 1543, 'De Revolutoinibus Orbium Coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres) was banned by the Catholic Church.The book described a theory that we now know to be true: that the Earth revolves around the Sun. Astronomers quickly adopted Copernicus’s discoveries and updated their calendars, maps, and theories accordingly because, at that time, Galileo had begun work to confirm Copernicus’s research and was publishing his findings more publicly. For that the heirarchy of the Catholic church threatened him with torture . The missive was not to torture him but to threaten it should he refuse to recant his theory re the Earth orbiting the sun.

You remind me of the Nazis who burnt books that didn't conform to their ideology,their beliefs...that were considered un-German. Just the same reason that the Catholic church banned Copernicus's book.

Do you not consider ,for one moment, that 100s of climate change scientists the world over accept that what we are seeing today is the result of anthropological climate change ?

Here's a graph of the rise in temperatures and another re CO2 etc starting shortly after the end of ther period we call the Industrial Revolution when vast quantities of fossil fuels were burnt releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere..which,of course continues apace today. Do you really think that you and those who support your denial know better than those institutions named in this graph ? NASA Goddard Institute for Space studies-Hadley Center/Climate Research Unit -NOAA National Center for Environmental Information-Berkley Earth.Three main causes for this temperature rise. Carbon emissions,deforestation and animal farming. The fact is called 'settled science'

There's a reason why people are in denial (especially in the US) and it's a massive PR exercise by fossil fuel companies. The mighty oil companies have spent billions of dollars refuting climate change advocates. Only 20% of US citizens got the correct percentage right of scientists who accept anthropological climate change..ie 80-100%.That was a 2013 poll..

Anyway, that's by and by. What really disappoints me is that instead of responding to my data you cite high temperature events of the past and why you think the temperature rise today is part of a natural cycle. All you said in your original post was "The fact is that temperatures have always fluctuated and indeed hotter times throughout history have been thought to be the "optimum." That's it. Instead you chose to indulge in a ridiculous, rambling rant.

No doubt these graphs won't interest you but others may find them interesting. By the way...Just in case.. “The Moon orbits the Earth,(which is an irregular shaped ellipsoid not flat) the Earth orbits the Sun, the Sun orbits the centre of the Milky Way,'

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It was 16C at 06:00 this morning, with a nice breeze. It is now20C @07:35 and the breeze seems to have gone.
ps Anyome remember 1976?

Yes. We were living in Hong Kong. Summer temperatures hovered in the low 30s for months at a time, dropping a few degrees overnight, and with very high humidity. We had a ceiling fan in the sitting room and a noisy, inadequate, air conditioner in the bedroom.

Going out to eat, see a movie or do some shopping created a dilemma. Wear shorts and a T shirt for the heat outside, and freeze in the air conditioning inside, or dress for the latter and suffer outside. Actually it was fine though. We all grumbled about the heat and humidity but HK was incredibly exciting, vibrant and all round fun in the 70s! I'm so glad I experienced it, and so sorry for how things have turned out ...
@MartynK Exactly (HK 64-67, 70-73).
We have to drive to the dentists today, about 80 miles with appointment at 1:15pm. The news tells us we should not drive due to the roads melting and the other armageddon-like warnings. I have a 3 year old car with aircon etc, I don't imagine it will overheat or tyres burn just because its a bit warmer than usual. Or are roads made of different stuff here compare to southern Europe, and cars bui;lt with temperature operating limits?