Help for novice flash photographer

Neil Williams
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I am a complete novice as far a flash photography is concerned and I am looking for help ideas on how to improve my home portrait Photography. My current flash photography set up is;
1 x SB910 flash
1x SB600 flash
1 x Nisson flash (I think that's what its called)
1 x umbrella stand
That's about it.
I have been watching some YouTube videos and it seems like a bunch of folks are using a strobe light or two so my question is what strobe light should I go for (200, 400, 600) what brand? etc etc
I have been using a D800e with the pop up flash as a trigger, but I am thinking would I be better using a wireless trigger as my other Nikon D4s doesn't have a pop up flash and if so what brand works best with Nikon?
Any advice tips or just general stuff would be great. I did a flash photography class about 6 months ago and that's when I bought the above stuff but have only just started playing with it and up to now have enjoyed the new challenges
2 part answer for 2 part question.

firstly, there's no brands to avoid, though there are some cheap studio heads (only the Yanks call them strobes) that you should avoid. What's your budget and what are your specific requirements?

Lots of studio heads will come with triggers nowadays, many that'll allow control of the power of the flash too. But if you want something to control your speedlights, try the Yongnuo YN622 (get a TX for on camera)
2 part answer for 2 part question.

firstly, there's no brands to avoid, though there are some cheap studio heads (only the Yanks call them strobes) that you should avoid. What's your budget and what are your specific requirements?

Lots of studio heads will come with triggers nowadays, many that'll allow control of the power of the flash too. But if you want something to control your speedlights, try the Yongnuo YN622 (get a TX for on camera)
Hi Phil
Thanks for the reply. As far as budget is concerned I don't want to buy twice, in other words I don't want to buy xyz and one month later wish I had abc if you know what I mean and in the same breath I don't want a rolls Royce if the Toyota will get the same results, saying that I don't want some Chinese knock off either.
What I am looking for is building on my Speedlight's to have better all round lighting for doing portrait photography at home with my wife and my mates kids and also ideally something that could also be portable i.e. lights that could be taken into a filed location. A buddy of mine showed me a strobe (or should I say studio head) that had its own power pack kind of like a black and decker power drill battery, unfortunately he is traveling and not answering his email so I can't find the name of it but I remember him saying it was ~ 350 quid a head.
What's a TX for the camera?

some of us use mains powered studio lights and also battery powered studio lights - big difference is price. As an example you could buy 3 mains powered heads, stands and a few lighting attachments for the same money that 1 battery light would cost with similar power from a well mentioned brand here.

Most lights are now built in China and many of them are very good - anything built elsewhere will be magnitudes more expensive and you do not get the same magnitudes in increase in quality.

The TX version has lots of control options the YN622N-TX and you just need the YN622N for the receivers


some of us use mains powered studio lights and also battery powered studio lights - big difference is price. As an example you could buy 3 mains powered heads, stands and a few lighting attachments for the same money that 1 battery light would cost with similar power from a well mentioned brand here.

Most lights are now built in China and many of them are very good - anything built elsewhere will be magnitudes more expensive and you do not get the same magnitudes in increase in quality.

The TX version has lots of control options the YN622N-TX and you just need the YN622N for the receivers

Mike can you point me in the right direction of say a starter kit that can be added to later say for around 1000 quid that could be used indoors and out?
I started out with a similar set up (d90, 2 sb900's and 2 nissins).

One of my fave shots has come from that set up. In fact, I've used two sb900's not too long ago even when I has the lencarta lights.

As most people in here will testify I'll recommend lencarta lights til the cows come home but your current set up is plenty capable of getting good results.

In terms of a portrait camera - I stand to be corrected- but I'd have thought that the d800e is the one you'd use over the D4?

That said you could do a lot worse for the money than some yongnuo yn 622's and some smart flash 200's with appropriate modifiers.

This image of my wife (I know the PP is terrible I was just experimenting) was taken with one umbrella pointing at my wife and a SB900 sitting on the floor bouncing off the ceiling
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Big question, what are you trying to light outside? Inside and you can do it for that with change to spare

Same kind of stuff of my wife in say an old barn or in a paddy field or back lit buy a sun set. I just want to try different stuff but with lighting rather than just pointing and hoping I get the exposure right
I reckon a good chat with Garry at Lencarta might help but some points - many will light how you describe outside with one light, so for portability this may do the job and add so you can use Bowens S fittings - that light can also be happily used in a studio environment so if you add something like this kit you now have 3 lights and enough change to buy a Sekonic 308 meter. Beauty is that they all use the same controllers and possibly you have a bit of change in there for another modifier or 2.

Mike I really appreciate you taking the time to help me understand all this stuff. I remember taking pictures of family members and posting them and most of the time I would get comments about I should have used a flash for fill light and I used to think what a load of baloney but now realise how important it is
2 part answer for 2 part question.

firstly, there's no brands to avoid, though there are some cheap studio heads (only the Yanks call them strobes) that you should avoid. What's your budget and what are your specific requirements?

Lots of studio heads will come with triggers nowadays, many that'll allow control of the power of the flash too. But if you want something to control your speedlights, try the Yongnuo YN622 (get a TX for on camera)

Oh boy, I'm a yank .. lolol
A mate of mine who I used to work with in Thailand and who takes amazing portrait pictures just messaged me saying to get the "Elinchrom Ranger Quadra Hybrid RX Lead-Gel Battery 2-Light Pro A Kit" which looking at online looks just like what I want (I Think) but that price is getting up there a wee bitty :) :)
When I say " I think" I mean what I say, it looks nice but so does the Lencarta stuff at a 1/3rd of the I am confused
I guess I should go for another flash photography class when I get home so that I can get my head wrapped around all this before I dive in
Any recommendations of brands would take account of where you are (if you're not in the UK, there may be other options)
Any recommendations of brands would take account of where you are (if you're not in the UK, there may be other options)
Hi Phil
I live in KL Malaysia and prices here in Malaysia for camera equipment are very similar to the US as there is no import duty on Photography equipment. I found a place online in Malaysia that sells the ranger for ~1700 quid but I will wait until I get off the rig in 3 weeks time before I make my mind up.
This forum has been a fantastic source of knowledge and humor..............
But I never said to get the safari, I said to get the Atom

Search for Godox RS-600P, it might make you happier :)

What Mike said, if I was buying out there, that's definitely what I'd be looking at, as there's no local Lencarta support to lean on, you might as well buy gear that's great VFM. A 2 head kit and a great starter modifier kit would be well inside a grand.
Below are some comments about the Godox.........I think I will give that one a miss
You work for godox or get commission to blog their product all the time. Because if you ever used their product for more then a few test shots, their battery sucks. In 8-12 months the battery will fall to 40shots. They haven't figure how to balance charge the LifePO4. You basically have to buy a new $200 battery every year.

  • Rick5 months ago
    Photography is a hobby for most people so cost is very important. I would like so see a QUALITY flash that lasts years and years: simple and portable, 400w or 600w, interchangeable battery pack. If keeping price down means power control only up to 1/4, no HHS or wireless control, please do so. Consumers appreciate it.

  • Panchoskywalker7 months ago
    I only wish it had some kind of glass cover to use a softlighter safely.
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  • Peter • 4 months ago
    Would be curious to know if anyone actually services godox gear in the UK. I would assume that lencarta wouldn't as it is not their brand.
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  • FreshpicsUK4 months ago
    Well, just received my unit from Hong Kong via eBay UK. No customs to pay, £320 all-in. Thought I'd be that 'early adopter'. Unfortunately, after ten minutes of playing with it in the house, tried a couple of full-power pops in succession and it's already come up with the E1 error that plagued the earlier 600P. Thought they'd managed to fix the issues on the RS600P with the LED modelling light and bigger/better/more solid body. Seems not. Really disappointing and it will cost me a small fortune to send it back to HK to get a replacement. Gutted!
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  • Paul • 4 months ago
    In theory all these products that come from China look good, but my
    question is, will it last? Anyone having these Godox flashes (AD180/360, RS400/600, etc) for more than a year or so please leave feedback. Thanks a million.
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  • FreshpicsUK Paul4 months ago
    See my post above! Ten minutes in the house and it's stopped working. Not impressed!
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Below are some comments about the Godox.........I think I will give that one a miss
You work for godox or get commission to blog their product all the time. Because if you ever used their product for more then a few test shots, their battery sucks. In 8-12 months the battery will fall to 40shots. They haven't figure how to balance charge the LifePO4. You basically have to buy a new $200 battery every year.
I can't think why you'd choose to personally attack me, nor can I imagine why you think I'm recommending Godox because they pay me. That's f*****g hilarious. If you'd read my many posts on the subject, I use and recommend the Lencarta Safari LiIonII. I only recommended the Godox in your situation, because you wouldn't get the local support I have had from Lencarta.

As to the E1 error, it seems that all versions of that kit can succumb to the issue, which includes my Lencarta unit. But mine was out for less than a week, which for me justified the higher price of the Lencarta unit. But without that support, the money you could save locally ought to be considered, rather than looking to prove I'm giving out dodgy advice because I'm on the take.

I wouldn't be surprised if someone accused me of pushing Yongnuo triggers, which I use and love to bits and recommend weekly, but I don't have a portable Godox flash, and I can't recall ever recommending one before. :thinking:

Also bear in mind the Godox AD360 Mike recommended is rebadged all over the place, but is the same kit, issues with them are very rare, again I'm guessing Mikes recommendation is based on you not being in the UK where you can rely on the local support I'd be paying for.
I can't think why you'd choose to personally attack me, nor can I imagine why you think I'm recommending Godox because they pay me. That's f*****g hilarious. If you'd read my many posts on the subject, I use and recommend the Lencarta Safari LiIonII. I only recommended the Godox in your situation, because you wouldn't get the local support I have had from Lencarta.

As to the E1 error, it seems that all versions of that kit can succumb to the issue, which includes my Lencarta unit. But mine was out for less than a week, which for me justified the higher price of the Lencarta unit. But without that support, the money you could save locally ought to be considered, rather than looking to prove I'm giving out dodgy advice because I'm on the take.

I wouldn't be surprised if someone accused me of pushing Yongnuo triggers, which I use and love to bits and recommend weekly, but I don't have a portable Godox flash, and I can't recall ever recommending one before. :thinking:

Also bear in mind the Godox AD360 Mike recommended is rebadged all over the place, but is the same kit, issues with them are very rare, again I'm guessing Mikes recommendation is based on you not being in the UK where you can rely on the local support I'd be paying for.
What are you talking about Phil..................These comments are just a copy and paste from the webpage that has all the comments about the Godox not directed at you wally
View attachment 27117

Godox are one of the most popular OEM manufacturers of Flash. You only have to see who is selling rebadged versions such as Calumet to realise that those in the industry have a very different view from that thread. There was an issue earlier this year with some of the smaller batteries (which they have admitted and resolved) but I know a lot of people using without issue. As a last point I would never recommend something that I do not have faith in. Been using mine for 6 months and found them to be excellent.


Godox are one of the most popular OEM manufacturers of Flash. You only have to see who is selling rebadged versions such as Calumet to realise that those in the industry have a very different view from that thread. There was an issue earlier this year with some of the smaller batteries (which they have admitted and resolved) but I know a lot of people using without issue. As a last point I would never recommend something that I do not have faith in. Been using mine for 6 months and found them to be excellent.

Mike as you already know I am a complete novice at this flash photography lark so I don't have a clue about what is good or what is bad. I just followed the recommendations to search for Godex and Google gave me a bunch of negative comments so I just wanted to share those comments with everyone in the thread........ It wasn't a dig at anyone
What are you talking about Phil..................These comments are just a copy and paste from the webpage that has all the comments about the Godox not directed at you wally
View attachment 27117
Oops Sorry

The top quote had no indent.... (We'll leave it there):whistle:

Unfortunately (and fortunately;)) POTN has some strong Google juice, which gives that very small sample of users a very loud internet voice.

Godox make some great kit for a lot of brands, they also make some pretty crap stuff too. But the AD180/360 and the RS600p and it's predecessors are great kit that have sold by the thousand, I wouldn't let a few posts on POTN put you off.
Hello Neil.

I would recommend the Lencarta Atom 360 (or equivalent, bearing in mind you're non UK based), for a number of reasons, not least the power to weight ration.
360Ws is a fair belt from a fat speedlight.
The first objection you may have is the fact it has a limited number of modifiers. Well...., yes and no. Dedicated modifiers are a folding softbox/beauty dish with honeycombe, a beauty dish with grid and sock, a standard reflector, a set of gels and grid for the same standard reflector, a dome diffuser and finally, there is also a wide angle reflector for use with an umbrella. On a personal note, I originally felt this was fairly restrictive as a kit, and modified an S fit adapter of my own. That said, I actually used the dedicated mods far more than I anticipated.
Now, there is an incredibly good S fit adapter available which also doubles as a folding softbox adapter, and as it's made of ABS, it's extremely light but very strong. This S fit adapter is the one bit of kit that's been a game changer for the stuff I do.
The image below was shot with Atoms. 3 x 360 and 1 x 180
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Thanks Neil.

I have the Safari II, in fact a couple of them, but find I use the atoms far more. I also find I use the atoms in conjunction with the Safaris, which are seldom used on their own nowadays.
Bearing in mind everything I have said above, I must point out you have a fairly comprehensive kit as it stands, and there is a vast amount you can do with what you have.
The image below was shot with a couple of Atom 180 (180Ws) which were turned down to minimum. Which means they could easily be substituted for a couple of speedlights at 1/4 output, possibly less.
Thanks Michael
I don't think that they have Lencarta stuff in Malaysia and I would rather not buy say in HK or the UK have it shipped then have grief if it goes bad on me so I am looking at buying in Malaysia something that is over the counter in Malaysia if you know what I mean. I mentioned before that I did a flash photography class in Malaysia at a well known facility her in Kl and I remember that they had a bunch of lighting equipment for sale in there shop so I will go and see them when I get home and see what they would recommend...............but after seeing what some of the guys on here are using and to read the comments I really do fancy the portability stuff rather than having just home lighting.