Help with moon picture

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Hi everyone,
I've been shooting the moon the last couple of nights as the sky has been clear.
I was trying to to do some creative shots of silhouettes I'm front of the moon and also clouds around the moon but ant manage to do this for some reason without keeping everything in focus and keeping sharpness. Could anyone give me any advice on this. Thanks
The moon is too bright to get a sharp detailled moon and decent cloud cover.
I'd do 2 exposures and combine.

Do have a search on here, as I recall reading a similar question a while back (maybe a couple of years ago).
Hi everyone,
I've been shooting the moon the last couple of nights as the sky has been clear.
I was trying to to do some creative shots of silhouettes I'm front of the moon and also clouds around the moon but ant manage to do this for some reason without keeping everything in focus and keeping sharpness. Could anyone give me any advice on this. Thanks

What do you mean when you say" ant manage to do this for some reason WITHOUT keeping everything in focus and keeping sharpness? Do you want things out of focus and un sharp!:shrug:
I meant I can't manage to do this having both the silhouette and moon in focus or the clouds and moon in focus, I can only get one or the other in focus and I'd like to get both.
RacingSnake said:
The moon is too bright to get a sharp detailled moon and decent cloud cover.
I'd do 2 exposures and combine.

Do have a search on here, as I recall reading a similar question a while back (maybe a couple of years ago).

Thanks gavin, I tried searching but couldn't find it gave up going so far back in threads lol.
To do this, you have to be a long way from whatever you want to silhouette.

Would help if you gave us a sample of what you have tried so far so we can better advise
I meant I can't manage to do this having both the silhouette and moon in focus or the clouds and moon in focus, I can only get one or the other in focus and I'd like to get both.

What settings are you using? what size lens?:cool:
RichardtheSane said:
To do this, you have to be a long way from whatever you want to silhouette.

Would help if you gave us a sample of what you have tried so far so we can better advise

I have tried getting the moon behind branches or just a leaf last night but to be fair I wasn't stood far from the branch/leaf when I did it.
kestral said:
What settings are you using? what size lens?:cool:

I tried different settings in manual mode. Lens I was using was 70-300. I only have that lens and a 18-55 kit lens. What settings should I be using?
I tried different settings in manual mode. Lens I was using was 70-300. I only have that lens and a 18-55 kit lens. What settings should I be using?

You should use the smallest aperture( ie f22 ) possible so you have the greatest depth of field(largest range of focus) but that will reduce the shutter speed(the larger the lens the higher speed required) so you need to increase ISO if your shutter speed drops to low.(y)
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kestral said:
You should use the smallest aperture( ie f22 ) possible so you have the greatest depth of field(largest range of focus) but that will reduce the shutter speed(the larger the lens the higher speed required) so you need to increase ISO if your shutter speed drops to low.(y)

Thanks kestrel I shall note this down :) I shall try a variation on ISO settings.
1.Choose a suitable lens, which is 200mm or larger.
2.Be aware of what makes the moon so brilliant.
3.Try to find a suitable resting place for the camera
4.Focus the moon within your frame and set the exposure
5.Take more photos
6.Go through your photos on the computer at the earliest possible opportunity.
7.Be creative
8.Get adventrous
Hope it helps