It ain't fair


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I am having a bit of a bad time with my back and it is pain full to walk, as a result I cannot carry my camera with 150-600 attached and handle the dog at the same time. Took him along the canal and saw the elusive Kingfisher, five clear sightings and close up too. NO CAMERA:(:(. Just nipped out to the shop, heard the screeching, looked to the sky and saw a pair of Peregrines well within range, again NO CAMERA:(:(.........Totally peed off.:puke::puke::puke::puke:
I have every sympathy with you, having a bad back myself. No fun at all. Plus I'm getting the house ready to put on the market, so feels like my cameras have not seen light of day this summer....did I summer, not having much where I am :)

Hope your gets better soon.


Whilst I have sympathy with you for your sore back I can't help but think there are a lot more people worse off who'd love to be able to walk a dog or even walk at all.
This usually happens to me when I have the camera rig for a macro session :banghead:
I spent all day lugging my camera bag (with camera and associated kit) around a county show yesterday, but only took the camera out twice because of the p***ing rain :(

My back is strong but still today, 5 years after the
fact, my left knee gives me problem and pain.

I found a good solution with Pelican cases and a
special set of wheels I attached to it. This solution
did not foresee any dog in the equation. :D

There is no sense in having gear and not being
able to move around… since some time, I was
thinking and designing some ways to adapt a golf
cart to allow me to be at it longer without tiring my
legs — the problems we get over 22…:wacky:

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I am having a bit of a bad time with my back and it is pain full to walk

Have you considered carrying the camera strapped from your neck but diagonally across your chest so it stands under your left or your right arm or thereabouts. You might then be able to carry it on one or the other side. Just a thought...

PS. The camera strap maybe too short for that.
Well I have both a bad neck (operation looming) and a bad back. Not sure which camera system you use but I have a Nikon 300 PF with
crop sensor camera. I can cope with this with a 1.4 tc attached. I use a peak design slide strap. I would love a lens that went to 600mm but not much point in buying one because of the weight.
I have suffered this problem for several years (three injuries to my hip) It just happens suddenly and then I cannot stand properly and its painfull to walk. This time it started when getting off a chair to leave the table. This morning I have been doing exercises that are improving things slowly. When things are OK I have no problem carrying my gear as I am very strong for my three and half times 22Yrs age.Today I am going out on my own with just my D7100 and Tamron 150-600 and hope I may see something interested, but not going to far:)

My back is strong but still today, 5 years after,
my left knee gives me problem and pain.

I found a good solution with Pelican cases and
a special set of wheels I attached to it. This so-
lution did not foresee any dog in the equation.

There is no sense in having gear and not being
able to move around… since some time, I have
thinking and designing some ways to adapt a golf
cart to allow me to be at it longer without tiring my
leg — the problems we get over 22…:D

In the UK you can get trolleys to carry fishing tackle:)
They have a frame to take a large box or bag and large wheels the same as a golf trolley this would be ideal to carry a large camera bag

I have trouble with my back sometimes
It can be a nightmare when I'm lying on the ground taking macro shots and then can't move
In the UK you can get trolleys to carry fishing tackle

Right, I have one of these beach trolly…
great in every way but holding the gear! :(
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Right, I have one of this beach trolly…
great in every way but holding the gear! :(

The type I'm thinking of have a wide frame the wheels are quite widely spaced apart designed to be pulled across muddy fields
The type I'm thinking of have a wide frame the wheels are quite widely spaced apart designed to be pulled across muddy fields

I am having a bit of a bad time with my back and it is pain full to walk, as a result I cannot carry my camera with 150-600 attached and handle the dog at the same time. Took him along the canal and saw the elusive Kingfisher, five clear sightings and close up too. NO CAMERA:(:(. Just nipped out to the shop, heard the screeching, looked to the sky and saw a pair of Peregrines well within range, again NO CAMERA:(:(.........Totally peed off.:puke::puke::puke::puke:
REally sorry to hear about you back:(.i hope you get well soon.
this happens yo me too.its like when you carry your umbrella cause it looks rainy but dosnt rain than just the next day its all sunny and you leave the house without it.all of a sudden it starts raining cats and dogs:eek::mad:.
happend to me last time i went for a game drive and ynfortunately had just one battery so had to take it to charge to the park gate as thers no elecrticity within the park.on the way coming back we had two cheetahs that had just killed an antilope.i felt like ripping my self to pieces:mad::muted: :muted:
the first thing i did when i came home was buy a second battery:LOL:
It would seem we all appear to have back issues, including me.

Thoughts for the day:

Do we take up photography because we have bad backs?
Do we have bad backs as a result of lugging all our gear around?
Is it because we are contortionists trying to get "that" shot?
Maybe photography is bad for our health!

I think the NHS would love for photography to be banned. :exit:
I am having a bit of a bad time with my back and it is pain full to walk, as a result I cannot carry my camera with 150-600 attached and handle the dog at the same time. Took him along the canal and saw the elusive Kingfisher, five clear sightings and close up too. NO CAMERA:(:(. Just nipped out to the shop, heard the screeching, looked to the sky and saw a pair of Peregrines well within range, again NO CAMERA:(:(.........Totally peed off.:puke::puke::puke::puke:
I've had similar... Sent lens for repair, next day a bloody sparrow hawk massacres a pidgeon on the roof of my car literally 6ft from my front door. Later that week, kingfishers, about 20-30ft away...

The only way i could deal with it mentally, was to remember i was lucky to see it at all. Sometimes you should forget about the camera, and just enjoy what's in front of you.
Well I managed a walk out with Max and took my d300 + 70-300 lens. Still could not manage to use the camera and control Max so after a while took him back to my daughter. Feeling not to bad instead of going home decided to have a walk along the canal( all the time wishing I had gone home for my D7100 and 600mm}. Now the bad bit :( There it was Kingfisher with a fish:eek: wrong camera wrong lens for the iso and distance. Got to try a shot and finished up with massive noisy crop.

View attachment 108191

I am feeling a lot better now and although not 100% more determined to enjoy my Hobby than ever. Just bought a d7200 to brighten up my life and looking forward to better things.:)
Get the dog to carry the camera you can get little saddlebags. About time our four legged friends earned their keep.
And there was me thinking that doggie bag meant something completely different.
It's not as if Charles was complaining, so I don't see the point in your comments.
Hang on, the thread is called 'it ain't fair' and Charles ends his post with 'totally peed off'. I don't blame him at all, but... he's definitely complaining :):popcorn:
Used to feel the same when I saw something interesting when I didn't have the camera. Used to bug me for ages that I'd 'missed the shot '. Once saw a perigrine sat on a wall and I took so long to get the camera out that it flew off, I should I just watched it rather than trying to get the shot. I realised then that I was very privileged to see the things I was wanting to photograph and so what if I didn't have a photo to celebrate the moment, I saw it with my eyes and that is amazing.

Chill and enjoy the world. Take photos when you can, relax when you can't.
This thread reminds me of the scene in "the secret life of walter mitty", when he finally meets the photographer on the mountain...
The snow leopard comes out, and he asks when hes gonna take the shot...

"Sometimes I don't. If I like a moment, for me, personally, I don't like to have the distraction of the camera. I just want to stay in it."
I am having a bit of a bad time with my back and it is pain full to walk, as a result I cannot carry my camera with 150-600 attached and handle the dog at the same time. Took him along the canal and saw the elusive Kingfisher, five clear sightings and close up too. NO CAMERA:(:(. Just nipped out to the shop, heard the screeching, looked to the sky and saw a pair of Peregrines well within range, again NO CAMERA:(:(.........Totally peed off.:puke::puke::puke::puke:

Might be worth considering a super zoom like Nikon p900 or similar? I know not up to DSLR standards but from what I’ve seen perfectly acceptable and could mean you could carry it while walking the dog?
Over the summer I spent 30 minutes frozen to the spot while a young badger foraged within metres of me. At one point it had a sniff of my walking boots, looked up at me puzzled, had another sniff then carried on. I didn't have a single camera with me, and I'd even managed to leave my phone at home...
Quite a lot of trolley discussion in here
I don't have injuries or back problems, but the other week we went out for the day and I (semi-voluntarily) left the camera at home. The day was grey, light was rubbish, so I thought I'd be fine without it.
How wrong. 2hrs into our walk in the forest and 3 deer, including a young one, walked right in our path. They were 20metres away and I had no camera, bar the phone. The deer hung about for 5-10mins then wandered off only to come back onto our route 10mins later.
Annoyed is one word for it.
Even my EOS-M10 would have been better than nothing.