JD's 365.

Day 267. 365 Bingo, Day 2.


This Shot

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This Magazine

Quite an easy one, had a few attempts at getting the angle of the pose better, but it's hard when you are trying it with no-one's help. So I gave up, so I could go watch TV and drink beer. ;)

I felt the picture was strangely relevant. :)
Day 269. Jonny In A Box.


I have to apologise for my dodgy Photoshop skills, but you get the idea.

A usual day cleaning the house. It smells funny. :( I've really no clue where the idea came from for this shot, I think I saw a picture similar. Good fun again, I couldn't quite fit in the box, so I had to break it apart. If only.....

If I had more time I'd have tried to balance out the shadows to the right of the box. I'd have also cloned out the writing on the box. Box Good, Box smell Nice.....
Day 270. Jonny And Pete In A Box.


Another exhausting day spent driving and exploring. So far we have spent 3 days at this site and we have only nearly covered half of it. I wouldn't have it any other way!! :D

Another Box shot, This one smelt nice, but there was a taste I couldn't put my finger on...
Day 271.


Today dragged in. Only tomorrow to "work" then I get a big cheque!! I really can't wait, I've taken a load of ***** from this company from the beginning and to get away while everyone else wants to, feels quite nice. I will no longer have to deal with overinflated ego's, no more internal politics and no more watching your back 24/7.

Will I miss them?? Hell no.
Nice closeup there.

Obviously I don't need to remind you, that you have all those issues to look forward to at your next job :D
Day 272.


A random fill shot tonight, those who were expecting a random shot of me drunk, I'm sorry.

Today was my last official day at work. When I say day, I mean half a day. I was home for one o'clock this afternoon clearing the van of all personal belongings and giving it a good clean.

Cheque in the morning, tomorrow's shot will be a funny. :)
Thanks Julian, have my mate John round for a gaming session and he has the white iPhone, while I have the black one. It was actually John's idea.

Cheque is quite a nice one, overall I've done very well, in comparison to some of the other guys that went for it. :D