John's 2010 52, Week 27 Art (July 10th)

Hi John - I really like the bold simplicity of the ticket shot. I'm impressed with the technicals of the moon shot, but I like the result of the ticket best!!!

Interesting take on theme, much more imaginative than mine ! Love the moon picture.

Thank you

Yep, get your point regarding wildlife photography - we just have to poke up with what Mother Nature gives us.

I like the extra unfocussed bit on your ticket. It looks so much more like it's being presented now.

Great, cheers Rob

The moon shot is fantastic!

A clever idea to use the ticket. I like the second version better, not so much for the narrower DOF, I think, but because the different direction of the parallel lines in the background give a much better sense of movement.


Thank you... I'd not noticed that originally, but you're right.

I think your first Produce shot is - errrr - interesting, John. :thinking: But I ended up struggling, too. ;)

The second one definitely fits the theme! What's this if it's not a production:

... and a mjor production at that. The end result is stunning. For me, it also meets Produce in another way: I think the moon looks like a melon, so it's definitely Produce. :D

The ticket is a clever interpretation of the theme, and nicely produced. ;)


The first was only posted as an it didn't work shot... I agree ;) It sure was a major work doing it... a Melon... I can't say I'd spotted that before, but hey... it adds another one...

Thanks very much Jean

Hi John - I really like the bold simplicity of the ticket shot. I'm impressed with the technicals of the moon shot, but I like the result of the ticket best!!!


Thanks very much Phil (y)
Another 'corker' mate.

As other have said, it's simple but extremely effective. That orange really pops !!
Clever take on what could have been a very dull theme. The DOF works for me and didn't even spot the RTN 'issue' until it had been pointed out. Nice background, excellent use of avaialable light. 10 outta 10 dude.
I thought that first one looked like Broccoli, so good to see that I was on the mark. Definitely got some potential there, but as you said it's not quite right.

The moon shot is absolutely AMAZING!!!!
I know I've said this about your moon shots before, but I honestly think that they are incredible.
I still don't understand half of how you do it, but the amount of work that goes into them is well worth it. :clap: :clap: :clap:

And the ticket . . . really creative interpretation and the blurred background is perfect. Really reminds me of the rush to get through the station and onto your platform in time.
As the theme goes the ticket is a great idea, the second version with a narrower dof stands out as the first is a little flat seeing all the ticket very sharpe.

The moon is just showing off :notworthy:
Another 'corker' mate.

As other have said, it's simple but extremely effective. That orange really pops !!
Clever take on what could have been a very dull theme. The DOF works for me and didn't even spot the RTN 'issue' until it had been pointed out. Nice background, excellent use of avaialable light. 10 outta 10 dude.

Cheers Rob (y)

I thought that first one looked like Broccoli, so good to see that I was on the mark. Definitely got some potential there, but as you said it's not quite right.

The moon shot is absolutely AMAZING!!!!
I know I've said this about your moon shots before, but I honestly think that they are incredible.
I still don't understand half of how you do it, but the amount of work that goes into them is well worth it. :clap: :clap: :clap:

And the ticket . . . really creative interpretation and the blurred background is perfect. Really reminds me of the rush to get through the station and onto your platform in time.

Thanks very much Sarah, the Astro stuff is much the same really, it's all about the light, how you capture it and how you process it, it's just the last two take a lot longer than normal and the capturing often requires specialist tools. As for the ticket... it's worked far better than I thought it would :D

As the theme goes the ticket is a great idea, the second version with a narrower dof stands out as the first is a little flat seeing all the ticket very sharpe.

The moon is just showing off :notworthy:

Thanks very much Scott... as for showing off... hell, why not :LOL:
Not sure where I left you off from last time! Your moon shot is a corker, really like that. Excellent detail achieved. The ticket is a great idea too.

To pick another favourite from the bunch, I love the mouse shot too! Even though it's a sneaky one theme wise, it's an excellent shot. (y)
Thanks very much Conor... I'm happy to stretch the boundaries of the theme ... get sneaky :D...
Well... it's been a mad week, I managed to get something though...

I'm in 4 :)D) minds over which of these to choose ..

1) A four sided Dice

2) A Quad made of 4 four sided Die

They are both square cropped (in case it doesn't come across)... so another set of quads... they were not going to balance on top of each other...

I tried something with lighting, and set my 360afd in slave mode beneath me along the floor, fitted the 300afd to the camera and used the flash from that to trigged the 360. The dice were sat on a sheet of A4.
I like them both, but though the second is clever I prefer the first one - much more dramatic, with lovely colours and use of DOF. (y)
Well... it's been a mad week, I managed to get something though...

I'm in 4 :)D) minds over which of these to choose .. I like that, John! :LOL:

They are both square cropped (in case it doesn't come across)... so another set of quads... I never thought of claiming 'quadness' with square images - nice one! they were not going to balance on top of each other...

I tried something with lighting, and set my 360afd in slave mode beneath me along the floor, fitted the 300afd to the camera and used the flash from that to trigged the 360. The dice were sat on a sheet of A4.

They're both good and certainly bang, bang, bang, bang on theme, but #2 jumps out of the screen at me - brilliant perspective and dof. :clap: It's got loads of impact, even the colour's strong, and I've never seen 4-sided die before. :eek:

I like the colours in the second one but the first is my preferred choice. I like the dof which gives it much more interest. And the thing that really interested me was your lighting. I would never have thought of any of that to shoot a die, be it four sided or any other sided.
Sneaky :D

#1 for me, I like your second shot but the colour and lighting in your first wins hands down.
Both images for quad work well John but #1 would get my vote. I like the composition, the dof and the colour. Perhaps #2 says quad more than #1 but you have chosen to have the 4 in sharp focus on the top of the dice in your first image so it does fit the theme.
Hey, why choose, have both images as your quad and do like I have done and have a 104 instead of a 52:D
Again the first one for me, works perfectly on theme and I can't see this subject being repeated (y)
That's a clever idea, John. The first one is my favourite. I love the DOF and the colours. Excellent take on the theme.


Thanks Jenny

Second one for me - great colours and choice for theme.

Cheers Liz

The first one is better for me, I like the DOF and colors.
Because the BG is plain the shot odes not work for me.


Thanks Allan

I like them both, but though the second is clever I prefer the first one - much more dramatic, with lovely colours and use of DOF. (y)

Thank yu

They're both good and certainly bang, bang, bang, bang on theme, but #2 jumps out of the screen at me - brilliant perspective and dof. :clap: It's got loads of impact, even the colour's strong, and I've never seen 4-sided die before. :eek:


Cheers Jean... I've got all sorts of die... 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 20 sided... I never bothered with the 100 sided dice.. it always seems rather pointless and more of a ball than a dice ;).

I like the colours in the second one but the first is my preferred choice. I like the dof which gives it much more interest. And the thing that really interested me was your lighting. I would never have thought of any of that to shoot a die, be it four sided or any other sided.

Cheers Rob, lighting is something I'm playing more with this year... although I really need to get some radio triggers.

Number 1 for me .. as already said good dof.

Thank you.

Sneaky :D

#1 for me, I like your second shot but the colour and lighting in your first wins hands down.

:D... any why not Rob... Thank you.

Both images for quad work well John but #1 would get my vote. I like the composition, the dof and the colour. Perhaps #2 says quad more than #1 but you have chosen to have the 4 in sharp focus on the top of the dice in your first image so it does fit the theme.
Hey, why choose, have both images as your quad and do like I have done and have a 104 instead of a 52:D

Thanks Iain, you're right about the 4 in the first one, but in the second they count up, although I've just noticed I ought to rotate the image... one is lower right and the count is clockwise. I'm going to leave it named as a 52, as there will be some weeks when only one will get posted, but thanks for the idea.

First one for me - really nice, sharp detail :clap:

Cheers Nick

Again the first one for me, works perfectly on theme and I can't see this subject being repeated (y)

Cheers Scott ;)
Whilst out and about on Saturday I spotted this, so decided on it as my reshoot for chopped...

Definitely Chopped, John. :)

I love the colours and texture you've captured in this one, and the differences between the weathered timber in the sawn off trunk and the bark of the tree. I'm in two minds about the composition. For me, the gate on the right is a little distracting, although I can see that it puts the tree into context. But if you crop in to the tree on the right it looks a bit unbalanced.

Did you by any chance take another shot from a slightly different angle - more to the right perhaps? Then you could get a really close crop (if you want one, that is ;)) with the sawn off trunk more central.

But as I said originally, it still works as it is. (y)

Awesome moon John!!!! Truly....I dread to think what shape the moon would end up if I tried this! :LOL:

Also loving the first dice shot especially although I do like the second too I think the texture and colours of the 1st win it. What RPGs do you play?
Definitely Chopped, John. :)

I love the colours and texture you've captured in this one, and the differences between the weathered timber in the sawn off trunk and the bark of the tree. I'm in two minds about the composition. For me, the gate on the right is a little distracting, although I can see that it puts the tree into context. But if you crop in to the tree on the right it looks a bit unbalanced.

Did you by any chance take another shot from a slightly different angle - more to the right perhaps? Then you could get a really close crop (if you want one, that is ;)) with the sawn off trunk more central.

But as I said originally, it still works as it is. (y)


Cheers Jean, didn't even notice the fence :bang: and I didn't get another shot of it... only had time to grab the one shot...

Awesome moon John!!!! Truly....I dread to think what shape the moon would end up if I tried this! :LOL:

Also loving the first dice shot especially although I do like the second too I think the texture and colours of the 1st win it. What RPGs do you play?

Thanks Sonia, it takes a lot of kit and practice... you don't want to see my first attempts 18 months ago...

As for the RPG's... I used to play a mixed bag, but don't really anymore... D&D, Runequest and a bunch of others including Cyberpunk...
Quad : These are two good, well thought out shots and bang on theme.
The first one wins for me though. The perspective and the way the light is hitting the die is doing funny things to my eyes . . . but in a good way.
I almost feel like I'm falling into the shot.
I like this a lot. Absolutely tons of impact.

Reshoot : Well done on picking "chopped" for your reshoot.
It's a reshoot that I really want to do but I'm STILL failing to be inspired by the theme . . . in fact I think it's one of the worst ever!
Nice interesting gnarled tree with good contrast and texture. I'm not too sure about the flash of green on the right though. I think I'd either like to see more of it or crop it out entirely.
Thanks Sonia, it takes a lot of kit and practice... you don't want to see my first attempts 18 months ago...

As for the RPG's... I used to play a mixed bag, but don't really anymore... D&D, Runequest and a bunch of others including Cyberpunk...

Oh I wouldn't mind seeing your first attempts :p

OK well I won't make any comments about RPG'rs ;) my better half and about 6 vikings gather here every few weeks for a game, I tend to sit on the pc and listen to the madness :LOL: Jim has started setting up a website for a game that he wrote so if you ever fancy looking over it give me a shout :)
Love the first one too, John. DoF and light is awesome.
Ah yes, very clever quad shot...I didn't even think about that one, great stuff.

It amazes me how we can all come up with our own interpretations on themes and each week there is one one person who comes up with something totally unique, well done

Oh I wouldn't mind seeing your first attempts :p

OK well I won't make any comments about RPG'rs ;) my better half and about 6 vikings gather here every few weeks for a game, I tend to sit on the pc and listen to the madness :LOL: Jim has started setting up a website for a game that he wrote so if you ever fancy looking over it give me a shout :)

I'll have them somewhere Sonia... I'll see what I can find.. Sounds like a laugh :D... and the website sounds interesting.

Love the first one too, John. DoF and light is awesome.

Thanks very much Dean.

Ah yes, very clever quad shot...I didn't even think about that one, great stuff.

It amazes me how we can all come up with our own interpretations on themes and each week there is one one person who comes up with something totally unique, well done


Cheers Gary. The number of interpretations is quite amazing.
Love the dice shots - I think I prefer the simplicity and impact ofthe first one but they are both very good. The reshoot of chopped is also a strong shot! Well done!

Could have swore I'd commented on your thread John - apologies.

Quad - first one for me - great DOF.

Not sure about the composition for the reshoot of chopped. The field beyond the tree is a little distracting.
great shots for quad, prefer the 1st as think it has more impact, great DOF and agree with sarah, it does make your eyes go funny the longer you look at it ;)

great texture and tones on your chopped reshoot..
Love the dice shots - I think I prefer the simplicity and impact ofthe first one but they are both very good. The reshoot of chopped is also a strong shot! Well done!


Cheers Phil

Could have swore I'd commented on your thread John - apologies.

Quad - first one for me - great DOF.

Not sure about the composition for the reshoot of chopped. The field beyond the tree is a little distracting.

Cheers Paul, no worries... glad you like the Quad... I agree on the tree but I'd missed it at the time... I do that too much :bang:

great shots for quad, prefer the 1st as think it has more impact, great DOF and agree with sarah, it does make your eyes go funny the longer you look at it ;)

great texture and tones on your chopped reshoot..

Thanks Michelle
I've struggled with this theme... it sounded like it was going to be an easy one, with lots of possibilities.. ha...

Anyway, we went out in the week, and I thought I might be able to get a shot to fit the bill... I got a couple, neither really fit as well as I'd hoped, so I may need to borrow the crowbar here...

Anyway... this one didn't come out as I'd hoped... and I'm really not that happy with it..


So I'm going to go with this one, which doesn't really say shoot but is the loading door for a torpedo tube... so things are shot from it.. to the cry of



So a poor week, but that's ok... hopefully I'll be able to do better next week...
I think the first one had potential - possibly would be stronger if the gun was in focus and the background blurred?
