Critique required LC2's Shoe Horns for 2023 : Week 52 - Showcase

Getting time for some catch-up comments:

Letters - The lines do their job in leading you in, nice contrasting colours.

Broken - Looks like the hole is smaller than the contents, presumably there is doors at one end for access.

Full - The curve of the wheel set helps to frame the main subject, it does look very full. Would a normal mono conversion not be able to achieve the same range of tones?

Knob - It does look signalling related, possibly a Train Ready To Start (TRTS) button.

Tunnel - I had to satisfy my curiosity on the definition of the word, according to the internet it's 'an underground passageway dug through surrounding soil, earth or rock" :exit:

Spring - The angle works well, not convinced it needs the single flower in the bottom right corner.
Tunnel - I had to satisfy my curiosity on the definition of the word, according to the internet it's 'an underground passageway dug through surrounding soil, earth or rock" :exit:
Fair enough. I did say it was a shoe horn (but wait, isn't stone rock?) ;)
Spring - The angle works well, not convinced it needs the single flower in the bottom right corner.
I don't hate the daff bottom right, and I wasn't about to rip it out of the ground :)
I could clone it out, but...

Cheers for the comments :)
A good set of catch up images you have there. I particularly like the colour and composition of broken. It has a story.
Knob - nice shot of an interesting looking knob
Letters - plenty of those there!
Patterns - works well. Like the tight crop
Tunnel - works for me (y)
Spring - spot on.
A good set of catch up images you have there. I particularly like the colour and composition of broken. It has a story.
I just wish I knew what it was ;)
Knob - nice shot of an interesting looking knob
Letters - plenty of those there!
Patterns - works well. Like the tight crop
Tunnel - works for me (y)
Spring - spot on.
Cheers Simon
Week 12 - Tunnel + Tech (B&W)

Given my main thread shot was quite a bit of a shoe horn (and perhaps not even a tunnel...)
I give you Take 2.
Shot in Covent Garden tube, using the wall to steady the camera.
I've even incorporated the technique. That'll be a first!

Week 12 - Tunnel by Tim White, on Flickr
Two lovely shots Tim. I like the tube shot especially.
Nice shot Tim. I guess it would be better without the folks in the background, but the DOF of the shot means this isn't too distracting (to me at least).
Nice shot Tim. I guess it would be better without the folks in the background, but the DOF of the shot means this isn't too distracting (to me at least).
I actually meant Roxana, draped over the sculpture like that ;)
Shooting out in the street pretty much guarantees that there will be someone in the far background, hence I usually keep the DoF shallow.
I like that a lot :)
Three great shots Tim, an excellent "catchup series".
Nice to see you posting.
Good catch up. I like where you have caught the train for "tunnel" its a well thought out image.
Light is really good in "kitchen" and "smooth" is just a strong image a nice composition.
Great catch-up Tim. I particularly like Tunnel take 2 and kitchen. The smooth pic is really striking.
A good selection of images. Back on form with the street shots.
Nice tunnel shot Tim,
Kitchen works well with the warm colours.
Some smooth curves with the sculpture.

I like that a lot :)
Three great shots Tim, an excellent "catchup series".
Nice to see you posting.
Good catch up. I like where you have caught the train for "tunnel" its a well thought out image.
Light is really good in "kitchen" and "smooth" is just a strong image a nice composition.
Yes, I've finally found some time to get out and do something :)
I think that Kitchen and Tunnel are my favs. Tunnel really had to be in B&W. Colour wasn't cutting it. I did set it to burst because I wasn't exactly sure where I wanted the train, but I knew I wanted it either just prior to or just emerging.
I liked the contrast of the lit serving hatch with the darkness of the rest of the kitchen in the Kitchen shot.
Great catch-up Tim. I particularly like Tunnel take 2 and kitchen. The smooth pic is really striking.
A good selection of images. Back on form with the street shots.
I should do more street really.
Nice tunnel shot Tim,
Kitchen works well with the warm colours.
Some smooth curves with the sculpture.

Thanks Pete.
Great work (y)
Week 15 - Snappers Choice

If you thought it was going to be anything other than a cosplay shot for this week, you were sorely mistaken ;)

Keqing from the game Genshin Impact
(Ask your kids).

Shot on my first outing with the new X-T5 and 33mm f/1.4
The colour palette of the background and the costume go really well together.
There is a little shadow, giving away the fact that we weren't standing in the middle of a road in Japan !!!

Keqing - Genshin Impact by Tim White, on Flickr
Nice shot - and great colours!
Spot on about the colours Tim. That's a really nice shot.
Excellent shot with your new lens.
Shame you chopped off part of the sword handle.
Did you use some fill flash?
I was about to say that you've been on your travels! Great colour and capture.
Nice shot - and great colours!
Spot on about the colours Tim. That's a really nice shot.
Great colours Tim, lovely shot.

Excellent shot with your new lens.
Shame you chopped off part of the sword handle.
Did you use some fill flash?
Yes, the handle is a little chopped. Getting used to the new lens is my excuse ;)
I was using some fill flash yes. There are some small catch lights. This is using my run & gun lights rather than a large soft box.
Nice shot, great colours. Good start with new kit
Ta. Given they look pretty similar, it is quite different from the 2 and 3.
Fun shot Tim, really well done.
I was about to say that you've been on your travels! Great colour and capture.
Well yes, but to Newark rather than Japan ;)
Week 16 - Connected

Back to the old XT2 and kit 18-55 this week, at my Mid Hants Railway stomping ground.
I took a number of shots for connected.

This is I think my favourite of the shots. The connecting rods of one of the 08 shunters.
The colour of the rods pop from the wheels and springs. I like the way the DoF goes from sharply in focus to very oof in quite a short distance.

Week 16 - Connected by Tim White, on Flickr

Next is a shot across the buffers of 2 sets of wagons on adjoining tracks. At least one set are connected together

DSCF8761 by Tim White, on Flickr

Thirdly was a container full of the Three Link couplings that connect wagons together.

DSCF8747 by Tim White, on Flickr

Finally, another shot of the 08's connecting rods, from the other side. Somehow it's just not as appealing.

DSCF8749 by Tim White, on Flickr
Fab stuff - shot two was on my list :)
First shot of the connecting rod is brilliant. Viewed full screen it really pops. Both from the colour of the red and the focus on the nut with the beautiful fall off of focus through the frame.

Very nice!
Nice pics cosplay shot is really good works with the BG as you say

The first shot of the connecting rods and the one of the shackles work for me.
That's a lot of connections and any one of the pictures could fill the brief very well, but I think you chose the correct one for the headliner.
Some great images. The red stands out really well against the background. I'm with you on the chosen shot with a nice dof.
Good set with #1 followed closely by #2 for me. As others said the contrast between the red and black really makes it pop