London and RX100 M3

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After absolutely wrecking my poor back last time I was on a business trip to London and I lugged about my D800, tripod and a couple of lenses, I travelled much lighter last week, with just my Sony RX100 M3 and a Gorillapod. Overall I'm fairly pleased with the results but I need to get used to handling the very small form factor.

Under the Bridge by Brian M, on Flickr

London trails by Brian M, on Flickr

Borough Market by Brian M, on Flickr
Excellent series of photos.

I don't think people would know these are taken with a compact camera (although admittedly a very good one) if you hadn't said so
Nice shots, psybear...the first being my favourite.

RX100's are cracking little cameras (still happily shooting with my MK1).
Thanks all. To be honest I think the Gorilliapod's limitations were more frustrating than anything. Next time I'll bring my Manfrotto BeFree travel tripod.

No filters used.
These are fantastic images. I have the mk1 and still use it when travelling light, fantastic little cameras
I cannot believe those were taken with a compact camera - jaw droppingly good :)
Thanks guys. I think there's a lot more potential in it. Like I say, I was really frustrated with the gorillapod which, perversely, seems to work better (for me at least) with a bloody great big DSLR on it.

Now I've seen the potential I'm looking forward to bringing the Sony (plus tripod) away more often.
lovely shots, the two b and w are very atmospheric and as already commented they don't look like "compact shots" so i take it your happy with the rx100?
Thanks. I'm becoming more and more impressed with it as I use it more. This is really the first time I've tried it for this type of photography. It also really impressed me at my son's wedding recently - I posted a selection of images from it in the RX100 thread in Talk Equipment.
It is amazing what these things output, of course with the photographer input. I like number 3, although it does feel a bit cockeyed to my eyes. Great composition on number 1
Cockeyed? There is a little bit of distortion perspective going on - can't get all my verticals true, if that's what you mean.

The other interesting thing about #3 is that it was taken hand-held.
Cockeyed? There is a little bit of distortion perspective going on - can't get all my verticals true, if that's what you mean.

The other interesting thing about #3 is that it was taken hand-held.
fantastic , using the wall for body support?
Some great captures there. I think that the RX100 range of cameras are superb. I used to have one and hope to get one again soon. You are right about the small form factor but I found that the benefit of more easily having the camera always with you, meant that this compromise is worthwhile.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it is cockeyed, just as a viewer it feels it. I think it is the drain pipe close to the left hand side of the frame. Its still a good image.
Nice set Brian and good to see what this camera is capable of as I bought one last week.

I really like the first shot, the only thing that I think would improve it would be if there was a person or two using the crossing, but I appreciate you cannot control that and they would have had to be pretty still to show up in your final image, given the slow shutter speed you clearly used.

I am just getting to grips with the Sony (loads of menus and variables!), but would tend to agree that the biggest learning curve I am having so far is handling the thing; it's sooo small!

Keep the shots coming, pleasure to look through (y)
Thanks Tony. I know what you mean by the lack of human interest - there are a couple of ghosts there but further back in the frame and quite indistinctive - and I have another similar image with a couple mid-frame and using the crossing, but too indistinct to be of interest.
Whoaa! Fantastic captures Brian.
That has given me some inspiration of what i would like to aspire to.

I have followed you on twitter sir

Thanks for that. And I'm not sure who you're following on twitter, but it ain't me! ;)
That 1st shot in particular is amazing, such a small capable camera, shows up the bigger DSLR's, you must be happy with the results, I nearly brought one but ended up with the Fuji X100s, I still wonder how they compare...
Great set of images love my mark 2 and with it being so small there's never a reason not to have a camera with you.