Monitor Cleaning

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I'd like to hire a company to come and clean this monitor: honestly, the bloody thing's filthy. I'll have several hundred photos to edit next week, which will prove tricky if something isn't done.
Why don't the manufacturers tell us these things are dust magnets? Is it in case we'll expect a cloth to be included in the price?

There was a time when I didn't mind giving the screen a wipe every couple of weeks, but this just caused streaks and seemed to attract even more dust.
Now there's wee dots all over the place, which make the screen resemble a photo taken by an old 5d at f/22. It's become so bad I had to go round to friend's to search online for somebody to help, but no-one seems to offer such a service.

Another friend who had a look suggested bleach, but I'm not so sure about that. Do you know of anyone, or what can be done to salvage this unfortunate situation?
I'd like to hire a company to come and clean this monitor: honestly, the bloody thing's filthy. I'll have several hundred photos to edit next week, which will prove tricky if something isn't done.
Why don't the manufacturers tell us these things are dust magnets? Is it in case we'll expect a cloth to be included in the price?

There was a time when I didn't mind giving the screen a wipe every couple of weeks, but this just caused streaks and seemed to attract even more dust.
Now there's wee dots all over the place, which make the screen resemble a photo taken by an old 5d at f/22. It's become so bad I had to go round to friend's to search online for somebody to help, but no-one seems to offer such a service.

Another friend who had a look suggested bleach, but I'm not so sure about that. Do you know of anyone, or what can be done to salvage this unfortunate situation?
In your instruction book, it's usually a light wipe with a very slightly moist cloth.
A damp microfibre cloth is all I use. Occasionally use a window / glass cleaner if it is bogging.
Immerse it in a bath of very hot water with washing up liquid and some sea salt added around 20 minutes should be enough to remove all grease marks ,rub over with micro fibre cloth ,and leave to dry naturally in the sun .

It won't work after this ,but makes a very attractive clean door stop :beer::banana:
Take a lightly dampened cloth in your hand and wipe it backwards and forwards across the monitor surfaces. (A La Karate Kid)
You'll be amazed at the result.

My consultation fee invoice is in the post.
Thank you for all the suggestions. I will consider them all carefully over the course of the day before deciding on whose sage advice to follow.
These vital decisions shouldn't be rushed.
Take a lightly dampened cloth in your hand and wipe it backwards and forwards across the monitor surfaces. (A La Karate Kid)
Thanks for that one, but I never did see The Karate Kid. Is there a Kung Fu equivalent?
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75% isopropyl + 25% water + microfibre window cloth. Effortless and smear free.
My mother cleaned her car with a brillo pad, she thought it would work the same as T-cut :(

I used to use Scotchbrite pad as a final prep (before tacking it off) before putting primer on a car before spraying.
I once witnessed someone using a scourer pad and a bucket of water to wash a 7 series Beemer after a thunderstorm in the South of France after a lot of sand had been left on vehicles - a wonderful combination.
I normally use a piece of lightly moist (but not too damp to produce drips) loo paper for the initial wipe over, and then again with another lightly moist loo paper and immediately after that, a final wipe using another clean but dry loo paper.

Seems to work for me, although one monitor is of the shiny surface and the other one is matt which is slightly more trickier.

I used to be terrible at cracking open cans of cola while on the computer table and all the spray bits get onto the screen but since I gave up drinking fizzy pop three years ago, it is less of an issue these days (not to mention my bladder and stomach being thankful for it - but that's another story for another day). I also train myself to face away from the monitor whenever I sneeze.
a slightly damp sheet of fine grade wet and dry paper might help but i doubt it :exit::exit::exit: :naughty::naughty:
i know oh hisslord ,but what it omits is that you have to dry in the tumble dryer afterwards to remove all excess moisture ,or 5 minutes in the microwave might do it as well :withstupid:
The good old days of fun spamming and no one gets upset (y):LOL:

...............except the OP, who feels he's been led up the garden path. When I first asked about monitor cleaning on another forum, some chap calling himself Ken Livingston told me "Monitors are fun and exciting pets, but they can grow quite large ............... " I have no idea who let Ken near a computer.
I then came to this forum where the first advice was from a fellow with a French-sounding name, who linked to a wee dog licking a screen. Thanks for that Marcel, but I don't own a dog. I haven't owned a dog since the days you could pretend to be picking up their sh*te, while actually dropping leaves on it. This worked for while until the local bobby thought he'd make the street a wee bit tidier by ushering the leaves into the gutter.

Next up with the help was a certain Phil V, but he mentioned an instruction book which is why I moved on. Looking back, this was a mistake and I've only myself to blame. I'd looked at some of Phil V's other advice and most of it was about lights and triggers, so I assumed he was a window dresser at a gun shop and was guessing.

I don't want to take up your whole day by waffling for much longer, however, I was sharp enough to spot the problems sandblasting might cause, ditto with the Brillo pads.
Then some cheeky bugger tried to sell me a whole new screen via the classifieds. The mods must have been asleep because he's not received a lifetime ban.
I then thought that Ian D J had finally provided the solution with his suggestion of loo paper. This initially worked well, but after a few hours the room stunk to high heaven and the landlord threatened me with eviction. I told him the hamster had died and the idiot believed me, but it was a bit of a sweat. If he'd checked I was out the door and no mistake.

By now I was becoming somewhat cautious and had I not been so alert, attempt number two by that evil Black Fox could have ended in monitorial disaster. He even had a third and a fourth go. What baffles me is that he still roams the forums as a free man. This undoubted blackguard may have caused mayhem and misery to others less diligent than myself.

I can only hope this thread will serve as a warning to all the stupid people out there. Don't believe a word that anyone says if they have less than 160 posts to any forum.
To conclude, the filthy monitor (yes it really existed) was cleaned with some water applied to a tea towel.
...............except the OP, who feels he's been led up the garden path. When I first asked about monitor cleaning on another forum, some chap calling himself Ken Livingston told me "Monitors are fun and exciting pets, but they can grow quite large ............... " I have no idea who let Ken near a computer.
I then came to this forum where the first advice was from a fellow with a French-sounding name, who linked to a wee dog licking a screen. Thanks for that Marcel, but I don't own a dog. I haven't owned a dog since the days you could pretend to be picking up their sh*te, while actually dropping leaves on it. This worked for while until the local bobby thought he'd make the street a wee bit tidier by ushering the leaves into the gutter.

Next up with the help was a certain Phil V, but he mentioned an instruction book which is why I moved on. Looking back, this was a mistake and I've only myself to blame. I'd looked at some of Phil V's other advice and most of it was about lights and triggers, so I assumed he was a window dresser at a gun shop and was guessing.

I don't want to take up your whole day by waffling for much longer, however, I was sharp enough to spot the problems sandblasting might cause, ditto with the Brillo pads.
Then some cheeky bugger tried to sell me a whole new screen via the classifieds. The mods must have been asleep because he's not received a lifetime ban.
I then thought that Ian D J had finally provided the solution with his suggestion of loo paper. This initially worked well, but after a few hours the room stunk to high heaven and the landlord threatened me with eviction. I told him the hamster had died and the idiot believed me, but it was a bit of a sweat. If he'd checked I was out the door and no mistake.

By now I was becoming somewhat cautious and had I not been so alert, attempt number two by that evil Black Fox could have ended in monitorial disaster. He even had a third and a fourth go. What baffles me is that he still roams the forums as a free man. This undoubted blackguard may have caused mayhem and misery to others less diligent than myself.

I can only hope this thread will serve as a warning to all the stupid people out there. Don't believe a word that anyone says if they have less than 160 posts to any forum.
To conclude, the filthy monitor (yes it really existed) was cleaned with some water applied to a tea towel.
You just need to watch less porn,all that drool and heavy breathing can't be good for any monitor including those advocated by Ken Livingston.o_O
Robert, as you've realised, the correct advice was I the 2nd answer :), allowing everyone else to exercise their 'sense of humour'.

Whilst I love forums (fora?) I do see how they can be a nightmare for the uninitiated.
Robert, as you've realised, the correct advice was I the 2nd answer :), allowing everyone else to exercise their 'sense of humour'.

Whilst I love forums (fora?) I do see how they can be a nightmare for the uninitiated.

Either form, forums or fora is valid.

Non abrasive fabric and non aggressive solvent applied with sufficient but not excessive force should despu get your screen clean. Best done with the computer and monitor turned off.
Ok serious answer, I use HG glass and mirror on everything, including my laptop, TV, camera lenses and spectacles, it's a great non smear cleaner
that does what it says, best I've found