mowse73's 52 week 11 Candid

That is the exactly the same reasoning behind myself taking part this year. The probably is you can over read sometimes and then make it too complicated for when you actually want to take a picture. Good luck!!
Hi everyone. This my image for the theme curved. It is a picture of the Magic roundabout in Swindon. I was trying to show the curved motion of the traffic via the lights of the cars. It is my first attempt at trying this sort of shot. I am open to any critique. I have no expierence of processing or what to look for when editing so all advice appreciated.


What i have learned.
1. 1 hr outside taking pictures is 1000 times better than reading about taking pictures.
2. try lots of settings (if you don't know what you are doing)
3. Where warmer clothes next time it is -4 out(idiot)
4. if you remove your uv filter don't put in your pocket with your keys!
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It's a valiant first effort if you've not tried light trails before. Only thing I can suggest to draw more attention to the shape of the curves is to get up higher, but don't know how possible that is here.
I like the idea and the colours of the sky Martin, I think it's the right time of day to be doing that.
Very brave trying something new, most light trails at your level(height wise not experience:D) seem to work better when the traffic is going away from you as the rear lights aren't as bright.

Great effort in this weather.

Hi Martin - welcome to the 52s - I hope you enjoy it. :)

There's nothing like jumping in at the deep end - and you can difinitely swim. ;) Well done on tackling a difficult subject. Given that you opted out of tree climbing to get a higher point of view, the only other suggestion is can make is to crop out the snow in the foreground. That's the only bit that isn't interesting and it would make a good panoramic-style shot (about 5:2 ratio)

The skyline is excellent and the security and building lights add interest. I also like the red tail light trail running across the scene.

I hope you've thawed out, and I hope your filter survived!

Looking forward to your next week's shot,

That's a good attempt! I'd thought of doing similar but I wimped out of standing in the cold to get the shot, so well done :)

Good luck with your 52 :)
Hi Martin - welcome to the 52s - I hope you enjoy it. :)

There's nothing like jumping in at the deep end - and you can difinitely swim. ;) Well done on tackling a difficult subject. Given that you opted out of tree climbing to get a higher point of view, the only other suggestion is can make is to crop out the snow in the foreground. That's the only bit that isn't interesting and it would make a good panoramic-style shot (about 5:2 ratio)

The skyline is excellent and the security and building lights add interest. I also like the red tail light trail running across the scene.

I hope you've thawed out, and I hope your filter survived!

Looking forward to your next week's shot,


Thx Jean i tried your sugesstion and i think your spot on.
Hi Martin.

That's some real commitment, standing outside for an hour when it's this cold!
I think Jean had it just about spot on with the crop. It's a huge improvement on the original - tons more impact (y)

Well done for pushing yourself so hard in the first week and it's paid off.
Beautiful sky and a fantastic first attempt at light trails. It's a shame that you couldn't get that little bit higher, but don't blame you at all for discounting tree climbing :LOL:
Welcome Martin, and very brave of you to dive straight in like this. Well done. The crop is much better than the original. The image itself is very good, love the sky and the trails are very clear and clearly curved.
like that you still have sky detail.. didnt see the original but do like the crop you've done.. my 1st attempt at light trails was a nightmare.. very brave of you to do it in this weather!.. good intepretation of the theme
Hi all. Well I realy struggled this week due to man-flu and bad weather. I found this poem on the net and i thought of my little boy and his new mode of transport. I am not too clever when it comes to photoshop but i thought of trying this technique.

To Ride a bike in the year 2010 by Matt Caliri

How would it be to ride a bike into the new year?
Awesome in the name of the environment,
Play-like with energy, the man-child seeks no
Pity or placement, planetary alignment is his
Yuletide, his sun spray, his angel's glance,
Nothing would breech the 2010 man's soul with
Everyone carrying the flame of the good like
Willows over glade, tendrils rounding trees,
Your breathe being as good as mine in 2010,
Everyone pedaling at once, every man
Air-raiding pleas for what we need and not want,
Riddling the sins of our past into prosperity.

P.S. I will try to look at everybodies entrys tonight
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Mowse, technically I think you've got the selective colouring spot on. However I find it works better if there are 1 or 2 colours you can pick out of a frame. Nice composition though with the path (is it technically a lead in line with the subject in the foreground? I don't know, but I like it :) )
lovely shot of your son.. like the angle and the selective colour looks pretty spot on to me!
I like the colouring and think the angle works well. I'd like to have seen just your little lad coloured in and I'm not sure if the handle on the back works for me as it looks like it's coming out of his head a bit, but good stuff nonetheless.
I like the colouring and think the angle works well. I'd like to have seen just your little lad coloured in and I'm not sure if the handle on the back works for me as it looks like it's coming out of his head a bit, but good stuff nonetheless.

Thanks Johnny. I see what you mean about he handle. A basic error me thinks.
Nice second shoot,angle makes it work well petty about the handle its the sort of mistake anybody can do when concentrating on the main item in the picture good luck for the rest of the 52(y)
After seeing your comments about my picture I see that you have tried the same technique. For my level of Photoshop knowledge I found it a little time-consuming initially, but its does prove very effective. I would be really pleased with your result.
Well done with the PP Martin - looks like you've done a perfect job with it. I can't see any flaws at all.

As a standalone shot I'm not sure that selective colouring is right for this image, however, in the context of illustrating the poem I think it's spot on.
"Riding a bike into the new year" . . . the B&W background makes me think of leaving the old dead year behind and riding forward into something new.
(sorry - I'm getting all arty on you!)

Shhhhhh and it also helps disguise the jogger in the background.

I'm not a huge fan of tilted shots, but in this one the angle really does add something to the final composition.
If I had one criticism it would be that his face looks slightly soft, I think the focus is just a touch off but it's really not a big concern for me and doesn't detract from the overall image.

:clap: Congratulations on another good week!

p.s. your son is adorable :)
It's funny, you (or in this case, 'I') can think things like "I don't like selective colouring" or "I don't like tilted shots", but sometimes they do just work - and for me this works, Martin. (y)

It's the sort of photo you'd want to keep in your family album because your son looks so happy and is really enjoying his bike. You've captured a special moment and the poem tells the story. Another good week. :)

btw - glad you liked the crop! :D
A brave start with your light trails Martin,some thing I must try, you,ve made a pretty good effort.I also struggled to come up with something for poems and I didn,t have man-flu:LOL:but again you,ve done well. Its a great project eh!....Mick
Curves: yeah the edit is an improvement - great idea too :) Good start!

Poem: Lovely poem and a great image - your selective colouring works a treat and the angle adds a lovely bit of flair! Suits the poem very well! :clap:
I'm struggling to view everyones 52's !!
#1 well done you for getting out there in that weather. Light trails are a personal bugbear of mine, I love them, but fail to capture them properly so kuds to you for managing what you did. Only comment I would make is "perhaps get higher up next time".

#2 I really like this, possibly a little more saturation/vibrance but that's just me and my monitor.

#3 A really beautiful image, what pp was carried out or was it really all misty and foggy ?
I like your Chopped shot Martin - I like that are only a couple of colours of different tones (sort of - if that makes sense?).
Well done on braving the weather, Martin! :)

I love the subdued colours - just right for this time of year, and it's certainly an interesting tree. (y)

I think there's an excellent shot lurking in there but at the moment my eyes are wandering round looking for a focal point to grab my attention. Possibly cropping into one area - or (sorry about this suggestion!) using a lower point of view to give more impact. tbh, I always find it difficult to compose 'forest' shots - the scene looks great at the time, but getting a well-composed shot isn't always achievable. You either can't eliminate unwanted elements or can't get close enough or far away enough. :bang:

I hope that doesn't sound too negative - it's not meant to be - but I do understand how frustrating trees can be. :D

Well done on braving the weather, Martin! :)

I love the subdued colours - just right for this time of year, and it's certainly an interesting tree. (y)

I think there's an excellent shot lurking in there but at the moment my eyes are wandering round looking for a focal point to grab my attention. Possibly cropping into one area - or (sorry about this suggestion!) using a lower point of view to give more impact. tbh, I always find it difficult to compose 'forest' shots - the scene looks great at the time, but getting a well-composed shot isn't always achievable. You either can't eliminate unwanted elements or can't get close enough or far away enough. :bang:

I hope that doesn't sound too negative - it's not meant to be - but I do understand how frustrating trees can be. :D

Thx Jean when i took the shot my vision was that the lines would converge onto the massive piece of earth and that would be my focal point. nevermind
Hi Martin,

Thanks for you C&C on my 52 now i will C&C on yours.

Week 1: WoW brilliant shot, wanna take images like that soon
Week 2: Nice pic just getting used to layers myself
Week 3: Brilliant shot, does what it says on the tin for the theme.
Sorry about short comments as i'm a beginner and just about getting my head around dof etc so dont wanna C&C on things i'm ive got no experience at.

Cheers chris
Hi Martin, some great work here.

Curves: If this was your first attempt, I have to say it's a damn fine one! The cropped version does work so much better as others have said.

Poetry: Great subject, great words, and I like the angled composure. However the shot looks a little soft for me (though I've found myself saying that on a couple of 52's this afternoon so it could be my eyesight. Also not sure about the selective colouring. Have you tried just popping the red in the picture as that's the most striking colour?

Chopped: I like trees, I like your composition, and the overall softness to the picture makes that moss look like velvet.

Good luck with week 4!

Hi Martin,your keeping a good standard,the "chopped" shot has a lot of interest but like has been said above there is a lot of scope to use some different angles and maybe a focus point, all the same still nice shot....Mick
(y) I think there’s some real potential with this one Martin.
Good spot for the theme and there’s definitely some interest there. I love the misty, feel that you’ve got in it.

Similar to what Jean said, I’d quite like to see a narrower DOF to define a clearer focal point – as it is there’s too much in focus for me and I’m struggling to work out where I should be looking.

Still a very nice shot of a difficult subject and you've pulled it off well.
Hi Martin
Love your week 3 shot - and think the 'mistyness' makes it look quite eerie, so it works for me!

Keep it up!
