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Has anyone had experience of selling equipment to MPB ? I got a quote last week and arranged for courier pick up yesterday at an unspecified time, I took a day off work so I wouldn't miss the courier. The courier never arrived !
I tried to call MPB this morning, after many attempts, being on hold for over 5 minutes I was disconnected everytime.
I then tried the "live chat" and the estimated response time was a very vague "few hours" Finally I sent an email.
I'm not at all impressed with the level of service thus far, Is this the norm ?
I've bought and sold with them in the past and had no issues with collection/delivery but this was in the past when they had a good reputation here on TP. More recently they seem to have lost the reputation that they had and that will be hard to rebuild.
Have you received any tracking details to see if the delivery problem is with the courier?
Whilst most companies are having to change the way they work with the Covid-19 situation there has now been sufficient time to have in place arrangements to respond to customers, even if staff are all working from home!
Ive used them three times without issue. Last time was last Monday. May have been an issue with the courier? It did seem slower though checking my gear etc than previous times. I didn’t have a reason to contact them though. I guess the customer service or lack of it tells you a lot about a company although many companies will be struggling to keep up standards with covid challenges
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Has anyone had experience of selling equipment to MPB ? I got a quote last week and arranged for courier pick up yesterday at an unspecified time, I took a day off work so I wouldn't miss the courier. The courier never arrived !
I tried to call MPB this morning, after many attempts, being on hold for over 5 minutes I was disconnected everytime.
I then tried the "live chat" and the estimated response time was a very vague "few hours" Finally I sent an email.
I'm not at all impressed with the level of service thus far, Is this the norm ?

looking at some complaints on this forum - would not at all be surprised buddy :tumbleweed:
In the short time I've been using this forum, it seems to me that MPB's poor service gets a mention at least a couple of times a week - there are several threads running now bemoaning this.

To be fair to them, things do seem to get sorted eventually if something is posted on here about it, but I do wonder how many unsatisfied customers there are that don't use the forum.

I asked them for a quote last year for a camera and a few lenses I wanted to px with another camera that they had in stock. I got so many emails from them hassling me over this, I ended up putting them in my spam list. I've never looked at their website again - nor ever will.
I've used MPB a number of times both to sell and purchase and never had any problems, that said it was pre-COVID though. I would personally use them again.
To be fair to them, things do seem to get sorted eventually if something is posted on here about it, but I do wonder how many unsatisfied customers there are that don't use the forum.
Seems most people are happy with the service

I understand that some on here have problems with them but sometimes its seems to me a bit of a storm in a teacup. For me they have always been very good and provided exactly what they said they would. I do tend to use WEX more now though as I've found they offer a little more with the PX.

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I haven't purchased from them, but gave sold to them 3 or 4 times without issue.
I'd be annoyed if i'd taken a day off and the courier didn't turn up though.
Did you get a timeslot? Usually get a text by 9am with an hour slot.
I got let down by dpd and they got me to send rmsd and they covered the cost no quibbling. They have always responded pretty quick. I even got a few more quid out of them when disputing a quite with them
Did you get a timeslot? Usually get a text by 9am with an hour slot.
No time slot, just the day. Turns out the pick up was rescheduled for today, nobody bothered informing me though. And of course no one was home
You know that little flu thingy going about at the moment?

Maybe they are working with low staffing levels?
In all fairness that excuse is well and truly played out. Have you been on the high street recently. I’m a key worker and have been working all kinds of hours since this virus has landed upon us. Days off are few and far between, and to be stuck indoors on a very wet and windy day waiting for a pickup that was never going to happen, well let’s just say I’m a wee bit peeved.
Sorry to hear the OP's experience.
I've really only just discovered them as haven't bought much gear in years. Recently attempted to trade in a EOS 100D camera body and 18-55 kit lens as wanted to upgrade. DPD pick up was fine - on time, and all comms were spot on. Unfortunately they couldn't honour quote due to some scratches on sensor and fungus in lens (neither of which I could see, and neither of which were having any obvious impact on pictures, so they look like they're being thorough in their inspection process. I thought the gear was in decent nick). So they sent it back and all happened quickly and without hassle. (Incidentally have since sold both on (having advised the buyer of the issues).
This week I've bought a used Canon 15-85 lens of them described as "excellent" condition. Arrived today as planned via DPD and it's absolutely spot on, excellent condition. Was kept up to speed with sale/shipping etc.
So my limited experience is very positive, but undoubtedly there will be occasions where for one reason or another a customer won't be as happy as me.
I've bought and sold with them more than I'd like to admit (GAS) but have never had apart from when buying. When I've booked collection, DPD arrived on the date and did their usual great service. They aren't on chat as a live chat that ive ever seen. It always asks me to leave my email and they'll notify me with a reply. Thats always been fine for me. Ive alwaya got them on the phone when needed.

The buying issue was with a 5DMK3. It was heavily used but I was fine with that. The description was in accurate though and had more issues than listed. One of which was the battery. They said they'd send me a genuine one as the other was a 3rd party that was dud. They send me a massive box and in it was a Fuji lens cap. I was raging. Spoke to managers etc. Finally got the battery and that was that. I've bought with them about 10 different transactions and I've sold to them about 50 separate transactions so I think that shows how well of an experience I've always had.
I've bought and sold with MPB several times over the last 4 years or so and found their delivery and collection (via DPD) to be spot on each time. As others have said, that was pre-Covid lockdown and the resulting 'on line shopping and delivery' boom that occurred as a result.

From post-Covid non-MPB personal experience with on-line purchases, deliveries from both couriers and Royal Mail seem to be quite variable time/day wise at the moment, some arriving early or on time, others taking a day or two longer and some emailed delivery time-slots currently seeming to have little more than entertainment value! :rolleyes:
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I've used MPB many times for buying and selling. 100% happy, no issues whatsoever.

I'm sure it will be sorted out.

When I've sold to them I've had the package collected from work.
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Bought and sold from them previously and all has been fine.
I have sold to them in the past but in the last year I found their quotes to be the lowest; this was for a large excellent 500 prime {which eventually went to Mifsuds in my car - nice day out!}, a bag [which went to Wex] and an Oly 1Mk2 [which went to LCE Gosforth not in my car!]. Perhaps this is reflected in their prices. There have been quite a few complaints on here but as somebody said above, I think they get it sorted out. Very vexing to stay in all day and not have them show up.
I've used them to buy and sell a lot in years gone by, and they were good. However, in the last couple of years something has changed. Their coms are pretty appalling now. I've had a few attempts to speak to them both by phone and by email where they either haven't been answered or they have been answered without care and have't addressed my issue properly Then they sent you an annoying question thing where they ask you to : Help Johnny understand how he is doing" which gets right on my tits after they consistently and obviouslydon't give a monkey's how they are doing. I also had a bad experience where they messed me about and didn't honour a quote they had agreed - not because of article condition but because it wasn't enough money to interest them.

I n your case even if it was the couriers fault they didn't communicate so that's on them and fits in with my experiences
Used them several time for both selling and buying. I woujld have bought my Sigma 150-600 from them recently but they didn't have any - used or new - so LCE got the deal instead.

All of my experiences with MPB have been completely satisfacory and I will, I'm sure, use them again when the need/desire arises :)
Last year I bought an Olympus Zoom from them at a good price, I only wanted it for one trip so I figured that I would sell it back to them when I got home, almost like a rental.

They refused to take it back citing 'signs of fungus'. Utter nonsense.

So never again for me.
I sold and bought lenses in separate transactions last week. All went smoothly as all previous dealings have done.
I'm selling them my old camera and lenses at the moment. Booked a slot on their website of Tuesday and got an email telling me that the courier would be in touch and to package, print and attach the form etc but I heard nothing from the courier (DPD) at all. Fortunately I had boxed it all up and was working from home as he knocked on the door around 11am to collect.

I've had an email today to say they have my stuff and are going to evaluate it so we'll see how that goes.
Only bought from them once, I was thinking about purchasing from them again, this time with a trade in. Did not carry it through though.
I'm selling them my old camera and lenses at the moment. Booked a slot on their website of Tuesday and got an email telling me that the courier would be in touch and to package, print and attach the form etc but I heard nothing from the courier (DPD) at all. Fortunately I had boxed it all up and was working from home as he knocked on the door around 11am to collect.

I've had an email today to say they have my stuff and are going to evaluate it so we'll see how that goes.

Fair play to them. Just had an email saying my stuff was in better condition than I'd described and they've upgraded my quote to pay me more money. Certainly can't complain about that.
When things go to plan, which is most of the time for me, it's a pleasure to deal with them. Things I have bought from them have been accurately graded, well packed and promptly delivery. But if there's a problem, or you want to ask specific questions about an item, they are weak on personal customer service, and don't seem to want to pick up the telephone. That was true before the bat 'flu too.
Well I concluded my deal, I got a very good price for my lens, quick payment. I was peed off having taken a holiday for a pick up that didn’t happen. Overall it was a good experience, in hindsight the fault lay with DPD the courier, not MPB.
Same here. Good service from MPB but DPD were atrocious. They delivered a lens to a completely wrong address.
Ive sold to them in the past. Last time though was Nikon 80-400 lens in excellent condition with no marks at all on body or glass.
on reciept they Emailed to say that on inspection it had marks on the front glass And substantially reduced their quote. I asked them to send it back as I was absolutely certain the glass was in excellent order. I then recieved another email saying they had made a mistake and inspected a different lens, offering the original price which I took. Not sold to them since.
Sold my Nikon gear to them this week. Perfect transaction from start to finish. OK I could probably have made a couple of quid more selling privately but for me the hassle of fending off daft offers and numerous trips to the Post Office was not something I was prepared to engage with.