Newbies first website


Ian Wright

Hi Folks.
I have recently taken early retirement and decided to try photography as a hobby for the first time. I also thought I would have a go at making my own website too. There is a long way to go and it's quite empty at the moment.
This is my first effort: and I just wondered what you folks think.
I'm sure it will be a bit amateurish for some but it is only a hobby site so isn't meant to be really serious. Any constructive critiques would be most welcome, Thanks.
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I'm sure it will be a bit amateurish…

You got two important things right:
  1. navigation — simple and clean
  2. visual pleasure — the chosen BG colour
    makes it a treat, very enjoyable.
The content needs to be of higher level and stuffed up.
I understand that, at this point, this is a web exercise
but the web site is just the presentation plate now let's
see what you'll serve in it, Ian… :cool:(y)
I like the the style of the site but if you want some constructive crit, here it is

1. What is the site for, are you hoping its going to lead to paid work or is it somewhere to showcase your work or something else entirely? if you want it to lead to something possibly have a way for people to contact you.

2. There are Different ways to scroll through the photographs on different sections. personally I would put your pictures up in the same way you did in your civil aircraft section as I had to click then allow flash player to work on the wildlife and flora sections. I would defiantly display them like the civil aircraft but if not make them all the same.

3. love the pic of the dog on the computer its a real funny, however if you want to get paid work or have your skills taken seriously I would try and make the first picture people see when the come to your site one of your best technically. something that really grabs people.

4. I know it is a work in progress but you have a couple of sections with nothing in them. id lose them until you have got something to put in there.

5. really like the layout style of the site and the color combinations you have got.

I don't mean to sound harsh or anything it is really nice and certainly something I couldn't manage, these are just my opinions which have just as much chance of being something you should ignore rather than act upon but its there if you want it.

good luck
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Hi, Some of the basics.
I agree with what has been said but for the purpose of the website which you stated on the front page "This isn’t meant to be a serious website but rather a fun site. I welcome constructive criticism but please keep in mind it’s for fun and not meant to be a professional example of photographic expertise.".
- Reduce the vertical empty space on the front page (and what is at the bottom of other pages). Don't try to fit the page to your monitor, people may view in smaller windows etc.
- Don't have empty pages e.g. military aircraft.
- Decide how you prefer showing the photos. Scrolling is easy clicking forward/back/or an image is a pain.
Thanks guys. The website is just for fun and to keep my grey matter working. I have no intension of making money from any of it as I am retired.

Thank you for the constructive help it is very much appreciated. I always try to take on board what advice I am given.:ty:
- Don't have empty pages e.g. military aircraft.- Decide how you prefer showing the photos. Scrolling is easy clicking forward/back/or an image is a pain.

Made some changes as suggested and have to agree, things look much better done like this, thanks.
Something else to check out is Publii. Still early days for the software, but again, it's free, and the standard templates are very nice. It describes itself as blogging content management software, but it builds static web pages that you build and update on your computer then upload the files to the server, so very simple to do. It's just for the more simple sites, but if that's all you're looking for then that's fine. Just need to buy web hosting and you've got yourself a very smart website.
How does one scroll through photos? All I can see are large thumbnails, just a few on each page (1 on the macro page) that don't do anything.
How does one scroll through photos? All I can see are large thumbnails, just a few on each page (1 on the macro page) that don't do anything.
I guess you want to click on an image and see a bigger version. Me too perhaps or I would like to see larger images in the first place.
Macro, and one image only, I take it as work in progress, some day there might be more images.

Made some changes
Following on from above, if It was me and really talking off the top of my head (or another part of my anatomy) I would not care about symmetry in the display (mind you, I would need to see it first). What is important is that the image is shown at its best (crop). In the longer term, would be nice if images have a title or a date and the newer ones go at the top else why would anyone want to revisit after a couple of attempts.

Finally, your "wee" proverbs on the front page. I believe it is generally difficult to read as much text in capital letters. I would go for normal edit case and IF YOU MUST use a different font (which may not work across different browsers and operating systems) or Italics if the sayings are quotes from someone else. As an aside and remembering the site is for fun, the text has little to do with photography or some similar visual art. But I do like the dog at the helpdesk so leave that where it is. If you are into Zen (yes, that is my broadband provider :D ) perhaps an "About me" link at the top and then say whatever comes to mind. All in all, I don't mind what is on the front page, but the presentation of the text needs to be made better.

Sorry if I am nit-picking too much ... I used to do that for a living :beer:
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Thanks for the feedback. I am a complete beginner when it comes to photography and websites so it is a learning curve for me on both counts. Hopefully their will be much more content as my photography progresses. I want to have the click on an image for larger version, just can't decide what format that should take. The funny stuff is just their for a laugh and it isn't a permanent feature. I know there's a long way to go and I am enjoying the journey so far, any idea's or constructive feedback is very welcome and I will be taking on board a lot of the idea's and suggestions as things progress. Thanks ;)
The small images still don't live link to anything - should they?
As I said above Toni "I want to have the click on an image for larger version, just can't decide what format that should take". They will eventually once I have figured out how etc.
Fairy snuff. I'd put a link to the page with the larger image into the code placing the smaller image on the main page - that would make the image a clickable link. However if you want fancy fading of the background while the larger image pops up then you'll need some more serious coding for that.
Fairy snuff. I'd put a link to the page with the larger image into the code placing the smaller image on the main page - that would make the image a clickable link. However if you want fancy fading of the background while the larger image pops up then you'll need some more serious coding for that.
I have now got all but the civil aviation pics so that you can click for a larger image Toni. Trying to find out if there is a way to close the new window with a click :thinking:
The best I had managed was to rewrite scripts to open up the next image (or equivalent) in the same new window. BTW. The moment you are opening a new window, it is possible - even likely - that your visitors will not come back as they have to find the window they were on before. It is generally bad practice to pop up new windows. See if you can display the enlarged image within your existing website.
The best I had managed was to rewrite scripts to open up the next image (or equivalent) in the same new window. BTW. The moment you are opening a new window, it is possible - even likely - that your visitors will not come back as they have to find the window they were on before. It is generally bad practice to pop up new windows. See if you can display the enlarged image within your existing website.
That was my aim Toni, still trying to figure out how. I'll figure it out eventually :)
I have now got all but the civil aviation pics so that you can click for a larger image Toni. Trying to find out if there is a way to close the new window with a click :thinking:

Add a 'back' button that links the page they came from.
Hi Ian, when I had the Adobe CC I also used their Portfolio which was used as a fun thing for me which I liked, I don`t have it now though as stopped the subscription. I have had a look at your site, and I have to say I think you have done a great job getting it up and running for yourself. A great background colour really does enhance the photos, and it is a good clean layout too, so well done (y)(y)
Thank you for the kind comments. I have thoroughly enjoyed the journey so far. Just need to improve my photography skills so I can add more content. I'm sure that will come with time. :ty: