Olympus OM-D E-M5, E-M1, E-M10 - Mk1, Mk2 & Mk3 Owners Thread

Hi guys

I have watched it again and yes he did/does say the settings he was talking about were on the previous bodies ~ my foggy brain did not digest that first time around.................I need to pay more attention before posting next time :thinking: either that or stop posting until I get a clearer head....... ;)
.... No, don't stop posting! You contribute a lot to this thread.

I do the same sometimes when in a hurry and quickly visiting TalkPhotography. Plus it's an age thing too I expect :D.
.... No, don't stop posting! You contribute a lot to this thread.

I do the same sometimes when in a hurry and quickly visiting TalkPhotography. Plus it's an age thing too I expect :D.
I can only blame aging for so much..........................I/we have got da bug :(
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Olympus Om-1
This sounds like a more down to earth review and an interesting take on the camera as a whole.
I think when it was announced I was hoping it would almost be the holy grail.
I suppose the engineer and photographer in me knew differently. But it's probably where I expected it to be where the weaknesses of the previous models were improved.
I'm still buying one.
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Anyone who can help on this one So today I went to update to the latest software version for the EM1X and it is now a brick. Done the usual routine before updates correct cable batteries fully charged etc for some reason the update failed and now I have a dead camera any suggestions gladly accepted
Anyone who can help on this one So today I went to update to the latest software version for the EM1X and it is now a brick. Done the usual routine before updates correct cable batteries fully charged etc for some reason the update failed and now I have a dead camera any suggestions gladly accepted
Is there a way to do a factory reset?
Anyone who can help on this one So today I went to update to the latest software version for the EM1X and it is now a brick. Done the usual routine before updates correct cable batteries fully charged etc for some reason the update failed and now I have a dead camera any suggestions gladly accepted
.... Hopefully you can remember precisely at what stage it failed and what happened in detail so you can ask advice from Olympus/OMD Technical Support. They have a free help line 00 800 67108300. It would be helpful if you post what happens in case someone else has the same problem.
Is there a way to do a factory reset?
No idea
.... Hopefully you can remember precisely at what stage it failed and what happened in detail so you can ask advice from Olympus/OMD Technical Support. They have a free help line 00 800 67108300. It would be helpful if you post what happens in case someone else has the same problem.
Hi Robin thanks for the contact number will ring tomorrow will post my outcome here
Olympus Om-1
This sounds like a more down to earth review and an interesting take on the camera as a whole
.... I'm not impressed by this guy's 'review'. It's a very nicely laid out overview which is easy to read but is limited and actually misinforms regarding setting the ISO and even Menu access. Contrary to what he says (twice!) ISO can be very easily revised and on the fly, all even without taking your eye away from the viewfinder - In fact similarly as it is on the M1X. You can link it to a button and then use a scroll wheel to select which ISO value you want < On the fly! You can also access it quickly via the Super Control Panel, again while still in the viewfinder. It's all in the Manual PDF which he doesn't appear to have read, so RTFM!

He also doesn't mention anything about the HLD-10 Battery Grip option.

The videos already posted by various OMDS Ambassadors have been far more informative and useful to anyone who is seriously considering buying the OM-1 in my opinion.
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Anyone who can help on this one So today I went to update to the latest software version for the EM1X and it is now a brick. Done the usual routine before updates correct cable batteries fully charged etc for some reason the update failed and now I have a dead camera any suggestions gladly accepted
Hi Terry I had the same thing happen on my mk3, all I did was change the battery and it was OK again. I Put the old battery on charge and within 2 minutes it said fully charged. Seems to be just a glitch in the system hopefully its as simple as that for yourself. (y)
Hi Terry I had the same thing happen on my mk3, all I did was change the battery and it was OK again. I Put the old battery on charge and within 2 minutes it said fully charged. Seems to be just a glitch in the system hopefully its as simple as that for yourself. (y)
Thanks Christoph will try again in the morning
Thanks Christoph will try again in the morning
.... OMDS / Olympus have always very strongly advised to always update Firmware with a full battery loaded.

Any interruption of power while updating the Firmware always results in a 'dead brick'. I had earlier assumed your battery was full.
Hi Robin both batteries were fully charged before attempting the update have left the batteries out overnight and will try Christophs suggestion in the morning doubt it will make any difference a brick is a brick
Hi Robin both batteries were fully charged before attempting the update have left the batteries out overnight and will try Christophs suggestion in the morning doubt it will make any difference a brick is a brick
.... Perhaps but you never know. I had my car turn into a brick one day so I turned it all off, got out, remote locked it, walked away for a few minutes, actually said a prayer and then came back as if nothing had ever happened and... she started up as if nothing had happened!
.... OMDS / Olympus have always very strongly advised to always update Firmware with a full battery loaded.

Any interruption of power while updating the Firmware always results in a 'dead brick'. I had earlier assumed your battery was full.

Hi Robin both batteries were fully charged before attempting the update have left the batteries out overnight and will try Christophs suggestion in the morning doubt it will make any difference a brick is a brick

.... Perhaps but you never know. I had my car turn into a brick one day so I turned it all off, got out, remote locked it, walked away for a few minutes, actually said a prayer and then came back as if nothing had ever happened and... she started up as if nothing had happened!
When I got my M1X and tried the update it had issues connecting.

So I phoned the support line and walked it through with them .....now as far as I recall NB I may have gotten the overall call a little vague now?

As far as I recall and memory allows ;)

Batteries full
SD card out (as was recommended in the instructions)
Lens detached
The sequence stalled..........and hung!

I was advised to switch the camera off and insert the a clean SD card......and turn it on and try the update sequence again. I asked the guy to hold on the phone whilst I did all that in case I bricked it!

Thankfully it worked and updated AOK, that time ~ phew!
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In regard to the OM-1

Petr Bambousek has posted a taster of what he will be showing us soon(?) from trip to Ecuador & the Galapagos Islands.

Personally I always enjoy his imagery and though individual images don't tell the whole story about a/the camera, insights are good to see and appreciate :)
Anyone who can help on this one So today I went to update to the latest software version for the EM1X and it is now a brick. Done the usual routine before updates correct cable batteries fully charged etc for some reason the update failed and now I have a dead camera any suggestions gladly accepted
If you can turn it on you may be able to backdate the firmware to a previous version with details from here
I suspect thought its an off to Olympus repair to get it sorted.

About time Olympus either went to a SD card based update system or got a better bootloader.
Perhaps that has happened with the new camera although I suspect not.
Hi Robin both batteries were fully charged before attempting the update have left the batteries out overnight and will try Christophs suggestion in the morning doubt it will make any difference a brick is a brick
It's amazing how something so simple can 'reset' electronics and solve issues. Fingers crossed (y)
About time Olympus either went to a SD card based update system or got a better bootloader.
Perhaps that has happened with the new camera although I suspect not.
.... I suspect not too. Especially as OMD Workspace has been overhauled and substantially updated recently.

Workspace is very useful for saving, backing up and transferring (to same version cameras) all your customisations and settings.
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@mazdaman Terry, which version of Workspace were/are you using? In asking that question I am just trying to cover all possibilities.
In regard to the OM-1

Petr Bambousek has posted a taster of what he will be showing us soon(?) from trip to Ecuador & the Galapagos Islands.

Personally I always enjoy his imagery and though individual images don't tell the whole story about a/the camera, insights are good to see and appreciate :)
.... Me too! His images give us something to aspire to, although the locations he shoots in are exotic. I find that him giving the camera settings are of interest.

I look forward to his next OM-1 camera real-world review when translated into English!
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Good Morning everyone Thank you for your suggestions with regard to my nice shiney black brick:mad::mad: @RedRobin the number you kindly gave me now is dead maybe the chenge to OM has resulted inmthis change? Workspace is V2.0 Tried new batteries even though the batteries at the time of the attempted update were fully charged and Ireplaced SD cards with a couple of formatted ones I have spare and no joy. even tired two different ports on the PC and tried also on my laptop

Tried the link to download/rollback the workspace version no joy so I have raised a RMA to send the brick back to OM for repair under warranty will have to dig out the EM1 mark 2 for this weeks photo day out! Will interesting to see the turn around on this repair the recent saga with my TC 1.4 took 3 working weeks

Fingers crossed my OM1 is an early dispatch from Clifton Cameras (y)

Thanks again to everyone who offered help on this one
@RedRobin the number you kindly gave me now is dead maybe the chenge to OM has resulted inmthis change?
..... The number hasn't changed - I have just had a conversation with them and the same techsupport guy who I have spoken with many times in the past and they are still in Prague.
Workspace is V2.0 Tried new batteries even though the batteries at the time of the attempted update were fully charged and Ireplaced SD cards with a couple of formatted ones I have spare and no joy. even tired two different ports on the PC and tried also on my laptop

Tried the link to download/rollback the workspace version no joy so I have raised a RMA to send the brick back to OM for repair under warranty will have to dig out the EM1 mark 2 for this weeks photo day out! Will interesting to see the turn around on this repair the recent saga with my TC 1.4 took 3 working weeks
.... I would try phoning them again just in case they can suggest anything which might save you sending your camera away. It's gotta be worth a fee phone call.
hmm tried the number from my mobile several times line just goes dead I have just got back from the post office camera sent I can live without for a few weeks thanks again Robin for your suggestions
hmm tried the number from my mobile several times line just goes dead I have just got back from the post office camera sent I can live without for a few weeks thanks again Robin for your suggestions
I have only ever used my landline to dial it because I was unsure whether such 00 800 free numbers are recognised as free by mobile providers.

Silly question.....you did dial 00 and not think it a typo by Robin and dropped a 0 ???
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didnt try the landline my contract still has free international calls not to worry cameras gone today so it will get sorted out under warranty
I have only ever used my landline to dial it because I was unsure whether such 00 800 free numbers are recognised as free by mobile providers.

Silly question.....you did dial 00 and not think it a typo by Robin and dropped a 0 ???
didnt try the landline my contract still has free international calls not to worry cameras gone today so it will get sorted out under warranty
I hope it gets to Portugal quickly and they turn it around promptly :)

PS for future reference do remember that the number is an international free phone one so perhaps landline always worth a try if mobile, for whatever reason, does not connect.
While we all wait for our OM1 Espen has just put this one up seems promising

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-JJsGjj-Sk
Espen's comments about the Subject Tracking and C-AF echo what Tesni Ward said in the streaming review with Peter Baumgarten.

As for the improved high ISO and its potential to clean up in PP'ing with Topaz DeNoise AI................I am looking forward to seeing the raw being supported in DxO PhotoLab Prime NR as that has been my 'go to' NR for Olympus files :)

Also, Espen mentions he will be producing 3 follow up videos and I have subscribed to his email list to the notifications :)
PS for future reference do remember that the number is an international free phone one so perhaps landline always worth a try if mobile, for whatever reason, does not connect.
.... For what it's worth, the full number with international code which I gave always works for me using my mobile. I don't ever use a landline for calls either in or out (long story!).
A good friend of mine, who shoots Nikon, has a plethora of expensive Nikon glass and is an accomplished avian photographer, has been waiting for his Z9 since last July. He’s now seriously considering chopping in the whole lot in favour of an OM-1 setup, including the new 100-400.
Clifton Cameras

Me too! Apparently mine was the first pre-order received!
I confess I would have preferred it to arrive a little later!
Good luck both of you in that it will ship 'on time' :)

PS though previously I thought that all shipments to both UK retailers and individual Olympus Webshop buyers would be shipping (from the German warehouse) on the 7th March :thinking:
Me too! Apparently mine was the first pre-order received!
I confess I would have preferred it to arrive a little later!
Chris I have ordered from Clifton cameras could I ask when you order the camera may or nay not have a bearing on when mine will arrive
Me too! Apparently mine was the first pre-order received!
I confess I would have preferred it to arrive a little later!
Ordered mine from Clifton cameras on February 24th fingers crossed I get it by end of March
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