Olympus OM-D E-M5, E-M1, E-M10 - Mk1, Mk2 & Mk3 Owners Thread

Is this a new lens? I can see some reviews from May 22 but seems to have been just released? Many thanks!
Got mine in June when it was released, but stocks levels were very low and everywhere was on preorder since.
Morning all,

It's been a while since I've dived into the forum. Unfortunately, photography's taken a back seat for most of this year but I'm determined to get back in the saddle properly again (I even managed to get a wedding in recently)! ;)

I took delivery of an E-M1X yesterday from MPB and not being particularly familiar with micro 4/3 gear, I could do with a few tips from you folks to help me get the best from it. I'm essentially running two systems now. My Fuji gear will still be my primary stuff for landscapes, portraits and weddings etc. but I wanted something that's almost bomb proof that'll allow me to start doing a bit of aviation and wildlife photography again. I've ordered the new 40-150mm f/4 Pro which should be with me tomorrow (the cashback offer made it worthwhile) and I've got some Zuiko legacy glass to use on it as well (specifically the Zuiko 300mm f/4.5). I did look at the f/2.8 version of the 40-150mm and also the Panasonic and Olympus 100-400mm but discounted the former for cost reasons and the latter for the slow apertures.

@jerry12953 - When did you switch from Canon to Olympus? I hope you're keeping well. :)
Morning all,

It's been a while since I've dived into the forum. Unfortunately, photography's taken a back seat for most of this year but I'm determined to get back in the saddle properly again (I even managed to get a wedding in recently)! ;)

I took delivery of an E-M1X yesterday from MPB and not being particularly familiar with micro 4/3 gear, I could do with a few tips from you folks to help me get the best from it. I'm essentially running two systems now. My Fuji gear will still be my primary stuff for landscapes, portraits and weddings etc. but I wanted something that's almost bomb proof that'll allow me to start doing a bit of aviation and wildlife photography again. I've ordered the new 40-150mm f/4 Pro which should be with me tomorrow (the cashback offer made it worthwhile) and I've got some Zuiko legacy glass to use on it as well (specifically the Zuiko 300mm f/4.5). I did look at the f/2.8 version of the 40-150mm and also the Panasonic and Olympus 100-400mm but discounted the former for cost reasons and the latter for the slow apertures.

@jerry12953 - When did you switch from Canon to Olympus? I hope you're keeping well. :)

Hi Si,

Long time no see...... I switched to Olympus about three years ago. The guarantee on my OM1.2 has just run out. It's a backup now anyway, since I got my OM1. I must say I haven't used the OM1 to anything like its full potential yet. There are so many functions and features hidden away in its menus and I'm a bit of an old dog - new tricks don't come easy. I should accustom yourself to using either Topaz Denoise or DXO Photolab/PureRAW if you're getting into m4/3 - either make a lot of difference to your results. I'll perhaps see you down at "the starlings" one evening!
Hi Si,

Long time no see...... I switched to Olympus about three years ago. The guarantee on my OM1.2 has just run out. It's a backup now anyway, since I got my OM1. I must say I haven't used the OM1 to anything like its full potential yet. There are so many functions and features hidden away in its menus and I'm a bit of an old dog - new tricks don't come easy. I should accustom yourself to using either Topaz Denoise or DXO Photolab/PureRAW if you're getting into m4/3 - either make a lot of difference to your results. I'll perhaps see you down at "the starlings" one evening!
Hi Jerry,

It's definitely been too long! I hope you're keeping well. :)

The menus on the E-M1X are a bit daunting... Olympus certainly didn't mess about when they crammed it full of features. I'm off for a wander around Ynys-Hir tomorrow afternoon with the kids so that should give it a decent first outing. I've already got a copy of Topaz ready for the inevitable noise. I'm not overly worried about it though... I rarely print or display to large sizes these days. First impressions of the camera are very favourable. It's certainly very comfortable to hold and the button placement isn't too disimilar to my Fuji X-T3 so a lot of them will be configured in the same way as that camera. It's amazing to see how far the price has dropped on them. From £2700 new to the £700 I paid for my near-mint version (MPB listed it as excellent but it's better than that).

I haven't kept much of an eye on the influx of starlings yet. Have they started to appear in force now?

Hopefully, I'll catch up with you soon.
Best wishes,
Morning all,

It's been a while since I've dived into the forum. Unfortunately, photography's taken a back seat for most of this year but I'm determined to get back in the saddle properly again (I even managed to get a wedding in recently)! ;)

I took delivery of an E-M1X yesterday from MPB and not being particularly familiar with micro 4/3 gear, I could do with a few tips from you folks to help me get the best from it. I'm essentially running two systems now. My Fuji gear will still be my primary stuff for landscapes, portraits and weddings etc. but I wanted something that's almost bomb proof that'll allow me to start doing a bit of aviation and wildlife photography again. I've ordered the new 40-150mm f/4 Pro which should be with me tomorrow (the cashback offer made it worthwhile) and I've got some Zuiko legacy glass to use on it as well (specifically the Zuiko 300mm f/4.5). I did look at the f/2.8 version of the 40-150mm and also the Panasonic and Olympus 100-400mm but discounted the former for cost reasons and the latter for the slow apertures.

@jerry12953 - When did you switch from Canon to Olympus? I hope you're keeping well. :)
if you intend to use that 300mm f4.5 on the e.m1x then you will need either a MMF-2 or MMF3 adaptor to make it fit i.e four thirds to MFT . you will also have to enable focus peaking in menu to get decent focussing .. the only trouble being the adaptors are like hens teeth and and pricey .
I use a nikon 300mm f4 a-fs lens on mine with a nikon to MFT adaptor and do get reasonable shots with it in MF . but its not easy
PS steer clear of the cheap Chinese four thirds to MFT adaptors ,waste of money

OOPS a forget all the above ,just realised the 300mm F4.5 is a OM fit MF lens . You will need a simple OM to MFT adaptor .no contacts in it so there’s cheap circa £20
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if you intend to use that 300mm f4.5 on the e.m1x then you will need either a MMF-2 or MMF3 adaptor to make it fit i.e four thirds to MFT . you will also have to enable focus peaking in menu to get decent focussing .. the only trouble being the adaptors are like hens teeth and and pricey .
I use a nikon 300mm f4 a-fs lens on mine with a nikon to MFT adaptor and do get reasonable shots with it in MF . but its not easy
PS steer clear of the cheap Chinese four thirds to MFT adaptors ,waste of money

OOPS a forget all the above ,just realised the 300mm F4.5 is a OM fit MF lens . You will need a simple OM to MFT adaptor .no contacts in it so there’s cheap circa £20
Hi Jeff,

I already had the m4/3 to OM adapter anyway (my 10 year old uses the original E-M10 - perfect for little hands). :)

The old Zuiko 300mm is a lovely bit of glass but as you say, manual focus is fun even with the focus peaking. ;)
Hi Jerry,

It's definitely been too long! I hope you're keeping well. :)

The menus on the E-M1X are a bit daunting... Olympus certainly didn't mess about when they crammed it full of features. I'm off for a wander around Ynys-Hir tomorrow afternoon with the kids so that should give it a decent first outing. I've already got a copy of Topaz ready for the inevitable noise. I'm not overly worried about it though... I rarely print or display to large sizes these days. First impressions of the camera are very favourable. It's certainly very comfortable to hold and the button placement isn't too disimilar to my Fuji X-T3 so a lot of them will be configured in the same way as that camera. It's amazing to see how far the price has dropped on them. From £2700 new to the £700 I paid for my near-mint version (MPB listed it as excellent but it's better than that).

I haven't kept much of an eye on the influx of starlings yet. Have they started to appear in force now?

Hopefully, I'll catch up with you soon.
Best wishes,

The starlings are certainly back, but I haven't been down for about a week, so don't know what numbers are like. I got pretty bored last winter as they never seemed to do any interesting displays at all, but they were pretty spectacular in March.
So, the OM-1 is ready to go to a shoot. I flip to the Custom 4 setting that I have for this kind of shoot, and the settings are all haywire. I think I might have chnged them last time I used the camera. I have this Custom setting set to remember changes I make.

So I set them back to what I use. A lens change later and they are back to haywire.

A look in the menu shows that the custom setting is set to Reset. It wasn’t before, so the camera has changed the setting!
So, the OM-1 is ready to go to a shoot. I flip to the Custom 4 setting that I have for this kind of shoot, and the settings are all haywire. I think I might have chnged them last time I used the camera. I have this Custom setting set to remember changes I make.

So I set them back to what I use. A lens change later and they are back to haywire.

A look in the menu shows that the custom setting is set to Reset. It wasn’t before, so the camera has changed the setting!

I find this sort of thing - settings changing unexpectedly - happens over and over again. But it isn't restricted to the OM1.
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I find this sort of thing - settings changing unexpectedly - happens over and over again. But it isn't restricted to the OM1.
Can you expand that Jeremy ,I don’t get it on the 1mkiii ?
Can you expand that Jeremy ,I don’t get it on the 1mkiii ?

OK, but given that it could be user error (my own incompetence) I find that often I start the camera up and the settings have changed unexpectedly. A common one is the focussing box has moved from the centre (or wherever). One day the AEL switch got moved from position 1 to 2 (or vice versa). I discovered this as an osprey flew low overhead and nothing I did with the shutter button would give me an in-focus bird. Some of these things drive me up the wall.
Can you expand that Jeremy ,I don’t get it on the 1mkiii ?

Not had it on my E-M1ii either
There are some silly defaults though that annoy when you do not pay enough attention
OK, but given that it could be user error (my own incompetence) I find that often I start the camera up and the settings have changed unexpectedly. A common one is the focussing box has moved from the centre (or wherever). One day the AEL switch got moved from position 1 to 2 (or vice versa). I discovered this as an osprey flew low overhead and nothing I did with the shutter button would give me an in-focus bird. Some of these things drive me up the wall.
These could be things that change if they get knocked maybe? The lever when the camera is on or off, and if you have the joystick thingy set so that it will set the focus to the middle, or a home point … if the camera is on.

On a recent trip to Spain, I was trying to photograph some dolphins from the ferry. I couldn’t get out of video mode. I knew the last time I was out using it, I’d customised it so I could switch from stills to video really quickly,.. so it was definitely something I’d done. The dolphins had long gone by the time I remembered I had flipped the lever position and set that to video :headbang: I don’t do much video and I never normally use this lever, but I’d specifically been asked to video these owls. I’ll remember now though :)

edit: you can turn off the ability to use the joystick to set the focus points I think.
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OK, but given that it could be user error (my own incompetence) I find that often I start the camera up and the settings have changed unexpectedly. A common one is the focussing box has moved from the centre (or wherever). One day the AEL switch got moved from position 1 to 2 (or vice versa). I discovered this as an osprey flew low overhead and nothing I did with the shutter button would give me an in-focus bird. Some of these things drive me up the wall.

I also have this problem with my EM1 MIII. However, it doesn't just happen at start up. It appears to be quite random. I use back button focus with a small focus point at the centre of the frame. Every so often, the focus point randomly moves - usually off to one side of the frame.
I understand these physical changes to settings - had loads of experience of those :p

It is the fact that the camera has changed from saving changes to custom settings to resetting them to what it thinks are the original ones, and the menu has changed from 'Save Settings' to 'Reset' even though I haven't done anything.
I also have this problem with my EM1 MIII. However, it doesn't just happen at start up. It appears to be quite random. I use back button focus with a small focus point at the centre of the frame. Every so often, the focus point randomly moves - usually off to one side of the frame.
Silly question but it’s not something to do with the touch screen is it? I have had to turn off the touch-screen function on every camera which has had it because my nose wants to select the focus point.
Silly question but it’s not something to do with the touch screen is it? I have had to turn off the touch-screen function on every camera which has had it because my nose wants to select the focus point.

I'll check that. It would fit the symptoms perfectly. Thank you!
First off I never ever shoot with the screen out it’s always folded in . Yes you can inadvertently knock the joystick so that’s possible .. any other changes no idea and I use my camera several times a week ..

One other point though that has just arisen is when switching on and raising camera to my eye the EVF blacks out for a second or so ,this has led to some missed shots , so following advice on the olympus u.k forum I have changed batteries ( I’ve got 3) and also changed my SD card ..
I did run a check on my batteries they all gave a full green bar but the two older ones gave different shot amounts I.e one was 80+ the original battery ,the eXpro gave 30+ shots and the latest Olympus one bought on here gave 0 shots that’s the one that’s now fitted and problem cured ,instant focus as I raise it to my eye .weird little glitch but one that would have annoyed me long term
These could be things that change if they get knocked maybe? The lever when the camera is on or off, and if you have the joystick thingy set so that it will set the focus to the middle, or a home point … if the camera is on.

On a recent trip to Spain, I was trying to photograph some dolphins from the ferry. I couldn’t get out of video mode. I knew the last time I was out using it, I’d customised it so I could switch from stills to video really quickly,.. so it was definitely something I’d done. The dolphins had long gone by the time I remembered I had flipped the lever position and set that to video :headbang: I don’t do much video and I never normally use this lever, but I’d specifically been asked to video these owls. I’ll remember now though :)

edit: you can turn off the ability to use the joystick to set the focus points I think.

Yes, some of the unexpected changes relate to external knobs and levers but I'm sure I have had internal settings change as well. I just can't remember off hand individual cases.
having a play with some pics from the E-620 ,converted to B/W and sky replacement added
stormy skies by jeff cohen, on Flickr
Hi Jeff,

I already had the m4/3 to OM adapter anyway (my 10 year old uses the original E-M10 - perfect for little hands). :)

The old Zuiko 300mm is a lovely bit of glass but as you say, manual focus is fun even with the focus peaking. ;)
I use both focus peaking and the magnification options when using legacy glass. Assigned the magnification to a button on my EM1 MkII so it's easy to access and focus peaking is on all the time.

I also set up a list of the glass I use in the camera so that the IBIS knows what focal length I am working at. That list is also set to a shortcut to make accessing it easy.

Enjoy the M4/3 experience. (y) :cool:
Thought you would Morris , it’s a far better MF system than any I have previously used
So, the OM-1 is ready to go to a shoot. I flip to the Custom 4 setting that I have for this kind of shoot, and the settings are all haywire. I think I might have chnged them last time I used the camera. I have this Custom setting set to remember changes I make.

So I set them back to what I use. A lens change later and they are back to haywire.

A look in the menu shows that the custom setting is set to Reset. It wasn’t before, so the camera has changed the setting!
.... I think it used to happen to me until I Saved a Custom-mode group of settings to one button - In my case the red button because I never shoot video.

It will always revert to your last Saved Custom settings as indeed it should be expected to.

It doesn't seem to happen any more anyway. Do you have the latest Firmware installed?