Olympus OM-D E-M5, E-M1, E-M10 - Mk1, Mk2 & Mk3 Owners Thread

You were spot on Jeff. As it turns out a number of the screws holding both metal lens mounts either side were loose (some very loose). Luckily I hadn’t lost any, so I’ve tightened them all up and it now seems to be back working ok. The loose screws must have been allowing the bayonets to flex and lose connection with the body and lens.
You were spot on Jeff. As it turns out a number of the screws holding both metal lens mounts either side were loose (some very loose). Luckily I hadn’t lost any, so I’ve tightened them all up and it now seems to be back working ok. The loose screws must have been allowing the bayonets to flex and lose connection with the body and lens.
Oh wow that’s great news Andrew, glad to have been of help
Yeah, I'd never thought to check the tightness of the screws, it was when I wiped my finger across one of the mounting flanges that I noticed my finger tip caught on a screw head. I've since checked all my other lenses and luckily all screws on them are still fully tight. Not sure then what caused ALL of the screws on the 1.4x teleconverter to become loose, but at least it means I don't have to send it in for repairs.
Lovely, I said you would get great shots. I particularly like the high key elephants.
Who was your host?
Thanks Gordon. We had Dennis, who was from Botswana. I have a hearing loss, so poor old Dennis had to repeat himself, a lot... and then there was a couple from Boston - we all spoke English, but.... It gave us a few giggles. It turns out a blind for them is a hide for us.... as in a place you might go to take pictures of birds. :ROFLMAO:
Thanks Gordon. We had Dennis, who was from Botswana. I have a hearing loss, so poor old Dennis had to repeat himself, a lot... and then there was a couple from Boston - we all spoke English, but.... It gave us a few giggles. It turns out a blind for them is a hide for us.... as in a place you might go to take pictures of birds. :ROFLMAO:
Hope we never get together bebop I have high frequency hearing loss to, it would be a total scream if we ever had a conversation .what ,what ,what did you say
Thanks Gordon. We had Dennis, who was from Botswana. I have a hearing loss, so poor old Dennis had to repeat himself, a lot... and then there was a couple from Boston - we all spoke English, but.... It gave us a few giggles. It turns out a blind for them is a hide for us.... as in a place you might go to take pictures of birds. :ROFLMAO:
I have only just cottoned on to that you been & returned already......in my head I thought you were going in November ~ doh!

As for a "blind" I thought/think that used to and possibly still does to a camo screen not an enclosed shelter i.e. a hide in UK parlance. I also had the impression that a blind originates from shooting of the gun hunting variety.......the birds fly over the hide and are shot as they appear above the blind.

I look forward to seeing your image postings as they come:) possibly in a dedicated thread ;)
I have only just cottoned on to that you been & returned already......in my head I thought you were going in November ~ doh!

As for a "blind" I thought/think that used to and possibly still does to a camo screen not an enclosed shelter i.e. a hide in UK parlance. I also had the impression that a blind originates from shooting of the gun hunting variety.......the birds fly over the hide and are shot as they appear above the blind.

I look forward to seeing your image postings as they come:) possibly in a dedicated thread ;)
I first confused them by discussing swallowing my malaria tablet... they thought I was about to swallow an electronic device :ROFLMAO: ...a pill to them of course!

The 'blind' at the hotel, was a manmade structure dug into the ground, so perhaps it's general too? It makes sense that it might originate from shooting.

I have thousands of pics to go through and there's an awful lot of rubbish. The trip was fantastic and thankfully no mishaps en route. I did post a few pics here. I didn't get to see a leopard, though we saw a kill left in a tree. Lions were about but I've not yet found a decent pic other than record shots. I must have missed key wording some as they are not all appearing when I search. Off to look now.

I am feeling a bit averse to sitting on my computer for ages at the moment.
Caught this little thing during my walk at lunchtime. Very small and didn't sit still for more than a second or so. Anyone any idea what it is ?

Cheers guys.

So, even smaller than a wren ? Is that in physical size or weight (or both) ?

Gordon, looked at your Flickr page and a wonderful set.....cannot pick a favourite but the Skimmers and Bee Eaters stood out to me plus the Ellie close ups


Gordon, looked at your Flickr page and a wonderful set.....cannot pick a favourite but the Skimmers and Bee Eaters stood out to me plus the Ellie close ups

Thank you that is very kind. To be honest it is difficult not to get good shots. The perspective from the boats is superb allowing you to get low down shots which are not possible from the land rovers.
A beautiful raptor:)

Though a pity the tail is cropped......even if showing it(?) would show it's ugly fence perch

TFS :)
That was what I mulled over it’s on a railing with a bit of tail showing under
super shot gordon
Another few birdie shots from Botswana,
untitled (91 of 652)-Edit-Edit.jpg by Gordon Ford, on Flickr
sunset by Gordon Ford, on Flickr
flight by Gordon Ford, on Flickr
pied kingfisher with a fish by Gordon Ford, on Flickr
untitled (129 of 552).jpg by Gordon Ford, on Flickr
Wow that Pied Kingfisher must have eyes bigger than it's belly :ROFLMAO: Great captures Gordon.

I love love love your elephants at sunset shot.

I have spent today culling and editing and will share a few soon. I've managed to delete a few thousand but slightly losing the will!
I have spent today culling and editing and will share a few soon. I've managed to delete a few thousand but slightly losing the will!
Hang on in there Bebop. Chocolate and wine will keep your stamina up. Amongst that pile of unintended pro capture shots of a static subject is a gem!!
Looks like you had a great trip with some fantastic photos, same from @Fordsabroad, hope you both had a great time!
It was absolutely wonderful to see all the wildlife and a fantastic experience. I can't tell you how many shots I missed, but I did come home with over 20K shots. I might be forgiven for taking masses of record shots as it was a first for me, both on safari and travelling alone. Thanks for your info on the trip too.