Olympus OM-D E-M5, E-M1, E-M10 - Mk1, Mk2 & Mk3 Owners Thread

Love these. I guess the dragonfly requires outstanding skill, but that Pine Marten is lovely. Great viewpoint.
Thanks. All three shots i put down to the olympus equipment tbh. The bokeh of the first makes that shot and that was down to the om 300mm f4 lens. It also helped that you can get good results from high iso on the om1. (The pine marten only appeared in the evenihn) I dont think I could have got anything close to that result with my previous gear.
The second shot was just a matter of watching the migrant hawker for 10 mins, seeing where it patrolled then let the om1 af and high shooting speed do its thing .
And third shot was from the quality of the om 90mm macro.
I sound like a walking OM advert
Thanks. All three shots i put down to the olympus equipment tbh. The bokeh of the first makes that shot and that was down to the om 300mm f4 lens. It also helped that you can get good results from high iso on the om1. (The pine marten only appeared in the evenihn) I dont think I could have got anything close to that result with my previous gear.
The second shot was just a matter of watching the migrant hawker for 10 mins, seeing where it patrolled then let the om1 af and high shooting speed do its thing .
And third shot was from the quality of the om 90mm macro.
I sound like a walking OM advert
:ROFLMAO: you do, but we are all converted here already :) I know 5 people who have crossed over to Olympus after my enthusiastic ramblings. I'm sure other factors came into play too.
Quiet a few converts up this way to .or are we all getting older
If you believe such things, according to 43 Rumours, there's a new OM1 MK II coming (a luke warm update to the OM1 if you believe the specs). Also a MK2 version of the 8-18mm lens, and I suppose the biggest news a new 150-600mm F5.0-6.3 zoom lens coming !!!

The last one I'd be more interested in provided it has Dual IS capability, as I just couldn't' get on with the 100-400's lens or body IS but not both, and providing the price isn't ridiculous.

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that lens 150-600 does indeed sound interesting , if its a re-branded sigma then o.k but will they bring out there own version ..but the major question on it is will it take a t.c .. how heavy is it ? ..and will we have to wait years for it to filter through to us mere mortals
150-600 sounds interesting. Hope it's not just a full frame lens with an m43 mount, but actually somewhat tweaked to get the best results from the smaller sensor. Although tbf the modern lenses on high res 35mm cameras can survive insane amounts of cropping so perhaps it's not so important :)
150-600 sounds interesting. Hope it's not just a full frame lens with an m43 mount, but actually somewhat tweaked to get the best results from the smaller sensor. Although tbf the modern lenses on high res 35mm cameras can survive insane amounts of cropping so perhaps it's not so important :)
just Hope it’s not a sigma with a MFT mount ..there are plenty of users stateside that say the 100-400 is a sigma lens , but usage tells me otherwise .. the companies may well be working in conjunction but something totally OMS would with that insane reach be a sit up and listen lens .. remember it’s 1200 mm reach in FF terms . And looking at the 150-400 and 90mm macro they do seem able to pull out the magic genie at times
just Hope it’s not a sigma with a MFT mount ..there are plenty of users stateside that say the 100-400 is a sigma lens , but usage tells me otherwise .. the companies may well be working in conjunction but something totally OMS would with that insane reach be a sit up and listen lens .. remember it’s 1200 mm reach in FF terms . And looking at the 150-400 and 90mm macro they do seem able to pull out the magic genie at times

Indeed. I imagine it'll be similar to full frame 150-600mm lenses in size, but it may be able to be optimised somewhat (if it's more than a rumor!).

The 100-400mm is interesting. It does seem similar to sigma 100-400mm but it has smaller elements near the back of the lens, near the sensor (going by other comparisons). I imagine this means it is a bit lighter and, perhaps, gets improved image stabilisation and autofocus thanks to moving less glass around. Whether those elements also help provide better resolution on a small sensor... Well, I'm no lens designer :) but I've seen plenty of lovely photos posted here from it, so I suppose it doesn't much matter!
For me, unless it has Sync IS (body and lens together), which I very much doubt if it is indeed a rebadged Sigma lens with a few OM Systems "tweaks", then it's a no for me. I've had 2 copies of the 100-400 and never really jelled with it, as i could never work out whether to use lens IS or body IS (the best results seemed to change with every image), whereas on my 300mm F4 Pro, I never worry about IS, it's just steady as a rock even down to ridiculous shutter speeds.

Also, regarding the OM1 MK II, there has surely got to be more to this than is currently reported (assuming it is indeed a MK2 version of the OM-1 and not just a big firmware update for the MK1) ?

Panasonic has moved micro four thirds forward with the G9 II, with an all new sensor (25mp), brilliant AF-C tracking, better subject detection modes and massively more advanced Video features and functionality that the OM-1 could ever dream of. If what has so far been reported of the new body is it, then there's no way I'm upgrading my OM-1 for a MK 2 model, in fact if that's all there is after 2 years in a new flagship body, it signals to me at least, that OM-Systems has neither the money, the R&D capability or the real desire to deliver something truly great, so sadly if this is the case, whilst I won't be off loading my Olympus system in the near future, I for one certainly won't be spending any more money on OM-Systems products, and will probably eventually fully migrate over to my Nikon Z system.

It would be a real shame, so I'm praying that the "leaks" are only a very small part of what's coming, and next Tuesday OM Systems will unveil a new flagship body that's maybe not "wow" but massively better than the luke warm minor upgrade that's been reported, that let's face it, aside from the increased memory, could be applied to the OM-1 MK1 with a simple firmware upgrade (as OM Systems promised with the launch of the OM-1 that major firmware upgrades would be coming, not just bug fixes),
For me, unless it has Sync IS (body and lens together), which I very much doubt if it is indeed a rebadged Sigma lens with a few OM Systems "tweaks", then it's a no for me. I've had 2 copies of the 100-400 and never really jelled with it, as i could never work out whether to use lens IS or body IS (the best results seemed to change with every image), whereas on my 300mm F4 Pro, I never worry about IS, it's just steady as a rock even down to ridiculous shutter speeds.

Also, regarding the OM1 MK II, there has surely got to be more to this than is currently reported (assuming it is indeed a MK2 version of the OM-1 and not just a big firmware update for the MK1) ?

Panasonic has moved micro four thirds forward with the G9 II, with an all new sensor (25mp), brilliant AF-C tracking, better subject detection modes and massively more advanced Video features and functionality that the OM-1 could ever dream of. If what has so far been reported of the new body is it, then there's no way I'm upgrading my OM-1 for a MK 2 model, in fact if that's all there is after 2 years in a new flagship body, it signals to me at least, that OM-Systems has neither the money, the R&D capability or the real desire to deliver something truly great, so sadly if this is the case, whilst I won't be off loading my Olympus system in the near future, I for one certainly won't be spending any more money on OM-Systems products, and will probably eventually fully migrate over to my Nikon Z system.

It would be a real shame, so I'm praying that the "leaks" are only a very small part of what's coming, and next Tuesday OM Systems will unveil a new flagship body that's maybe not "wow" but massively better than the luke warm minor upgrade that's been reported, that let's face it, aside from the increased memory, could be applied to the OM-1 MK1 with a simple firmware upgrade (as OM Systems promised with the launch of the OM-1 that major firmware upgrades would be coming, not just bug fixes),
Agree Andrew with your comments if its a lack of desire or R&D then the options going forward with OM systems looks less than rosy I was hoping for a OM1X as next upgrade Given Panasonic's new G9 mark 2 has been overall well received if this OM1 mark 2 is not a great upgrade then I for one would consider a move to the G9 mark 2 as I do not intend to move away from m4/3

On what we know so far which on the face it very little this could be the olympus omd e-m1 mark ii to olympus omd e-m1 mark iii saga which was a minor upgrade from what I can recall my users last time the makeover was undertaken was "not enough for me to upgrade" which was a common response at the time of the launch of the mark 3

I think the 150-600 maybe a ok lens but I had the 100-400 and in my apsc days the sigma 150-600 lens both blighted in winter times by poor light since owning the 150-400 and the OM1 higher iso shooting due to light has not been a problem The 150-600 may be a price sensible option for those who for whatever reasons cannot move to the 150-400

I still think the best lens produced by Olympus/OM Systems is the 300mm PRO and with the 1.4 added gives a great balance between cost and versatility for wildlife sport etc

I am sure next week once we actually know the new products there will be some debate as to the pros and cons I for one wont be upgrading my OM1 anytime soon I will sit out and see what OM actually develop of their own backs before spending any further money on m4/3
I moved to olympus MFT to save carrying around a massive weight penalty .. so if the 150-600 is along the lines of the sigma beast then that negates that saving .. only a few more days and we should at least see a roadmap of the intentions
trying out a new to me 50-200swd lens yesterday on the OM1 worked well
angel wings by jeff cohen, on Flickr
Om defo need to do something to stop pros going to the new sony a9 and us normal users going to the g9 mkii. Although i havent seen much info on how well the IS is working with an olympus lens and the g9 ii body so that might not be a massive worry for them yet
TBH, not that I'm in the market for an additional MFT body at present, but if I was, the performance of Olympus lenses on Panasonic's latest body (things like speed of focus, Sync IS etc), would be of great concern for me as all my lenses for this format are currently Olympus (save my little used Panasonic Leica 8-18 F2.8-4), and I've not read anything definitive yet on if they perform just as well on the G9 II as they do on the OM-1. If they do, perhaps a G9 II is in my future later this year ?
Well the new 150-600mm F5.0-6.3 lens is true, as I (as I'm sure many of you have), have just received a mail from OM Systems stating "Exciting Lens News"

"An update to our lens roadmap including the details of a new 150-600mm F5.0-6.3 lens will be available soon. As an email subscriber, you will be among the first to learn more, so stay tuned for updates.

In the meantime, we invite you to explore our YouTube playlists to discover general photography tips, event coverage, demonstrations, and more."
Just looked on u.tube ,the guy said the 150-600 will retail circa 3000 euros .. way way to much for me
Just looked on u.tube ,the guy said the 150-600 will retail circa 3000 euros .. way way to much for me

I guess I already have a 600mm f8 lens combination (300mm + 2.0 TC) , so not far off what that would give.

Need to keep buying lottery tickets.
Oof, that seems expensive. Especially when you can just get a used 300mm f4 and stick a tele converter on it for a similar (ish) result.

It's a small lens for the reach though. Getting anything beyond 600mm on a larger sensor means enormous glass. And you can't make a 600mm lens small unfortunately - it's just a big thing. Hopefully it's optimised for m43 at least, with the insane autofocus speeds, stabilisation etc.
We wait with baited breath
Just thinking a lot of the yanks on Facebook are saying it’s a sigma lens , but that’s illogical as sigma already have MFT mounts in there line up so why not just market it themselves . . It might look similar bu it’s hard to make something different in lenses , .it will need to have image stabilisation as I.b.i.s won’t work at those lengths . Will it have pitch and yaw like the 100-400 .will it be weather sealed again difficult at that size and is That 3000 euros price point for real .
If the price is Correct dont Think they will sell many
Given that it's OM Systems now, and not part of the larger Olympus concern, I can easily believe that this is a Sigma lens.
Gives OM a new product at a lesser development cost.
How many new products can OM Sys afford?
By the look of it....none :D
As with the 150-400 and the 90mm macro OMS seem to quietly get it right .. only a few days to see what’s correct and what’s pure bull**it
Something I don't get, is that if this is indeed a new OM1 MKII being announced on Tuesday and not just a firmware upgrade to the MK1, why was it not mentioned at all in the press release and emails from OM-Systems earlier this week. They only mention

"An update to our lens roadmap including the details of a new 150-600mm F5.0-6.3 lens will be available soon"

Nothing about a new camera body which you would think they would be singing about (even if it is a minor refresh) ? Guess we don't have long to wait for all to be revealed.
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