Out of date stuff.

woof woof

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I was too hungry to wait for the butter to soften the other day and I remembered we had some of that I can't believe it... stuff in the fridge so I spread it on the bread and it was awful but I was hungry so I ate it. When I checked the date it was three years out.

I often eat chocolates and sweets that are out of date and I've never had a problem but eating something that's three years out is probably something of a record for me. It repeated on me all night.

Assuming I'm not the only one daft enough to eat out of date stuff can anyone beat three years out?
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Yeah, this stuff did pass the sniff test but it in the mouth it was rank.

I just cut the mold off cheese. No problem.
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Ewwwww! I am really really fussy with dates. It goes in the bin straight away, even the day before and I often have to force myself not to just bin
I was too hungry to wait for the butter to soften the other day and I remembered we had some of that I can't believe it... stuff in the fridge so I spread it on the bread and it was awful but I was hungry so I ate it. When I checked the date it was three years out.

I often eat chocolates and sweets that are out of date and I've never had a problem but eating something that's three years out is probably something of a record for me. It repeated on me all night.

Assuming I'm not the only one daft enough to eat out of date stuff can anyone beat three years out?

When working in a Chinese restaurant, I had a meal that consists of a hundred year old egg . Does that count?

It is not really 100 years old, but it has been in salted water for month upon months :)
A packet of Rice-a-Roni cooked up earlier this year.
It's date was not of this century.
Never believe the Best Before Date ... it's the supermarkets bonus.
I can't beat 3 years eaten but I did find a tinned curry from 2011 in my stash last week ... but it was confiscated and binned :(
I don't worry too much about the date on foodstuff. Unless it's fresh fish or something that obviously won't keep for too long.

Most dried stuff keeps for years, as does tinned/canned.
Vinegar, salt & sugar, are preservatives, so most stuff won't harm ya.

Always makes me laugh when I see stuff like jars of honey with a best before date.......................it'll keep forever!
I don't worry too much about the date on foodstuff. Unless it's fresh fish or something that obviously won't keep for too long.

Most dried stuff keeps for years, as does tinned/canned.
Vinegar, salt & sugar, are preservatives, so most stuff won't harm ya.

Always makes me laugh when I see stuff like jars of honey with a best before date.......................it'll keep forever!

Ah yes, honey.
It may crystallise, but doesn't spoil :)
Even bags of sugar & bottles of vinegar have dates on them?
I think we have mentioned dates on bottled water before, but how can water go out of date ? :thinking:
I think we have mentioned dates on bottled water before, but how can water go out of date ? :thinking:

Many years ago I bought a bottle of water in India :cautious: Checked the seal around the top & everything was fine. :cool: Later on, after drinking most of it, I noticed the date.........2 yrs out! :wideyed:
I was fine btw, but a tad worried for a couple of days. :D
Many years ago I bought a bottle of water in India :cautious: Checked the seal around the top & everything was fine. :cool: Later on, after drinking most of it, I noticed the date.........2 yrs out! :wideyed:
I was fine btw, but a tad worried for a couple of days. :D

I am sure I read that the water we have on the planet, is the water that has always been there. Water evaporates away, and it all comes raining down as fresh water all over again. The water we drink, has already been drunk many times before, and urinated out by someone else many many times already :D
I am sure I read that the water we have on the planet, is the water that has always been there. Water evaporates away, and it all comes raining down as fresh water all over again. The water we drink, has already been drunk many times before, and urinated out by someone else many many times already :D

Yep....I've read the same thing.
Can't beat 3 years. 18 months is my personal best. (Chocolate Digestives, which were OK too)

I am sure I read that the water we have on the planet, is the water that has always been there. Water evaporates away, and it all comes raining down as fresh water all over again. The water we drink, has already been drunk many times before, and urinated out by someone else many many times already :D

Whilst true, (and a reason I do not get the whole "we waste so much water" argument, because it's impossible unless you are storing it all in a freezer somewhere) the reason for the date is partly because bottled water can leach out chemicals from the plastic bottle.
Having had food poisoning on a few occasions my constitution tends to be more susceptible to bugs so anything that reaches it's sell by date gets binned
Whilst true, (and a reason I do not get the whole "we waste so much water" argument, because it's impossible unless you are storing it all in a freezer somewhere) the reason for the date is partly because bottled water can leach out chemicals from the plastic bottle.
The 'wasted water' argument is valid because the vast majority of water on the planet is not potable (drinkable). A great deal of effort goes into getting water into the drinking supply.
I totally ignore 'display until' / 'sell by' dates as they are meaningless.
I largely ignore 'best before' dates (although if something is well beyond it I won't bank on it being usable and will have a back-up plan)
I don't slavishly follow 'use by' dates, but definitely give something a bit more of a sniff and a poke if it's gone beyond it. Yoghurts and eggs in particular regularly get used well beyond this (2 weeks or more) - but old eggs get the water test before being used.

On the other hand, if something is "in date" but looks/smells wrong, then I bin it.

I've been cooking for myself for 15 years or so and as far as I know, have never given myself food poisoning.
Out of date = bin it, no hesitation. My wife isn't quite so strict.
Neither have I, it was others that gave me food poisoning
And that's much more likely to have come from undercooked food or cross-contamination than from stuff being past its best before date.
I don't worry too much about the date on foodstuff. Unless it's fresh fish or something that obviously won't keep for too long.

Most dried stuff keeps for years, as does tinned/canned.
Vinegar, salt & sugar, are preservatives, so most stuff won't harm ya.

Always makes me laugh when I see stuff like jars of honey with a best before date.......................it'll keep forever!
The one that gets me is a best before date on bottled water!!
The one that gets me is a best before date on bottled water!!
As Alan already pointed out in post 19, there is a logic to this - the bottles leach chemicals into the water that spoil the taste. Manufacturers want to be able to counter complaints by pointing to an expiration date.
And that's much more likely to have come from undercooked food or cross-contamination than from stuff being past its best before date.

More than likely, my issue is that i am now more susceptible to the bugs that cause tunny upsets so any out of date food now gets binned
Glad to see I'm not the only one :D

I was a bit surprised that the stuff looked ok, smelled ok but tasted... just sooooo bad :D

SHMBO doesn't know about this :D as it'd just confirm her view of me and men in general, we're all idiots :D
Don't think I can consciously beat three years. I did notice some two year old bottles of Stella Artois once, I'm not a big drinker so they must have been a left of from a bbq the year before last. Opened them and tasted just fine, a little flat perhaps but hey just like British lager :p
I think we have mentioned dates on bottled water before, but how can water go out of date ? :thinking:
You say that, but we have one of those 20 litre office bottle things that you drop on top of the dispenser thats been kicking round here for yonks and its definitely started to go a bit green.
You say that, but we have one of those 20 litre office bottle things that you drop on top of the dispenser thats been kicking round here for yonks and its definitely started to go a bit green.

We use those too.
They go green due to light exposure.
Ours now has a coat and it doesn't happen anymore.
Best before/sell by get pretty much ignored. Use by gets a couple of days grace (and a sniff test).