Painting With Light - Orb In Underpass

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Had a "session" with the brother in law tonight, who introduced me into "Painting With Light"

Here is one of my attempts, let me know what you think!

1. Cut up your battery Christmas LED lights......
2. Make into a cluster on the end of the wire, about 1m long (not needed any longer, as it would hit the floor...)
3. I then set my camera, to bulb setting, and used my wireless remote...
4. Start the camera, Start spinning, Turn on LED's..
5. While spinning the leds, slowly shuffle round a pivot point, until one complete 360 has been done... then turn off the leds... and stop BULB mode...

This has had a little tweaking in PS, with regards to levels, but that is it!

EXIF Data:

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
ISO 100
Works well, I like it!
tell you what tho... definitely do it when its warmer!! lol!
Or wrap up warmer! my hands are still freezing!!
If this is one of your first then you are on a good road because this is very good, I have tried this on a couple of occasions, and each time it has just been an epic fail. I think that one of the best that I have ever come across is this user on flickr Denis Smith.

Yeah I've been looking at his and another guys work... This was about the 5th shot in the end, but my first attempt at doing this type of photography! I enjoyed it too!!

Believe me I have about 60 images out of the ones I took tonite that were no good!!! Lol
1. Cut up your battery Christmas LED lights......
2. Make into a cluster on the end of the wire, about 1m long (not needed any longer, as it would hit the floor...)
3. I then set my camera, to bulb setting, and used my wireless remote...
4. Start the camera, Start spinning, Turn on LED's..
5. While spinning the leds, slowly shuffle round a pivot point, until one complete 360 has been done... then turn off the leds... and stop BULB mode...

This has had a little tweaking in PS, with regards to levels, but that is it!

EXIF Data:

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
ISO 100

Thanks Dave,
Must have a go, but gonna wait a few weeks (y)

amazing, i cant wait to try this,,,, as soon as it warms up of course.

thanks for sharing'
have to agree, some amazing shots on his flickr'
"Jules by Night" and "Biskitboy" are the two guys ive been following on flickr...

and i did another in the snow, but its a tad dark... CLICK HERE TO SEE!
1st image is very creative- and far too complicated for a new boy like me

I love it

Les (y)
1st image is very creative- and far too complicated for a new boy like me

I love it

Les (y)

Its pretty easy once you get the hang of it!! I still havent managed to get the right balance tho... Something i'm working on!!

The pic either has a great orb, and no other light (Like this one) or a washed out orb with a good background!!

Ill get there one day! lol
Does any one have a picture of the set up used, ie, the light on a string/wire, is the battery at the end or in the hand?
Will 1, 2, 3 or more LED's be needed etc etc

Thanks all!
I use a cluster of 20 LED's... that is battery operated, with the battery unit in your hand... and about 1m of wire to the cluster...

I'll see if i can get some pics up for you ASAP mate!
I'm branching out into trying wire wool... And sparklers but try don't last that long!!!
am i being really thick I dont get how your getting the globe of light ...
No not at all CanonKim... It's basically a bundle of LED Xmas lights on the end of the wire, spun round... Then while spinning you slowly walk round a centre point on the floor... And hey presto!!
Not that fast at all... Probably 1 revolution a second...
so the person is standing inside the globe of light?



Is a short film of someone doing it...
Actually look at this one... its the same process i use...
