Photos are darker once saved.

The goblin

<span class="poty">POTY Winner 2015</span></br>
Edit My Images
Hi. I've edited a photo in LR5 then taken it into CS5 for further work. When I save it as a JPEG it looks really dark and strange things happening to the sky colour.

This happens when exporting from LR with the same image. I have tried taking a screen shot but that too is dark!

I have just changed graphics cards (I don't own any calibration software) so wondering if this is the issue. But I'm confused as to why the image looks on in the software!?!?!?

Here is a photo with the before at the top. This was taken with my iPhone as there's no way to duplicate this.

View attachment 3307

I did have this problem before, but it stopped happening, now it's back.

Any tips greatly appreciated.
my first question would be what further editing are you doing in ps?
have you tried saving the edit and viewing it side by side in lightroom?

What are your export settings in LR? This'll change the saved image from what you see on the screen?

Not at my computer at the minute so can't recall all the export settings....
This must be a display/ graphics issue. I have the Dell 27" U2711 monitor. I haven't touched the settings since I replaced the graphics card last week.

The settings are Brightness 40 contrast 50, input DVI-DI
Input colour RGB
Preset mode is set to standard, should this be on Adobe RGB or sRGB? I've never changed them before.
what colour background are you using in each program? it can give a false impression of a darker image
I would say sRGB is the right color space to use.

If you haven't changed any other settings in LR, It does sound like a graphics card/calibration issue.

I would re calibrate your monitor then review. When I'm back on the Mac, if anything shouts out ill post back on here :)
what colour background are you using in each program? it can give a false impression of a darker image

Good point. I always use grey
I would say sRGB is the right color space to use.

If you haven't changed any other settings in LR, It does sound like a graphics card/calibration issue.

I would re calibrate your monitor then review. When I'm back on the Mac, if anything shouts out ill post back on here :)

Good point. I always use grey
me to but if marsha is using 2 different colours it could fool her into thinking there is a problem when there isn't one. as she said compared in lightroom side by side they look the same.
the image on flickr is very different to the 2 pics compared on your iPhone, but then again an iPhone image of a computer screen is chalk and cheese compared to a shot out of ps/lightroom so comparing is virtually impossible sorry.
It does look darker in Flickr to me but I have seen Flickr do some strange processing to my shots so can't say that it is a good comparison. The banding to the right of the lightning is not there though.

As mentioned, step one is to re-calibrate your monitor which is a good one so should calibrate very well. As you have changed a key component in the calibration i.e. the graphics card, it will have affected what you see. i know you don't have any software at present but I can't think of a better next step.
No that's fine. It's difficult to replicate as I can't get a screen shot of the original shot in LR as it looks the same!

So the next question is about calibrating my monitor? Just investigation calibration equipment! Any recommendations?

Edit, I've just seen your last comment Buck! I'll get shopping tomorrow, it can takes weeks to get post out here!
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what have you got pc/mac? i use a spider 4 excellent gives you a before and after preview at the end of the calibration and the difference will shock you. theres lots of others if you only need to calibrate 1 monitor its all you need about £80 or under depending where you purchase it from. hth mike oh and the operating software is so simple even i can do it ;)
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I've got both. A PC and a MacBook so I'll need to do both.

Many thanks for your help.
i think it will do both but please check before you purchase. mike.(y) sorry of course it will my wife has a pc and hers is done as well.:)
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not sure if this will becomplete waffle, as i'm just looking at a new monitor myself and trying to understand the technologies involved, but a couple of questions:

what graphics card have you got installed?
what connection do you use from the graphics card to the monitor?
Are you exporting as jpeg and adding to catalog? Might be worth having a look at this link Think there's a page for Canon shooters as well. I also turned off apply auto tone adjustment in the prefs (presets) this seemed to work really well for me.
Hi Paul, sorry for the delay in replying! I think this link looks more at the issues from camera to PC, but it is something I need to read a bit more.

not sure if this will becomplete waffle, as i'm just looking at a new monitor myself and trying to understand the technologies involved, but a couple of questions:

what graphics card have you got installed?
what connection do you use from the graphics card to the monitor?

My Pc has the NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT graphics card. It's not new, we pinched it out of my older PC that committed suicide a few months ago! My PC nerd friend said try it and see how it goes, the previous graphics card was doing weird things and needed to go.

As for connections, being totally female I'll say 'it's got white connectors o_O *quickly text's my bro* who says it's a DVI D!

My monitor calibration gadget has just arrived so going to try and run that now!

The strange thing is the darkened effect doesn't affect every photo :confused:
I now have a calibrated monitor. The photo from above now looks the same in both LR and as an exported JPEG! Money well spent. Thanks for all your help everyone :)

Great news Marsha - at least it was only that and not something else more complex/frustrating. :)
Cheers Bro. I'll see how much life I get out of this graphics card!

Great news Marsha - at least it was only that and not something else more complex/frustrating. :)

I am glad it solved it, it was infuriating me!

Dam computers. The more I advance I seem to get slowed down by something!