weekly Posiview's 2012 ....week 52 Busy added...finished!

Hi ya

Shadow....beautiful , think I prefer the original but with the circle removed...I actually like the extra bit of space to the lhs . The graininess really suits the image & the lighting is spot on....never thought of a mug handle to get the herat effect :clap: Would be kinda good if you could show your set up for this shot as can't imagine how you set up the lighing ?

Glow.....version 2 in your original post...love the rays coming off the shell , really adds to the glow effect . Lovely black bg mister :clap:
for me , the 1st version just isn't as powerful in connection to the theme & the re-edit , again for me , is to bright , looks more like saturation boost than glow, if that makes sense ?
Another thread I've not been to in a while, sorry!

Now, where to start from.

The Warhol shot is good, how did you do it?

Colour, nice idea with the flag and smoke, it works well.
I may have to look in to this technique for my pencils.

The bottle of leaves, love it, wish I had your imagination.
Well worth the family thinking you're mad, although I'm surprised they have only just started thinking this!
How about some back light on the left edge to help it stand out from the BG?

The cup/ heart, again, well thought out.
Not sure I like the grain though.

Glow, the rays work better for the theme, but I prefer the shot without them.

Only a few weeks left matey!
Hi ya

Shadow....beautiful , think I prefer the original but with the circle removed...I actually like the extra bit of space to the lhs . The graininess really suits the image & the lighting is spot on....never thought of a mug handle to get the herat effect :clap: Would be kinda good if you could show your set up for this shot as can't imagine how you set up the lighing ?

Glow.....version 2 in your original post...love the rays coming off the shell , really adds to the glow effect . Lovely black bg mister :clap:
for me , the 1st version just isn't as powerful in connection to the theme & the re-edit , again for me , is to bright , looks more like saturation boost than glow, if that makes sense ?

Thanks, Lynne, technique?? Cut on floor, table lamp clamped to a chair leg, me on the floor, manually focusing...and cursing :bonk:

Another thread I've not been to in a while, sorry!

Now, where to start from.

The Warhol shot is good, how did you do it?

Colour, nice idea with the flag and smoke, it works well.
I may have to look in to this technique for my pencils.

The bottle of leaves, love it, wish I had your imagination.
Well worth the family thinking you're mad, although I'm surprised they have only just started thinking this!
How about some back light on the left edge to help it stand out from the BG?

The cup/ heart, again, well thought out.
Not sure I like the grain though.

Glow, the rays work better for the theme, but I prefer the shot without them.

Only a few weeks left matey!

Cheers, Neil, Warhol, bit of PS trickery, can't actually remember :thinking:...it was either the paint bucket to fill in, or the channel mixer, or the selective colour :thinking:

Back lighting, the bottle...I actually tried this, but for some reason I could get my Nikon to flash, but not my Yonghu at the same time. I've done it before but couldn't remember :bonk:

Glow, I prefer the more realistic one as well.

Not long to go, indeed, for this year that is :bonk: Don't you fancy TP 52 for 2013 :naughty:

I know, I know, not very origional....that Peter and Sarah sneaking off early to get here first ;)

Well, cracking nightime TP meet organised by Matt and Darrell :clap:

I really should be in bed, but I had to get these 2 posted first. As soon as I saw the theme I knew what I wanted to do (as did Sarah and Peter).

#1, I usually like to see all the sparks but I quite like how the sparks run off the edge...and the sparks were actually flying over my boots :nuts:

#2, I borrowed Matt and Darrell's orb wheel and this is my first attempt. It was quite fun.

Cheers all.

Week 50 2 by andysheader (Posiview), on Flickr

Week 50 by andysheader (Posiview), on Flickr
Like the light painting Andy, especially the red light in the second.
Can you get your hands on those orbs for the Malvern meet?

I assume the red was done with some form of tube light.
I'd rather a smoother light without the lines in it - I think that's where you may have stooped moving.

As for me doing the 2013 52, no, I'll be giving it a miss.
I've too many projects on the go next year to start another.
I still need to finish off the pencils, I'm about 10 ideas short of what I need to finish it.
Need to find time to find some insperation.

Which Yongnue have you got?
I cannot recal my model (in work!) but it fires fione with my SB800 and on camera flash as the comander. I put it on the slave 2 setting.

I'm looking at the Yongnue TTL flash to complete my lighting set, although I may just get another SB800, it depends on what my Land Rover ends up having done to it!
Mentalblock said:
Like the light painting Andy, especially the red light in the second.
Can you get your hands on those orbs for the Malvern meet?

I assume the red was done with some form of tube light.
I'd rather a smoother light without the lines in it - I think that's where you may have stooped moving.

As for me doing the 2013 52, no, I'll be giving it a miss.
I've too many projects on the go next year to start another.
I still need to finish off the pencils, I'm about 10 ideas short of what I need to finish it.
Need to find time to find some insperation.

Which Yongnue have you got?
I cannot recal my model (in work!) but it fires fione with my SB800 and on camera flash as the comander. I put it on the slave 2 setting.

I'm looking at the Yongnue TTL flash to complete my lighting set, although I may just get another SB800, it depends on what my Land Rover ends up having done to it!

Cheers, yeah, a more fluid lighting would be better, think thins was Darren, if I did it eeekkkk, didn't look easy. It was done with a vey cheap kids toy.

I've managed to get both flashes working together before, I'll have another try.
I've out a cheeky post in the equipment forum to see if anyone would lend an orb for the meet weekend. They aren't that hard to make, really, but I, useless with hat. Kind of stuff. If I don't have any. Look I'll see if I can make one.

Hi Andy. I like the first one, but it doesn't really say round to me without the actual ring around the head of the spinner, and I think these look best when you can't see that as much. Love the lighting on the walls though :)

The second one is great, and looks very very surreal. I have to say, I prefer Peter's similar shot just because it has more depth (yours does, but the black floor and walls lose it a bit). I think maybe it'd have worked better without the red light?
I can't decide between these. The domes are great especially with the light painting. For me the wire wool shot is great with the sparks flying everywhere. The sense of power is accentuated by the stance of the person doing the spinning.
Hi Andy, you have two good shots there which are difficult to decide between. I think I prefer the orbs one, I like the red at the end of the tunnel it pulls you through to end and makes me wonder what "evil" lies down there!!:) Though like Peter says the power shown by the spinners stance helps to make that one as well!!:)
Hi Andy. I like the first one, but it doesn't really say round to me without the actual ring around the head of the spinner, and I think these look best when you can't see that as much. Love the lighting on the walls though :)

The second one is great, and looks very very surreal. I have to say, I prefer Peter's similar shot just because it has more depth (yours does, but the black floor and walls lose it a bit). I think maybe it'd have worked better without the red light?

I can't decide between these. The domes are great especially with the light painting. For me the wire wool shot is great with the sparks flying everywhere. The sense of power is accentuated by the stance of the person doing the spinning.

Hi Andy, you have two good shots there which are difficult to decide between. I think I prefer the orbs one, I like the red at the end of the tunnel it pulls you through to end and makes me wonder what "evil" lies down there!!:) Though like Peter says the power shown by the spinners stance helps to make that one as well!!:)


Mark, I have to say, I totally agree about Peter's dome being better. The even flash lighting works really well. But surely, the ring IS around the head of the spinner :thinking:

Cheers and I, trying to get a loan of a dome for then TP meet and if not I'll look to make one :help:
But surely, the ring IS around the head of the spinner :thinking:

Ah - what I meant was, I prefer these wire wool shots when you can't see the ring so clearly, or even at all :)

Cheers and I, trying to get a loan of a dome for then TP meet and if not I'll look to make one :help:

Are there some instructions, or at least a picture of the rig, anywhere? I have several old bikes here, so could probably do one quite easily :)
Ah - what I meant was, I prefer these wire wool shots when you can't see the ring so clearly, or even at all :)

Are there some instructions, or at least a picture of the rig, anywhere? I have several old bikes here, so could probably do one quite easily :)

Ah, I get you. I have to say, so do I. The spin may have been too long and burned in too much. I'm not really sure whether in prefer to see the spinner or not. It was quite cramped in there.

Dome instructions...YouTube photography dome, and nocturn and the guy shows how to make one.

Cheers and I could really get into the dome thing... Simple idea but they look great:D
Hi Andy

Round - both shots on theme for me.

#2 - generally I find wire wool shots fairly boring and a bit samey but this one I really like. The reason I think is because I can see the person and with the wool he/ she seems to be trying to lasso in a sci fi kind of way. I like the filaments hittng the ground and the lighting of the walls at the side.

#2 - I have no idea how that is done and can't offer any comment. Nice colours and looks like jelly fish on the march. I get quite a sense of movement from it.
Even thought I've yet to process a Round I made last night, I had another idea. I'm sure we've all been there, this was one of them photographs that looks easy, but damn, it was quite hard. I was also a bit lazy (tired) hence the glare from the light. I wanted light paint the leaf but fatigue began to set in :shake:

Anyway, here's another Round.

I will comment on the Rounds I've missed on Friday...promise (y)


Week 50 3 by andysheader (Posiview), on Flickr
Hi Andy

Round - both shots on theme for me.

#2 - generally I find wire wool shots fairly boring and a bit samey but this one I really like. The reason I think is because I can see the person and with the wool he/ she seems to be trying to lasso in a sci fi kind of way. I like the filaments hittng the ground and the lighting of the walls at the side.

#2 - I have no idea how that is done and can't offer any comment. Nice colours and looks like jelly fish on the march. I get quite a sense of movement from it.

Thanks for commenting (y)

See the clicky linky above which shows how the light dome tool is made.

Hi Andy. I like the shot, but it's confused me (easily done!). I think those are bullet shells, so "rounds", but what is the significance of the leaf? Have I misunderstood completely?
Hi Andy. I like the shot, but it's confused me (easily done!). I think those are bullet shells, so "rounds", but what is the significance of the leaf? Have I misunderstood completely?

If you could one see the size of this. Tiny. They are beads. The Round is simply the round shape. The connection is their lack of a connection.....it's a metaphysical thing :D

Right, back to the Jack...


NB, really, I just liked the juxtaposition of the organic and inorganic. Simples.

I had a much better leaf but I set fire to it in the kitchen (with lighter fluid) for Glow, almost burned my lens and did burn the chopping board. Just flipped it over and Jackie ain't noticed.....yet :bat:
ok so the wire wool - I think the light isn't bright enough on the sparks and it looks oof (sorry), but I love the orbs, I actually like these bet out of the three, no offence to the others, they are all good, but I do like yours best :)

the leaf, round, good shot, I actually thought they were some kind of weird maggot at first lol

anyway, well done sir :)
Hi ya matey

2nd image in your original post for Round.....love everything about it , the sharpness of the shapes, the wonderfully wiggly red lighting , the hint of color showing the tunnel walls off....just FAB :clap::clap:

The leaf image also had me confused as well :LOL: I like the connection to the theme but don't like the leaf...little hint of blue in there & to me looks a little plasticky :thinking:

ps...has Jackie noticed the chopping board yet :LOL:
Thanks, all.

The latest Round was something that came to me late in the day. I enjoyed making it. I totally agree with Lynne about he colour and the plastic feel. The leaf has quite a waxy feel but natural light would have really improved it. Bit lazy there, I guess.

Anyways....Negative. Rarely do I say, "ooffffff", but I'm saying it now. Few ideas to ponder, one is quite minimal and abstract...lets see.

Cheers all (y)
I like the domes better in the light painting shots but the other 2 people who entered shots were slightly better not much in it really maybe because I saw Thiers first, the leaf one I don't really get even with the explanation you seem to enjoy the leaf thing and that's all that matters.
first 2 round shots, both excellent, can't really decide between them. Great efforts Andy, really want a go at this soon.

You should, it's great fun :D

Your leaf shot, I like it and is certainly different, not sure on the placement of the round bit though, a bit higher or lower maybe?

Hmmmm, interesting point about the placement. I didn't notice that, at tad higher with the circle, I think.

I like the domes better in the light painting shots but the other 2 people who entered shots were slightly better not much in it really maybe because I saw Thiers first, the leaf one I don't really get even with the explanation you seem to enjoy the leaf thing and that's all that matters.

Cheers, I total agree that Peter's is a cracker, the overall lighting works really well in his.

The leaf. Well there's a circle, which is Round. The addition of the decorative pieces was just to add some contrasting elements.

Cheers.....and I do like my leaves...in fact, I've got one ageing on the window cill :D
Well, my immediate idea was, of course, negative space, of which I'm a great fan.

I have a few more ideas but thought I'd start with an extreme example. This is a photograph taken with my iPad of its case. Run it thought Camera Awesome.

I actually like it, FWIW :D I'm also a great fan of Mark Rothko and I like his use of negative space.

Just need to get Isabelle on-board for the other idea. :D

Cheers all and let the Marmite flow :LOL:

Week 52. Negative. by andysheader (Posiview), on Flickr
blondie606 said:
Yup , thats Negative for sure :D

Not quite sure what else I can say ? I think it needs something else.....

Ah, you want something to fill the negative space ;) totally understand where you are coming from. I do suspect your opinion will be reflected by (all) others. It was, I have to say, an indulgence.

I was about to go out and do another but, well, someone with similar good tastes beat me to it :)

I've just finished another and the opinion may well be the same as it was for the first one. Anyways....on with the show. Can not believe it's week 52 on Saturday. I was thinking of themes I'd like to come up for the last week, or at least genres, and I hope it's a really good one for us to go it with a bang!!

Hi Andy,
My vote goes to the domes for round, as I said over on Peter's thread, I love the look of those light painted domes, there's just something about them which is very appealing. Your image is no exception, wonderful colours and depth to the image. That looks like a great location too. Not much more to say about it. The wire wool spin image is fine too but when compared against the domes......well there is no comparison IMHO ;)

Negative works well too. Negative space and a negative in its own right. I feel to go with the second interpretation, the negative needs an image somehow showing just to nail it IYSWIM. Good work though Iain
blakester said:
Hi Andy,
My vote goes to the domes for round, as I said over on Peter's thread, I love the look of those light painted domes, there's just something about them which is very appealing. Your image is no exception, wonderful colours and depth to the image. That looks like a great location too. Not much more to say about it. The wire wool spin image is fine too but when compared against the domes......well there is no comparison IMHO ;)

Negative works well too. Negative space and a negative in its own right. I feel to go with the second interpretation, the negative needs an image somehow showing just to nail it IYSWIM. Good work though Iain

Cheers, Iain, much appreciated. I agree about including something. I suspect including something very small would have really improved it. I do like to experiment, though.

Well, as an aside and said with a ;), ths is my 6,000 post.

Last edited:
Yep definitely B&W for me. Very imaginative shot, even if it wasn't your imagination that came up with it!
I know, I know, I've already posted a few :D

Managed to get Isabelle interested so milked it. X2 OCF left and right. Wish I'd defused the light a bit more. Bit of light upper left (as viewed) of Isabelle's head would have improved and I didn't want to introduce noise by dodging in PS.

#2 was me using a technique I saw in Practical Photoshop. Rather like it....

Cheers all and I guarantee...no more :thinking:

Week 51 4 Negative by andysheader (Posiview), on Flickr

Week 51 Negative by andysheader (Posiview), on Flickr
Hi Andy. I really like both of those, and Isabelle's done a great job posing (a smile would have ruined them!).

I prefer the second one on a quick glance or from further back, but if you start to look too closely you can see the light spiral has been added in PP.

Never-the-less, how the heck is that done?