Potholes - How Are Your Roads?


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Our local council have sent out inspectors to check potholes in preparation for the big rush when lockdown eases.

So far, they say 'Everything is normal - carry on'.


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We have some roads in between potholes, the local council "Pothole Buster" van was up our way yesterday-I believe the bus operator had complained-when I walked past the repair today, edges of the repair are starting to crumble already, no signs of tar having been applied to seal it together, waste of time, energy and money.
All the roads round here are a disgrace.
Several were fully resurfaced last year and are now not far off of a dirt track in Africa. The contractors doing the works arent doing it properly and the roads break up within a month or two.
All the roads round here are a disgrace.
Several were fully resurfaced last year and are now not far off of a dirt track in Africa. The contractors doing the works arent doing it properly and the roads break up within a month or two.

Yes that happens here too, council never chase them up when they don’t do a proper job
Some of the potholes here are big enough to run a separate bus service through - it's ridiculous. :banghead:

There has been a LOT of money spent on IOW roads in the last few years, but the company doing it are making such a p**s poor job of it, it will only a year or two before we'll be back to dirt tracks like they were before. :mad:

When will these beancounters start thinking ahead? They should spend now to save money later. A child could do better in a lot cases . . .
Sometimes I wonder if "brown envelopes" are involved with the guys/gals who set contractors on and who inspects jobs before payment is approved, otherwise somebody is likely to wise up surely.
Some of our residential streets don't need traffic calming any more you have to drive so slowly. Main roads are ok though.
All the roads round here are a disgrace.
Several were fully resurfaced last year and are now not far off of a dirt track in Africa. The contractors doing the works arent doing it properly and the roads break up within a month or two.

Exactly the same as were I live!
I hit a pothole in January that caused massive damage to my car ( it was dark when I hit it) and there were 8 other cars lined up in a nearby bus stop that had all hit it too!
Horrid in the Trafford Borough. My wife and I were just discussing how many cars with flat tyres we have seen over the past 6-9 months.

Could be unrelated!

I can tell you that on the few occasions I have been able to ride my motorbike over the last six months I have noticed a significant deterioration. I think you really notice when you ride a 2 wheeled vehicle though that's not to say I don't cringe when the car hits another pothole.
3 months ago a taxis front suspension was taken out by a pothole. Immediately after the council filled in the minimum amount they could get away with.
Cant fix everything when they have a yearly pay rise, replace perfectly good for new and handouts to dosers
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All the roads round here are a disgrace.
Several were fully resurfaced last year and are now not far off of a dirt track in Africa. The contractors doing the works arent doing it properly and the roads break up within a month or two.

Same in my neck of the woods. Council send out an "inspector" when a pothole is reported. He paints a yellow line around it as a marker for repair. About 2 months later the repairers turn out to thump in a patch, but ignore new holes next to the original hole because they don't have any magic yellow paint :thinking:
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all roads are s***e now adays but isn't that why everyone drives land destroyers and suvs?
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Same in my neck of the woods. Council send out an "inspector" when a pothole is reported. He paints a yellow line around it as a marker for repair. About 2 months later the repairers turn out to thump in a patch, but ignore new holes next to the original hole because they don't have any magic yellow paint :thinking:

I'm sure I read that there is some kind of loophole the local authorities can use whereby when the pothole has that paint sprayed around it this means it's on the scheduled repair list and they cannot be held liable from that point on? Perhaps even that visibility of the hole would now be obvious as well?
I'm sure I read that there is some kind of loophole the local authorities can use whereby when the pothole has that paint sprayed around it this means it's on the scheduled repair list and they cannot be held liable from that point on? Perhaps even that visibility of the hole would now be obvious as well?
I would say that the council would need to put up a sign warning drivers just as they do when roads are being repaired, or resurfaced. If the road is wet, that paint would not be visible to a motorist and if the sun should come out whilst the road is wet, at this time of year, it definitely wouldn't be visible if driving towards the sun.
The fact that it does have paint around it, does mean that the council is aware of it and they can't deny they were previously aware of it which is their normal excuse when motorists make a claim.
I'm sure there's some loophole though that if the hole is on the scheduled repair list then they are no longer liable. This got them around some time limit they had in order to repair a pothole once it was reported (2 or 3 weeks I think?). Maybe it's just in Scotland, I can't remember though.

I guess there's also a bit of a Catch 22 involved as well in that if you don't report the pothole then as said the LA can claim to have no knowledge of it. But then if you do report it then you can't put a claim in if you hit it again but you knew about it! lol
The potholes around Enfield are terrible at the moment.
But the thing I can't understand is where the hell does the local council get all the money for roadworks from as on my 4 mile drive to work for at least the past 5 years there seem to be continuous road works in one place or another in fact a few weeks ago there were three sets of different roadworks on one stretch of road, its crazy and yet the potholes remain.
A few years ago a cyclist hit a deep pothole and came off breaking his wrist, he took the council to court and the fun started. The council showed photos of pothole all fixed, but the judge hit them as the cyclist in pain took a photo with date and the judge ordered the council to pay for the bike repaired and costs.
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the judge ordered the council to pay for the bike repaired and costs.

That's what I like to hear - proper justice. :)

There are situations like this that have happened locally to me too. Of course, they are hearsay so one never knows if there's any truth to the stories or not.
The potholes around Enfield are terrible at the moment.
But the thing I can't understand is where the hell does the local council get all the money for roadworks from as on my 4 mile drive to work for at least the past 5 years there seem to be continuous road works in one place or another in fact a few weeks ago there were three sets of different roadworks on one stretch of road, its crazy and yet the potholes remain.
Councils usually start road repairs etc at the end of the financial year to spend the remainder of their budget on the pretext that if they don't spend their allocated budget, the following years budget is cut accordingly.

Probably why our council has decided to replace the perfectly good paving slabs on the pavements on my road with tarmac, meanwhile people are complaining about the state of roads and pavements in other roads in our area.