Richo's 52 for 2011 Week 6 added

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Week 1

Had some good ideas for "Accommodation" but due to a bout of gout laying me up for the last 3 days I can only submit this grab shot but at least I am up and running.

Hoover home bw by Richo_I, on Flickr

This is the chosen accommodation of "Hoover" my golden loach.
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Week 1

Had some good ideas for "Accommodation" but due to a bout of gout laying me up for the last 3 days I can only submit this grab shot but at least I am up and running.

Hi Ian, what a pain (literally), but well done for getting this in on time despite everything. A perfect subject for the "accommodation" theme. The little fella looks so cheeky peeking out. The contrast of the scary skull and the cute fish is great. I think the focus is slightly off - it would have been even better to have the fish's head/eye in sharp focus.

Great start to your 52, good luck for next week. Patrick
Nice one. Good idea - little off on the focus but shooting thru glass and water isn't the easiest thing to do.

Kinda like the texture of the skull. Great loach name, Hoover :D

(do hope you feel better soon - take care)
A good friend of mine runs a guitar shop and I thought this must fit this weeks theme of New.

New by Richo_I, on Flickr
The lighting is really nice. I may have tweaked the purple a little in photoshop to make it stand out more and emphasize this weeks theme - that its a (potential) new purchase.
A totally alien Style of photography to me so have put this effort up early hoping for some advice so I can maybe improve the shot before the end of the week.

Essentials by Richo_I, on Flickr

I think it fits the theme ok but it just looks pants to me and I can't quite grab why, All advice will be gratefully received. Ian
Like your "style" Richo (y)

I'm only just getting in to this photography biz & take shots like you that just somehow don't look right but can't pin down why :shrug:

As a guess I'd say it'd be really good to see more of the image reflection in the surface & possibly a touch lighter all round ? The right-hand side bottle could maybe do with turning a little to get more writing in so it does'nt blend with the background so much ?
But what do I know :bang:

It's great that you've managed to get everything in focus - what lens/settings did you use ? I struggle with that so be interested to know if you don't mind ?

I love the idea & love looking through all the photo's for this theme challenge as it gives me ideas of stuff to try . In fact you've given me an idea...........

good luck with the nest 49 weeks,cheers,Lynne
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I am no expert and don't have the answers, but I think the main issue here is lighting (I had a similar problem with my week 3) I think maybe off camera flash and or a softbox would help?? I am sure others will be able to provide better advice, which I will also be interested in. But I think that is the great thing about this 52, learning from others and being inspired by other peoples shots.

By the way really like week 2. Great DOF, good composition, nice colours (I might have temporarily removed the bottom tag that is hanging though ?)
Ian, love the take for accommodation and the processing suits it well. New works well, and fits the theme nicely, but perhaps just a little further to the left in the frame ? I'm not sure the red blobs in the background are helping... a bit to close to the pegs... I think removing the dangling tab would have been a good idea too.

For the third one, I agree with Ray... the light is not really doing this justice... the built in flash ?? If you don't have an external flash that can be used either off camera, or even bounced, then you could try using some kitchen roll to diffuse the popup flash, that would probably help quite a bit here. A sheet of it (or tissue) held a little way in front of the flash when you trigger the shutter. I'm not a lighting expert.. and still struggling with it, although I did some off camera flash in my 52 last year.
Hi Ian,

Well done for trying a totally new style of photography for this week :clap:
I'm not a lighting expert either unfortunately, but I agree that's where this isn't quite working. For this type of shot where the subject isn't going anywhere shutter speed isn't an issue, so you really don't need that intense burst of light that you get from flash.
My advice would be to use softer light from a desk lamp or similar and compensate with a longer shutter speed if necessary to get the exposure that you want.
IMO you could really do with some light coming in from low down on the RHS to lift the side of the straighteners. That would also vastly improve the reflection because you'd get some of the detail of the straighteners in the mirror rather than it forming a solid black block.

The guitar shot is lovely and vibrant with good DoF, although personally I'd like the price tag to be a bit sharper and crisper. The colour of the tag immediately grabs my eye and since I can't avoid looking at it I'd really like to read it clearly (if that makes sense)

Week 1 : (y) (y) (y) Good to see a fellow fishkeeper on here!
Thank-you all for the comments, I realise where I have gone wrong and will endeavour to do a re take when time permits.

So on to week 4 I hope I have come up with something a little better this time and hopefully a little more left field.

Open E by Richo_I, on Flickr
Thanx for the comments, So much happier with this shot than last weeks and looking forward to tonight's unveiling of next weeks theme.
I think this works for me! I tried saying to myself 'if it was a little more*this and that*' but then when thinking about it, no, your comp is perfect. DOF is well used and the idea behind it, open E, is brilliant! (y)
Thanks for the positive feed back for week 4.
This is the first idea that came to mind for week 5, I am not sure about it and have another shot in mind if the feed back on this is negative by posting early I have chance to change it.

Hard water by Richo_I, on Flickr

This could be either hard water or a hard frost.
Hi Ian, I think Hard Water rather than Hard Frost. Great shot, lovely lighting and contrast. Lets hope everyone likes it seeing as I beat you to your back up idea lol.
(last week everyone preferred my first idea rather than the one I actually went with)

Good luck with rest of 52

An 'open E' - I like it, it's not as obvious as all the open ideas I had - great take on the theme and a great shot.
Although, and this is ooober picky, you could have given the geeeetar a polish!

Good shot but me thinks that looks suspiciously like an E7 he is playing :D
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Week 6 "Clutter" a little bit tenuous but will have to do.

Clutterd web by Richo_I, on Flickr

This guys web a little cluttered up by this mornings damp, Another dud from me but I will keep on trying. Ian
Great shots, well composed and executed. If i'm going to be picky about any of them, its number 1. Dirty fish tank glass, and the B&W conversion doesn't really work for me. Don't get me wrong, I know how hard it is to shoot fish, and the loach is well caught, maybe I just preffer fish in colour :)
