Rob's 52 for 2011 - WEEK 9 - FINISH (ed)? (PHOTO ADDED!)

Hiya Rob, glad you have decided to join us in this 52, good luck and look forward to seeing your photos.


Dawn :)
Right well heres my first shot. A loose take on the theme, been a bit uninspired due to the dark weather and being unable to shoot outdoors.

Hand held the flashgun off to the left of tank on strobe setting to get the effect.

Hiya Rob,

Well done! I love the way you have caught the fish, pardon the pun. :LOL: That is pretty smart.

Great take on the theme too.


Dawn :)
haha nice one Dawn. Thanks for the comment. Tried a few different ideas around the fish tank theme don't think its particularly great but chose this one as its a bit different.
Cool take on the theme. I like it. The strobe effect is great and I like the mix of colours. There's a bit too much going on for me, but I'm not sure how you could simplify.

I also wondered if it would have been fun to have shown the actual fishtank.

Cheers, Patrick
lovely job Rob. I'm actually a fan of the chaos in this shot. It's a nice spin on the usual sedate nature of a fish tank.

I've just ordered more batteries for my triggers as they were completely flat (been sat there for 12 months).
Nice one Rob - a really imaginative ans different take on this week's theme - well captured
Week 2 of the 52 theme is New. For this one I was thinking about consumerism and the constant drive and pressure to have the latest new things.

This christmas flat screen tv's seemed to be the big craze. We all are guilty of living this consumerist lifestyle to some extent. Easy to forget it was invented by the americans a number of years back.

Anyway so my take on it was a shot in our new shopping mall in Plymouth that promises more, bigger and better shops for the credit laden population to take advantage of.
Cor, that's a cracker. Person at the bottom of the picture seems a bit blurred due to the motion, so perhaps a slightly faster shutter speed than 1/25?

Love it though
Hiya Rob,

Wow you have excelled on this one, I love it. I especially like the colour tone, the way you have caught the shadows that add motion to the image, the sunburst in the top left corner, the cloudy sky, the contrast in the floor and the outside buildings that add to the continuity.

Only two things I would pick up on, and that is the light by the escalator looks a bit over exposed, and the, what looks like a person? in the bottom left shadow is a bit distracting.

Otherwise I think that is a cracking image and a great take on the theme, I like your thinking behind it.

Well done :clap:

Look forward to your photo next week.


Dawn :)
The lighting and shadows are superb, although I do find the over exposure by the escalator slightly distracting, but I do like the slight coolness added to the photo due to what looks like a slightly blue tinted glass roof? Whatever it is, it works, nice job :)
love both shots - both have great imagination & perspective.

looking forward to seeing more :)
thanks for all the kind comments. Well spotted RE: shutter speed. I was actually planning to blur all the people in the shot and took a few others this way (I'll post an example tomorrow methinks) but actually preferred the static ones. Also well spotted about the blown highlights, it was direct sunlight so couldn't really do much to control the exposure whilst retaining the darks, didn't have a tripod so couldn't combine without risking movement. Finally, the security in mall are HOT on people taking photos so kinda got this one sneakily whilst the guy wasn't looking hence settling for this 80% shot :)

Thanks for all the positive feedback though, I think its all spot on to be honest. Will try and have a look at all your 52s's over the coming days
I really like the shadows and geometry of this shot. Its spot on mate. I think you have done very well and although there is room for improvement for example with the shadows of the stand etc, considering it is raw and unedited. Its really nice. My favourite parts are the colour, stretched shadows and lines!

Thanks for sharing
I'm loving the shadow, viewing on small screen so can't comment any more...

I do like the perspective on the photograph, would like to see a b&w version.

That's a great shot - one of my favourite's from week 2. (y)

The long shadows make this shot.

I can see what previous posters are saying in their crit, but TBH none of that detracts from the shot for me. I like all the little quirky details. Nice sky as well.

I'm sure it could be improved with PP but I'm no expert so I'll just shut up now.
Well what a turn of luck. I was properly stumped by this weeks theme, a very busy week of work and bad weather meant I wasn't really sure what and when I would capture. I was doing some photos for a job at Plymouth Theatre TR2 centre this evening. This is where they make all the sets and costume etc and must say it was a really impressive place!

When in the costume area it came to me....why don't I grab a quick shot for the blog on the theme style! I only had my 360 pano gear with me so this was shot on my (well old now!) 350D with old faithfull - The sigma 10-20mm.
Top notch there Rob, love it, especially the composition. It makes it really interesting.
Quality work Rob, the angle of the shot gives it a whole new dimension, makes me feel dizzy looking at it.
I think it's a great photo... but I'm not sure it says style to me... It is clothes etc... but not sure about STYLE! For a similar reason my own needs further work!
I think it's a great photo... but I'm not sure it says style to me... It is clothes etc... but not sure about STYLE! For a similar reason my own needs further work!

I know what you mean, I was thinking if I get anything else this week I might change it but not looking likely at the moment :(
thanks for the comments gang. Yeah I literally had to just grab something so there were lots of things I couldn't change like manual handling sign, reflections on the lettering etc. Went for the angle and processing to try and make a more interesting image and counter the clutter
Another loose interpretation of the theme :D
I spent the weekend visiting my friends Ed and Karen. I was helping him out taking some photos of his recording studio. This is their daughter Amy. One of her favourite things to say at the moment is Oh Wow as captured here lol
Cracking shot - not only is her mouth open, her pupils are wide open as well as being lovely and sharp.

Oh Wow - really is all you could say about it.

Hiya Rob,

Apologies about the delay in replying to your post Week 3, which I think oozes Style. I love the angle you have shot this and included the mannequin busts in the fore donned with stylish robes and then in the background what looks like a sewing machine and tools etc used for styling. Great opportunity you nabbed there, well done!

Now to your week 4, well what a little cutie Amy is and such gorgeous eyes too. I love the expression on her face and defenitely expresses OPEN in many ways with both mouth and eyes wide open :) I think you have captured this image well, although I don't have much experience of portrait photography. I do like the catchlight in her eyes and the colours and skin tone look spot on to me.

I look forward to seeing your week 5.


Dawn :)

Fantastic open shot... really obvious for the theme... my only slight crit is the highlights on the face are a touch blown... but im sure you could do something with that in PP. LOVE the eyes though.

Wonderful portrait. A very photogenic model. And dead on for the theme (open eyes and mouth)

The focus and DOF is perfect. Nice catchlights. I agree it's a little overexposed on the face, but nothing is completely blown so you can get that back with some gentle PP. Given that you've got almost her whole head in the shot, it doesn't look quite right to lose the top of her head.

Is this pic cropped?

Can't get over what a great expression this is - love it.
Im not sure how I missed your thread before ! Its lovely to see a shot of plymouths mall, I lived in Plymouth all my life until I moved to Ireland last year. Plymouth is a lovely place, is just a shame about some of the people lol.
The shadows on your week 2 shot are brilliant and the colours of your week 3 shot are lovely !
Week 4 is a funny take on the theme :) I love the way the light is shining off her eyes
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thanks for all the comments guys. really busy at the moment so havent been able to spend the time looking at others threads and apologise for that :-(

mark- well spotted about the highlights, a teeny bit blown. Basically I had 2 speedlites off camera on manual but amy wouldn't sit still or even look at the camera most of the time tbh so the one time she did she was a bit too close to the lights. hey ho

patrick - thanks for the feedback too. Its a little bit cropped but not much.

charlotte/jeff - thanks for the comments too