running man

That is the funniest thing I've done for ages :LOL:

Did 1.3 metres through the guy doing a very good impression of a drunk and falling over :LOL:
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between -1.4 and 3.4m and not very conventional!
once you get the rhythm its pretty easy, you have to make sure you press o and w simultaneously and then p and q simultaneously and the foot hits the ground. takes a bit of practice.
once you get the rhythm its pretty easy, you have to make sure you press o and w simultaneously and then p and q simultaneously and the foot hits the ground. takes a bit of practice.

How far did you get?

Edited to add...
Technique I eventually stumbled on was to ignore the lower legs and crawl on my knees.
Been a while since I've had to do that myself, but when needs must, etc :D
This got me to 10m but I fell backwards to 8.9m.
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How far did you get?

Edited to add...
Technique I eventually stumbled on was to ignore the lower legs and crawl on my knees.
Been a while since I've had to do that myself, but when needs must, etc :D
This got me to 10m but I fell backwards to 8.9m.

the whole way, its all about rhythm, once it gets going you get there quickly - although I didn't jump the hurdle more smashed into it!! ha ha
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the whole way, its all about rhythm, once it gets going you get there quickly - although I didn't jump the hurdle more smashed into it!! ha ha

useless post without a screenshot :cautious:
Is there a 'Derek Redmond's Dad' option, as there's no way on earth I'll make it to the end :LOL:

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well done joe:clap: my hero lol, will try your method.:)

I've tried it and aside from my runner doing a Ministry of funny walks impression, I got to four metres. I have no coordination so I bow down to Joe as Overlord of the QWOP Empire ;)
Always leave the back leg trailing extended and if he stars to topple forward push up with the leading leg, both should stop him falling.
You do know that Joe has been at it for a week, sharing shifts on the keyboard with Dominic Diamond from Gamesmaster ;)

well, I do have to admit this wasn't the first time I have seen this game, I remember playing it a few years ago so probably played it for weeks back then :LOL::LOL::LOL:

My guttering fell down and I had to call someone out to fix it :thumbsdown:

yes.. but i bet it's only taken a few minutes of glancing at his work and you'll be able to do it yourself next time (y)