Daily Samuelslade007 365/6 Challenge...Day 365 of 366

what will be more intriguing is tomorrows photo... :D .. i think the mods will be VERY interested..

Hot Diggerty Dawg!!!! :D

Will it be another 12:01 upload?
Paulie-W said:
Hot Diggerty Dawg!!!! :D

Will it be another 12:01 upload?

Mmmm...I'll have to see if nurse lets me... :naughty: rather strict about bed times.....me being under the doctor for the last few days...
Mmmm...I'll have to see if nurse lets me... :naughty: rather strict about bed times.....me being under the doctor for the last few days...

A strict nurse, and a midnight upload :LOL: :naughty:
Paulie-W said:
Bugger! I missed that :LOL:

Oh I think I might be ;)

Well don't forget the time zone difference....yeah....I'm like... 8 hours behind you...so you....no wait...yeah..stay up at midnight...stay..up....:D .STAY awake....
Tash Day 18

Who needs fancy reflectors and snood thingies....when you can improvise on the cheap with everyday objects to deflect and concentrate the flash ... yeah i'm been a very naughty strobist :cautious:

..btw!! the camera was AT this angle, laying flat in a drawer, flash hidden in cupboard above me focusing light was hit and miss...so too was focusing the camera .... but when you've looked down the barrel of a lens for 18 days straight... sort of like a photographers version of Russian Roulade (y) ... one of these times that flah is going to be too bright for me.... not this time though...:naughty:
Nice one Kev (y)
Love the Jaffa cakes Kev...

How is your limited equipment?

Is that why the nurse is looking after you? Hope you get better soon :whistle:

Maybe Tezz can help sort it out with her :bat:
Love the Jaffa cakes Kev...


How is your limited equipment?

i have no idea what you might mean by this.....?? :naughty: ....cheeky **** ...just realised what you meant .... hey you knocking minimalism !! ... was it not said...give me a fulcrum and a tall enough plank and i could move the world with one finger?

Is that why the nurse is looking after you? Hope you get better soon :whistle:

Maybe Tezz can help sort it out with her :bat:
I doubt Tezz and her bat could... we're bed ridden here..:naughty:
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Great Jaffa shot Kev.....

Not calling you a Jaffa of course :)
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Yv said:
is that the closet you had your limited equipment in? :D

very much liking the jaffa cakes.... must be a mod thing :LOL:

That thar be the closet of Davy Jones....arrr ?!!!! and yes.... Limited space for any equipement...

(now...dilemma....do I accuse yv of calling me jaffa like Tezz... Or just wing a thanks) thanks yv... I thought the jaffa was a mod thing... Matt light painting a pile of them...
:LOL: Thankyou, that's another flamin keyboard covered in sweet sticky liquid that I should have sw.... oh...never mind :eek: :p

.... (ok..Yv = mod.. has just issued a very funny double entendre ... do i a) ignore and pass it off the cuff..or b) sniggle and suffer potentially the wrath of jaffa...) .... really Yv .. thats very ...snigger... very..??. .. snarf snarf... unfortunate, i do hope that... pttttbbbbbbbb!! ... you are able to wipe it clean.. awkward.. being covered in ..stickiness like that... :bonk:
Tezz450D said:
Very ingenious :)

Why thank you ms Tezz ... I got the idea from an advert for something...seen it recently... But I couldn't get the exposure nor focus right so went extreme..
michael23 said:
Hiya Kev, just had a look through your latest. Great pics! The jaffa cakes image works really well.

Thanks Michael.daughter had left the box laying around ...and it was blue... She questioned what id been doing with it...but hey... I love focusing on it..