Sarah's 52 for 2010 - Now continued in part 2

Sarah as has been said above, point of focus is a very subjective issue:thinking: I am undecided on your image though, on the one hand I like the oof pieces framing the pieces opposite but on the other hand the oof pieces distract in a way. That being said, people discussing their own likes and dislikes in the image is good...its good to talk as they say:).

Focus aside, I definately like the sharpness in the image, the opaque pieces look like you have painted them in light. I like the composition too, seeing the reflection of the pieces on the shiny squares. Bang on theme too, requires no explanation, all round well done. Iain

Thanks Iain.
As you say, I take it as a good thing that it's divided opinion and got people discussing why they do and don't like it (y)
At the end of the day photography is a subjective thing and people should be comfortable expressing their views.

I think Jean pointed this out during last year's 52, but I absolutely agree . . . when I see some of the arguments breaking out on other parts of the site I often think that they should pop into the 52s as an example of how people can express their opinions and offer support without World War 3 breaking out :LOL:

not keen on this weeks (sorry feels wrong saying that to you ) think its the pieces at the front

Absolutely no need to say sorry Bob.
Your opinion is as valid as anyone else's and you should NEVER feel uncomfortable about saying what you do and don't like to anyone on any part of the site :)

Life would be VERY dull if we all liked exactly the same things.

Nice DOF sarah, you can see what you are focused on and it works well, even got some nice reflection in the board.

Yet again an excellent photo in your 52 collection.

Thank you Jon. Glad you liked it.

Ooh I really like that, particularly your decision to focus on the background pieces. The image has some real life to it, brings the board alive. Great subject too, wish I had a chess set like that to play with.

Excellent work as usual Sarah, you're another one who is inspiring me week in and week out.

Thanks James. Glad that you like it . . . and I'm even more happy to think that I can offer a bit of inspiration (no matter how tiny) to somebody else.

I like it, it almost looks like its a computer rendering, hard to believe its real.

Thanks Karlos. That is praise indeed !
I know that the kit lens gets some stick for being a bit rubbish, but I've been happy with quite a lot of the results from it.
This is a pic that has me looking at it in different ways. I've looked at it 3 times now, having 5 minute breaks in between and I'm still stumbled by something and I don't know what.

I really like it. I think what is making me keep looking is that I'm not allowed to see what is in focus as something is in front of me blocking my view. Like people in front of you at a concert.

Great lighting, superb reflections...I even like the halo effect around the chess pieces in which I didn't think I would.

Excellent :)
I disagree with the above :D Focus is perfect for the shot, as though you're peering at the other players pieces. Lighting and angle are fantastic. My only niggle is that you have a better chess set than me (and your photo is better too) :dummy: ;)

Something along the lines of what I would have said if I had got there first :LOL:

I REALLY like makes you feel like you are 2" tall and on the board, gorgeous chess set and love the simpleness of the black and white but with the other tones in there. :clap:
Really good shot - I love the choice of viewpoint and the unusual chess set gives the shot a surreal look - one minute it looks like a photo, the next a computer graphic.

I'm not sure that I like the OOF pieces in the foreground Sarah but can't make my mind up for certain.

The lighting and reflections on the far pieces are superb (y)

Well done.
Ah, the game eh? No doubt you're fed up with everyone complaining about the royals taking up too much space but I sort of like it. They are a bit overpowering though and I can't help thinking a crop that puts them on the edges rather than the thirds would be much better and bring the focused pieces centre stage?


PS - black king and queen are in the wrong places :D
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(not read others' comments in detail to avoid pre-conceived notions)

I'm with the "it's great as it is" crowd and do feel like the "player" standing behind the back row waiting to push my pieces out to get the opposing king.

I love the chess set itself. The glass construction makes for a lovely eerie feel to the whole shot. Lighting was spot on.

It reminds me of the Pink Floyd line... "'Forward' he cried, from the rear, and the front rank died."

For a piece that has had minimal processing out of camera, this actually looks like a digital artwork! I love the smooth lines of the pieces against the straight lines on the board, the subtle colour and the fact that it looks like some incredibly intricate light painting!
This is a pic that has me looking at it in different ways. I've looked at it 3 times now, having 5 minute breaks in between and I'm still stumbled by something and I don't know what.

I really like it. I think what is making me keep looking is that I'm not allowed to see what is in focus as something is in front of me blocking my view. Like people in front of you at a concert.

Great lighting, superb reflections...I even like the halo effect around the chess pieces in which I didn't think I would.

Excellent :)

Thanks Stephen - firstly for taking the time to write all of that and secondly for the positive feedback.
I thought I might be alone in liking this one, so I'm glad that others like it too.

Something along the lines of what I would have said if I had got there first :LOL:

I REALLY like makes you feel like you are 2" tall and on the board, gorgeous chess set and love the simpleness of the black and white but with the other tones in there. :clap:

Thank you Sonia.
I'd thought more about it from the point of view of bending down and looking between the pieces, but I do like the comment about being 2" tall.
Makes me think of Alice in Wonderland :LOL:

Really good shot - I love the choice of viewpoint and the unusual chess set gives the shot a surreal look - one minute it looks like a photo, the next a computer graphic.


Thanks Phil.
This chess set was one of the first things I ever photographed when I got my bridge camera, and it's one of my favourite props. I just really like the way it reacts to light.

I'm not sure that I like the OOF pieces in the foreground Sarah but can't make my mind up for certain.

The lighting and reflections on the far pieces are superb (y)

Well done.

Thank you Andy.
Not to worry on the oof pieces. I knew that they'd split opinion, but I'm glad that the background is working for you.

Ah, the game eh? No doubt you're fed up with everyone complaining about the royals taking up too much space but I sort of like it. They are a bit overpowering though and I can't help thinking a crop that puts them on the edges rather than the thirds would be much better and bring the focused pieces centre stage?


:LOL: Not fed up at all. I kind of expected it when I picked this particular composition.
I do like your idea of a squarer crop though. Just might give it a go.

PS - black king and queen are in the wrong places :D

:muted: Shhhhh . . . I noticed after I'd processed it - I was hoping to get away with it :LOL:

(not read others' comments in detail to avoid pre-conceived notions)

I'm with the "it's great as it is" crowd and do feel like the "player" standing behind the back row waiting to push my pieces out to get the opposing king.

I love the chess set itself. The glass construction makes for a lovely eerie feel to the whole shot. Lighting was spot on.

It reminds me of the Pink Floyd line... "'Forward' he cried, from the rear, and the front rank died."


Thanks Ian.
I hadn't thought of that Pink Floyd line, but it does fit perfectly with what I was trying to get across in this one - and I love the fact that the image has triggered some sort of memory or association for you.

For a piece that has had minimal processing out of camera, this actually looks like a digital artwork! I love the smooth lines of the pieces against the straight lines on the board, the subtle colour and the fact that it looks like some incredibly intricate light painting!

Thank you Louise.
I only wish that I could do light painting to this sort of standard!
This chess set is one of my favourite props, I just wish I had more opportunity to use it.
Something about the way the glass pieces interact with light makes it lovely to photograph.
"Play" is awesome! It looked a little bit CGI when I first saw it, but when looking closer it's just really nicely lit! Great stuff (y)
I like your chess shot, the only thing i have to add is that if i were shooting it to my own tastes i think i'd try a higher angle with less of the foreground pieces in the shot. I know it's already been mentioned though so i won't labour the point :p

Overall, a better chess shot that i could've achieved. Well done Sarah :)
Hi Sarah, on something of a catch up mission, so will comment on mechanical first. Definately a novel take on theme, one of the more 'outside the box' interpretations I have seen. I am leaning towards the less saturated one slightly, but I think both work very well from a compostion and lighting pov. :D

Play - technically very good but I will be honest and say its not really doing it for me, though I am I suppose in some ways being influenced by your previous offerings which make this one look a bit plain by comparison. Having said that, it is technially quite nice, the use of dof is clever and nicely exposed. (y)

Mind you, I can't wait to see hat you come up with for chemistry :nuts: :D
Sarah, I REALLY like this. The dof and angle you've chosen makes it feel like the viewer is right there in the game almost as one of the pieces. It somehow really captures the intensity of a game of chess.
Stunning... Love it Sarah... That's a wonderful chess set, and the viewpoint you've chosen gives the feel of the challenge and the soon to be unleashed melee.

Top Marks (y)
Great shot and framing and really like the reflection in the centre of the image. Almost has a 3D feel to it and looks like something out of the film Avatar! :)
Thanks Stephen - firstly for taking the time to write all of that and secondly for the positive feedback.
I thought I might be alone in liking this one, so I'm glad that others like it too.

Thats ok. Feedback is always needed.

And like ive always said "Dare to Be Different'' and with no offence to you welsh folk '' Dont be a sheep, Try something new ''
I don't think there's anything I can say that hasn't already been said. For me it's nearly there but I would have preferred it without so much in the foreground as it gets in the way of the background. Cracking lighting though and I know what you were trying with it so well done. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with for Chemistry.
Play is very nice Sarah. I like the way the focus is on the rear pieces as it really suits the shot by drawing you right in. To be honest I wasn't sure about the large piece in the foreground but it has grown on me.

Good work as usual.

Cheers, Rob
Play is a wonderful shot. Great lighting, and I love the low angle and use of DOF to draw you into the shot. I'd move the king slightly to the right but otherwise it is perfect. I also like the care you have taken with the border which sets the whole image off beautifully. What a lovely chess set!
Hi Sarah,

Playing catchup after a busy week, really liking the chess shot.

I havent read any other replies as yet but the foreground does distract slightly and leaves me wondering how it woud look without.

The distant peices are obviously the centre of attention and love to detail you have brought out, the almost look like they are made of ice.

Great shot!
Play - My immediate thought was, WOW!
But of course a crit like that ain't much use to anybody.

I think the angle is superb; it adds a satisfying feeling of menace to the game. I like the large oof king and queen in the foreground, with their enemies sharply focussed in their sights, facing them on the opposite side of the board.
One very minor thing that crossed my mind is that maybe the foreground royal pair could be moved to the left a smidge, thus providing a very rigid symmetry with their opposites - almost like they have then locked in for attack.
"Play" is awesome! It looked a little bit CGI when I first saw it, but when looking closer it's just really nicely lit! Great stuff (y)

Thanks Chris. Glad that you liked it!

I like your chess shot, the only thing i have to add is that if i were shooting it to my own tastes i think i'd try a higher angle with less of the foreground pieces in the shot. I know it's already been mentioned though so i won't labour the point :p

Overall, a better chess shot that i could've achieved. Well done Sarah :)

Thank you Rich.
The higher angle seems to be a common theme here, but I really didn't like it as much - it seemed to lose a lot of the reflection in the board.

I really do like your play, superb shot and idea.

Thanks - Much appreciated!

Hi Sarah, on something of a catch up mission, so will comment on mechanical first. Definately a novel take on theme, one of the more 'outside the box' interpretations I have seen. I am leaning towards the less saturated one slightly, but I think both work very well from a compostion and lighting pov. :D

Play - technically very good but I will be honest and say its not really doing it for me, though I am I suppose in some ways being influenced by your previous offerings which make this one look a bit plain by comparison. Having said that, it is technially quite nice, the use of dof is clever and nicely exposed. (y)

Mind you, I can't wait to see hat you come up with for chemistry :nuts: :D

Thank you Yv.
It's a challenge in itself trying to keep up with all these isn't is?
Glad that you liked "mechanical".
Play seems to have split opinions a bit and I know it's not a really "oomphy" shot, but I do quite like it.

Stunning... Love it Sarah... That's a wonderful chess set, and the viewpoint you've chosen gives the feel of the challenge and the soon to be unleashed melee.

Top Marks (y)

Thanks John - that's really high praise!!!
I'm glad that you liked it so much.

Great shot and framing and really like the reflection in the centre of the image. Almost has a 3D feel to it and looks like something out of the film Avatar! :)

Thank you. That CGI comment seems to be coming up a lot. I think it's to do with how the light's catching the frosted glass and the black b/g.

Sarah, I REALLY like this. The dof and angle you've chosen makes it feel like the viewer is right there in the game almost as one of the pieces. It somehow really captures the intensity of a game of chess.

Thanks Dean. Another one in the pro-weird angle camp :LOL:
Hi Sarah, been busy doing course work and trying to catch up. WOW I realy like that shot for week 9, superb.

Thanks for catching up Martin.
I'd been wondering where you'd got to . . . haven't seen a new 52 post from you in a while, so I'll have to go and look up your thread again.
I hope the course work's going well.

Thats ok. Feedback is always needed.

And like ive always said "Dare to Be Different'' and with no offence to you welsh folk '' Dont be a sheep, Try something new ''

:LOL: Hey . . . there's nothing wrong with sheep!
Except maybe when it comes to photography. I think different is good too.

I don't think there's anything I can say that hasn't already been said. For me it's nearly there but I would have preferred it without so much in the foreground as it gets in the way of the background. Cracking lighting though and I know what you were trying with it so well done. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with for Chemistry.

Thank you.
And don't worry, you're certainly not alone with the foreground comment.
I'm still sticking to my view that I rather like it - but that doesn't make anyone else wrong.

Play is very nice Sarah. I like the way the focus is on the rear pieces as it really suits the shot by drawing you right in. To be honest I wasn't sure about the large piece in the foreground but it has grown on me.

Good work as usual.

Cheers, Rob

Thanks Rob.
And it's fine with me if you want to sit on the fence with the foreground issue ;)
Opinion seems to be split pretty much 50/50 on it.

Play is a wonderful shot. Great lighting, and I love the low angle and use of DOF to draw you into the shot. I'd move the king slightly to the right but otherwise it is perfect. I also like the care you have taken with the border which sets the whole image off beautifully. What a lovely chess set!

Thank you.
The one thing I would change if I did a reshoot would be to move the 2 main pieces a bit to either side to leave a larger gap.
At the time I just set them up on their squares, but with that angle I don't think anyone would notice if they weren't quite in the right place.

I love the lighting and the black and white in the chess shot. I agree with others that the closest pieces are distracting.

Thanks Sue.
it's always useful to get as many opinions as possible on something like this - and although I'm sticking with liking it as is, there are definitely a couple of things I'd change if I reshot it.

Hi Sarah,

Playing catchup after a busy week, really liking the chess shot.

I havent read any other replies as yet but the foreground does distract slightly and leaves me wondering how it woud look without.

The distant peices are obviously the centre of attention and love to detail you have brought out, the almost look like they are made of ice.

Great shot!

Thanks Dan.
That chess set really does photograph well. I'll have to see if I can fit it into another week somewhere.

Play - My immediate thought was, WOW!
But of course a crit like that ain't much use to anybody.

I think the angle is superb; it adds a satisfying feeling of menace to the game. I like the large oof king and queen in the foreground, with their enemies sharply focussed in their sights, facing them on the opposite side of the board.
One very minor thing that crossed my mind is that maybe the foreground royal pair could be moved to the left a smidge, thus providing a very rigid symmetry with their opposites - almost like they have then locked in for attack.

Thanks Rob - that really is high praise.
I'm glad that you like it so much and that it's drawn you into the shot.
I completely agree with your second point about moving the Royals a touch. It's been touched on in a couple of other comments and if I do ever reshoot this, I'll definitely put a bit more thought into their positioning, rather than leaving them central on their squares.
I can't believe that we're up to week 10 already :eek:
Almost 1/5th of the way through.

Anyway, for me Chemistry was a really fun theme and it gave me a chance to use :

A white sheet and lamp
Orchid test tubes
Eyelash curlers
Candle holders
Food Colouring
Lots of double sided sticky tape

I'm undecided between these 2, so let's see if I can split opinions again! :LOL:

EDIT : After looking again, I've decided. Definitely Shot No.1 for me.

Self Critique

I'm pleased with the background in these. I found that by moving the lamp up really close behind the white backdrop I got a sort of sunburst effect which I really liked. I'll be using this again.

Shot 1 was my first attempt at this yesterday. Although I like it, once I loaded it up I found that the backlighting caused a loss of some sharpness in the foreground. I'm not sure whether that's a problem for me or not :shrug: . . . in some ways it adds something to the image . . . but it's also left it feeling a little 2-dimensional . . . but I think I might actually like that . . . grrrrrrr I don't know!!!!!!

Shot 2 was done today. I supplemented the natural light from the front with another lamp. I think that this helped a lot with maintaining sharpness, but I totally destroyed the flower yesterday and I'm not sure that I like this composition as much.
Smoke was added in PP, using a set of brushes from here.

(Other than the smoke and cloning out some sticky tape that was still showing, this is another week with very limited PP used)

Week 10 Chemistry - Shot 1

Week 10 Chemistry - Shot 2

Lessons Learnt

- This week has reminded me that photography is a hobby for me and is all about FUN !!!! :banana:
Whatever the outcome had been from these shots, it wouldn't have really mattered to me, because I really enjoyed doing them.

- I created a background effect that I was happy with without cresting something in PP and that also put a :D on my face.

- And a belated one from week 9. I didn't think I'd learnt much last week - I liked it, but it was a fairly standard set up well within my comfort zone.
But actually I learnt a lot about confidence.
I knew that the POV I chose wouldn't be too everyone's taste, but I liked it and I decided to go with what I wanted to do rather than play it safe and go for more of a "crowd pleaser".

For anyone wondering why I said I'd used orchid tubes (plural), here's one of the shots that didn't make it.

Week 10 : Chemistry (outtake)

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I'd have chosen shot one as well.

It's weird, but in a good way. Totally abstract and yet it makes sense. The background works well, but the use of the "stand" is inspired and the way the flower is semi-silhouetted against the "sun" is great. Speaks to me of the inorganic cultivation of plants and crops and I think it's bang on form for you Sarah. Two thumbs up (y) (y)
It's difficult to choose between the two shots but if I have to choose I think number 1 just has it for me. I like the lighting and the composition slightly better than number 2 but both great shots.
I know how you feel with how quick it seems we have reached week 10.

Number one is my favourite as I appreciate the backdrop the most. I've tried this for a few portraits of my brother and its not as easy as you think...iron the sheet first lol

I really like the concept of 3 too, btw I stole the brushes :cool:

For number one I would like to see the flower take up the majority of the sunburst effect so rather then it reaching for the 'sun' it blocks the sun...

So we can see the whole flower, maybe with a smaller light, lighting up the inside of the flower.

Overall very nice image, I look forward to seeing your 'Candid' shot....Week 9 you told me you were not very good at 'people' shots....hmmmmmm I beg to differ, I'm sure you will post another cracking image (y)
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I'd have chosen shot one as well.

It's weird, but in a good way. Totally abstract and yet it makes sense. The background works well, but the use of the "stand" is inspired and the way the flower is semi-silhouetted against the "sun" is great. Speaks to me of the inorganic cultivation of plants and crops and I think it's bang on form for you Sarah. Two thumbs up (y) (y)

Thanks Darren.
I'd love to say that I'd thought of all of that deep meaning when I put it together . . . unfortunately I just started with the test tube for chemistry, thought about how I could create a stand for it and then decided to stick something in it.
The flower was an odd one left over from a flower arrangement I'd put together for mothers' day and since the "test tubes" originally held orchids a flower seemed as good as anything else. It was all a bit random really :LOL:

#1 for me too. The flower is reaching out for the sun.

Thank you.
Again I wish I could claim to have planned it, but the sun was an accidental effect with the lighting. It all seemed to come together in the end though.

As always i look forward to what you produce each week, this week you have not failed to make me gasp, they are fantastic, detail is great and the colour and lighting is spot on.

Looking forward to nexts weeks sarah, no pressure

Thanks Jon.
That really does mean a lot to me.

p.s. Having just seen what next week's is, I wouldn't get your hopes up!

I think all three a pretty good, I prefer the tubes with smoke coming from them than the flower but that aside they are all good. Do the curlers symbolise anything or just a handy prop?:LOL:

No. The eyelash curlers mean nothing at all.
I needed something to hold the test tube, and in the absence of any proper clamps I thought they had a slightly sciencey / medical feel to them.

Nice to see somebody who likes the smoke image (y)

It's difficult to choose between the two shots but if I have to choose I think number 1 just has it for me. I like the lighting and the composition slightly better than number 2 but both great shots.

Thanks Lizbeth.
I'm glad that you like them.
Some of the greatest creations and inventions were accidents.
I know how you feel with how quick it seems we have reached week 10.

Number one is my favourite as I appreciate the backdrop the most. I've tried this for a few portraits of my brother and its not as easy as you think...iron the sheet first lol

I really like the concept of 3 too, btw I stole the brushes :cool:

For number one I would like to see the flower take up the majority of the sunburst effect so rather then it reaching for the 'sun' it blocks the sun...

So we can see the whole flower, maybe with a smaller light, lighting up the inside of the flower.

Overall very nice image, I look forward to seeing your 'Candid' shot....Week 9 you told me you were not very good at 'people' shots....hmmmmmm I beg to differ, I'm sure you will post another cracking image (y)

Thanks Stephen.
Nice idea with the sunburst . . . I think I'm going to revisit this lighting again - and give the sheet a better iron next time.

I'm not relishing candid at the moment. I'll have to see what I can come up with.

p.s. Help yourself to those brushes and the same goes to anyone else. I put the link there in case somebody might find them useful.
Why do you make it soooo hard to choose, Sarah. :rules:

They're both creative, dramatic and show-stopping. :bang: :) ;)

#1: For some reason, I could see this as the opening title shot for a sci fi movie. That background is an inspiration. Stunning. :clap:

#2: I suppose this says 'Chemistry' more loudly than #1 - it reminds me of failed experiments in the school Chemistry lab! The very smallest niggle for me is that I'd have liked a bit more room above the smoke curls - as in #1. :)

I know what you mean about 'fun' - I really enjoyed doing my sunflower one, and in a different way, this week's Chemistry. Long may you continue to enjoy! (y)

Ooooh I like these Sarah :)

Nice idea for the first. The lighting on the underside of the flower is good.

But I think of the three I prefer the third - it has some nice lead in lines with the tilted blue vial on the left and the handle thingy on the right leading the eye into the centre red vial. Nicely composed (y)
Hi Sarah,
I love what you've done with the background. Very inventive and effective and I can see many possible uses for it. The whole idea for all the shots works for me, but my preference is the flower. The smoke is a great idea and on the individual shot works pretty well, but looks a little fake on the outtake.

My only concern with the flower - and what stops it being awesome - is the lighting on the subject. It needs some! This is crying out for some kind of strobe or lamp with a gobo to light it up. A cross light would look spectacular.
Great idea for the shots, as ever well thought out,taken and presented. Looking forward to your take on the next theme.