Sawman's 52 Quality

Main area is lovely and I like the dof but It really does look like the bottom bit was added afterwards, but in many ways it matters not, you have broken away from the 'safe option' and long may it continue Charlie :clap:

Cheers. The old brain is working on other things none photographic just now!
The results though may well get posted on TP;)
Only just found your thread...sorry!

A great start to your 52 - I particularly like the moosie and am full of admiration for your varied skills. :clap::clap:
TBH Charlie I don't think this was the most inspiring theme for a lot of us. If it's got you to try something different that;s got to be a good thing though.

And it's not a bad shot at all.
The main part of the onion is nicely detailed and textured. I think you were spot on with wanting more DOF though - I think it would have made the bottom bit feel more natural too.
The main part of the onion works well, a touch more DOF... Not sure about the other bit though.
I do like the main part of the onion but to me the extra segment in front of it seems to be a bit of an afterthought.
After last week's chopped I thought this week's was even harder! I dinae dae streets & toonies!
However I took a wee jaunt to Friockheim where I captured the garage. Just wish that had been an older car on the street though.

Then I took a trip to Brechin where I had a wander round the streets. Hardly a soul about.
I had just taken a shot of the old fire brigade station when I heard a vehicle coming down the road from behind. I was surprised to see it was a fire engine & just had to try to catch it & the old building in the same shot. I got one chance & this is it.


I finished up enjoying myself & will have another go soon!
Well James its taken me sometime to find your thread and it was worth the look, your 'Curves ' are beautiful, I think the ufo is a mark or smudge on the mirrow of your lens either the lens or the camera itself. The carving are stunning, the Chopped onion and the street really interesting. You've lovely compliments which you deserve.

Thank you for complimenting my photos.
I think the shadow across the front of the garage is a bit distracting, although it's good and if it weren't for that...

Of the two with the fire station, I prefer the second. I see and would probably have tried something similar with the fire engine, but I think the modern engine fills a bit too much of the frame, and there's not enough of the building.
ppsstttt, charlie, if you remove that fire engine shot, you can repost it again now and thats 'speed' covered as well :LOL:

I like your original garage shot. Yes the shadow is a wee bit annoying, but hey, no shadow means no sun and thats not good.

Nah nah lassie that wid be cheatin.:nono:
I am going exploring at the weekend ( If it stops snowing) & hope to get my speed shot then.;)
Yes I agree with the comment about the shadow in the garage but it was the first time in ages that there has been no cars in front of it.
Like your chopped Charlie - I like a good onion and the green and red balance nicely - the bottom bit does look a bit 'stuck on' as had been said but doesnt detract for me :)

Love the shot without the the engine - a nice slice of history :D
Like your chopped Charlie - I like a good onion and the green and red balance nicely - the bottom bit does look a bit 'stuck on' as had been said but doesnt detract for me :)

Love the shot without the the engine - a nice slice of history :D

Cheers. I actually found I was enjoying myself once I got started street stuff. Dunno how often I have driven past that building & never realised it was the old Fire Station.

The onion shot is I think, best forgotten:LOL:
Sorry Charlie - playing catch up this week.
The garage shot really does work well with those nice subdued colours and although the shadow is slightly irritating it's a minor niggle for me.

I love the fire station though!
Undecided about whether I prefer it with or without the fire engine. On balance I think I'm going to have to say with it. A real stroke of luck that it came past at that moment, and it makes quite a unique shot to have that mix of old and new.
I think it's great when you're out shooting and a coincidence such as the old fire station/new fire engine happens.
But then comes the difficult part: actually capturing the moment.

Well played on doing so, and so well, but I'm gonna have to go with the shot without the fire engine in it. The fire station is a lovely building and I think you have shot it nicely. I think the fire engine dominates too much in the other shot.
Although as a picture I think I prefer the fire station without the engine, it says 'buildings' or 'architecture' to me rather than street. With the dramatic red engine it conveys the hustle and bustle of modern street life and fits the theme better, and I also like the humour of the modern vehicle and the old building. (y)
Ooh, pretty water, I really like the colours in this photo. Shame that little tree was in the front left though, it takes some of the attention away from the rock behind it.
Love it. The frosty white branches really add something to the shot for me.
Love it. The frosty white branches really add something to the shot for me.

Cheers. I should maybe have said though. The light coloured branches are young Ash. I too like the colour of them. In fact it was them that caught my eye first.:)
I like this Charlie. I hadnt thought of fast water, probably because we dont have much of it down here.

Cheers. I am not into fast cars etc. Thought I would go with something I could relate too.:) Surprisingly little birdlife about the place though. Thought I would have seen at least a Dipper along the banks.:shrug:
I like how you've slowed it down enough to show the speed
without making it look silky smooth
well done that man! :clap:

(oh and it took a few seconds to work out which way the water was flowing :bang:)
Brilliant interpretation of the theme :clap:
Something I never would have thought of, but it fits the theme perfectly.

It goes to show that even in Winter there are plenty of colours to be found in nature, and the texture of the water is beautiful. I want to reach out and touch it.

My only complaint is that I want to see more of it!
It's so beautiful, that I think it would make a stunning stitched panorama, with more of that river running through it. Kind of hard (impossible?) to pull that off though I would have thought.
Brilliant interpretation of the theme :clap:
Something I never would have thought of, but it fits the theme perfectly.

It goes to show that even in Winter there are plenty of colours to be found in nature, and the texture of the water is beautiful. I want to reach out and touch it.

My only complaint is that I want to see more of it!
It's so beautiful, that I think it would make a stunning stitched panorama, with more of that river running through it. Kind of hard (impossible?) to pull that off though I would have thought.

I would need to fell a lot of trees before I could make a panorama for you.:shrug:
Glad you all liked the shot though.(y)
I posted another couple in Landscapes if you are interested.
My take on "Present"
I am making this as a present for somebody. It is not quite finished yet so this is how it looks at present!

That's a great present to give someone and perfectly matches the theme.

Wish I could be creative with wood like that (y)
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Sawman your speed shot is a little bit too 'busy' for me, with those foreground trees. Perhaps a different angle or bit closer might've worked better? I like your interpretation of the theme though.