Show us yer film shots then!

love the 2 people shots Gary (y)

loading the film is fairly easy, i think there's a video somewhere
this is for the RZ67 but the essentials are exactly the same (cant find the rb video now :bang:)

Youtube video

A word of warning though the music is awful, really awful
As soon as I work out how to load some proper film, I will go out and attempt some real landscapes.

Velvia, everytime I think I'm getting bored with the stuff, I get some back and on a lightbox they're just beau..:shrug:


Fridge?? :D

All in me bag!


Actually, you're not gonna have it long enough to put in a fridge..:LOL:
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Velvia, everytime I think I'm getting bored with the stuff, I get some back and on a lightbox they're just beau..:shrug:


Actually, you're not gonna have it long enough to put in a fridge..:LOL:

Very nice :D Does Velvia, if used correctly, need any "PP", either in a darkroom, or post scanning?

Not really, slide is the finished product so its not designed to have any done.

If ou get Ilfochromes made then they can fiddle a bit but if its right it should look right in your hand
Well I dunno about the darkroom but PP in scan is really about removing artifacts, dust and doghairs type of thing, and a sharpen, that's all I did with that, the colours really are mental, but they don't look out of place on the slide.
I mean you can't add any more colour to Velvia, colour correction maybe and levels if you were a bit off with exposure.
Slide is designed to be projected on a screen as you know, so it has to be pretty close to right, straight off the film, you only get weird colour shifts due to dodgy processing.

sorry raa, I'm slow at everything..:LOL:
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If your looking for a perfect slide your better to bracket your exposure as their is very little latitude with colour slide film. A lot of people say you could get away with one shot which is fine if you’re scanning and using PP but you’re a lot safer bracketing.

Definitely planning to bracket, no where near confident enough with exposures yet.


Those are sharp, great exposure too, what film is that ?

Here are a few from this past saturday at Venice beach California. ME SUPER, Tokina 28mm F/2.8@F11, ASA CVS 400 speed film.

Gawd, they remind me of GTA Vice City PS2..(y)
Don't you have to be damn close @ 28mm, there's no hiding, uncomfortably close doesn't seem close enough, I gotta get right in with the nasal hair with the Mamiya, like 6ft is miles away..:LOL:
Gawd, they remind me of GTA Vice City PS2..(y)
Don't you have to be damn close @ 28mm, there's no hiding, uncomfortably close doesn't seem close enough, I gotta get right in with the nasal hair with the Mamiya, like 6ft is miles away..:LOL:

Thanks Jox,
28mm is an up close and personal lens for many captures that's for sure, but I have been mostly after complete scenes and buildings, so the 28 is not wide enough in many cases. :) still, I try.
my first film shots in here so probably a bit more messing around than anything else, from what i can remember (will try to confirm tomorrow) it was 1600B+W film, possibly higher. all taken in 2006

the evolution of man, film speed was perhaps a bit fast to get enough movement in the poi

lone fisherman

down by the waterfall

ashness bridge, borrowdale, cumbria

spectating in the forest, grizedale stages 2006, cumbria

i really need to get a scanner and scan in more of my film shots!
Hi Guys!

Sorry for the dump of shots, and yes - lots of them! I went around loads of my favourite locations, impatiently at times, in an effort to see as quickly as possible, whether or not I was going to be able to get the Mayima RB67 to work for me. Turns out, scanning is more difficult than shooting!!! :)

Your C & C is welcome as always. The camera is here to stay, I enjoy the pace that it forces you to adopt, and it is quite exciting the "what if" game, each time I wait for my developed film!

All shot on either Velvia 50 or Velvia 100. Absolutely MINIMAL PP, straighten horizons, slight crop here and there. The film is nuts and seems to saturate at an insane level!

I will post ten now, and ten later.











Cheers guys :eek:)

(also posted to landscapes and scenic!).
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Number 10 is gorgeus, should be on a wall, well done.

Great set as usual Gary.
Gary - you know I hated you before? Multiply that by 10 you *&^&£$d
Well done Gary - give yourself a big pat on the back. (y)

Did you meter for these with your chimney finder?
Any tips on parallax as I suck.


Mamiya C330, Portra 160nc.

LOL as I suspect you're well aware, parallax is only an issue with the C330 vertically - not horizontally. :D
Gary - you know I hated you before? Multiply that by 10 you *&^&£$d

:agree: Now stop showing us up and show us some of your duffers.
Nice exposure on number 6, great colours on 7

the real question though is where are 8 - 10:cautious:

heres one of mine I just tried processing from February:

Nice exposure on number 6, great colours on 7

the real question though is where are 8 - 10:cautious:

heres one of mine I just tried processing from February:


You captured excellent mood, and I love the smoothness of the water. Excellent :D

ANd oh yeah, forgot - I said 10. I will find the missing 3! I definitely scanned 20.
Jakedog, I really like the 1st! The 4th is surreal, Thomas the Tank engine faces :D Crazy lol.
