Shutter's 2011 52 ** Week 6 - Clutter **

Edit My Images
Hey folks. First new year with a decent camera so looking forward to this. I think my first love of photography is low light and long exposure, so hopefully this I can find my own interpretations of the subject and turn them into something that suits me!! :cautious:

Thanks for looking!

Links to weeks:
1 - Accommodation (2)
2 - New (22)
3 - Style (26)
4 - Open (39)
5 - Hard (48)
6 - Clutter (49)
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Week 1 - Accommodation


I had serveral ideas for this including snails, the door to my flat as well as similar variations to this one! With bad weather all week, and only a clear sky and dry floor this afternoon and evening, it was a close shave to get this one done in time! Pleased with the outcome! C&C welcome!

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nice shot...

I think you used a high iso setting because there seems to be noise in the image... also I am not sure about the correct white balance setting... the image seems too warm... Maybe I'm wrong because I am no pro, but it's just a critique :)

Keep it up
Thanks everyone. Very kind. It was my favourite idea from the start.

This bus stop is right under a clustered area of yellow street lights so yes it does look very warm but in actual fact the whole area does look quite like this here to an extent. I have already reduced the warmth quite considerably from the original shot.

To actually take this was quite tough as I am set up on a central reservation of a 40mph dual carriage way at around half 7 at night tyring to take long exposures without car headlight trails. To get my exposure time down to avoid cars meant I did have to increase ISO but its only at 400. Set the timer, dash between cars, lay down, and listen as much as possible for the camera clicking away while watching for scummy thieves!! :bonk: so yes it is me in the photo!

I have changed the original picture in the first post because 1) I do agree it probably is a little warm and didnt really see this last night and 2) because I have accidently removed the EXIF. To see the original one where you all have commented on above, click here.

Thanks for your kind words again
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I see what you mean, but mine doesn't - i guess thats whats makes everyone different! :)
I have a wired remote, but dunno how much they go for my camera, never really needed a wireless one! :)

Thanks for the critique! (y)
Tell us what do you like about this image, what do you think could be improved and what might you do differently if you had more time, had another chance.

For me the idea of this shot is great, the graffiti on the bus shelter works well although I do wonder if a real homeless person would sleep there with the bottom of the shelter being open. The the biggest weakness in this image is that the background is distracting. I can think of 2 ways that could reduce this:
1 - crop in closer to the bus stop, was there a reason you choose this crop?
2 - reduce the DoF, I appreciate you were trying to get a long exposure but was there a reason why you choose f10, 8secs @ ISO400, rather than 8secs @ ISO 100 and a much wider aperture (can't work it out in my head but I think it would work out about f3.5 :thinking:)

Good start to the year and for a first 52 shot it shows imagination, keep going with the project and think carefully about what in the frame might distract from what you want to photograph and your photography will definitely improve.
arghh! my nightmares come true! I hoped nobody would look here - my web providers are having technical difficulties apparently!! They say it should come back on soon and when they do the images will be there! how embarressing! :help::thumbsdown::help:

sorry! :(
I like the idea behind this shot.

Although I find the 'busy' window to be a distraction, the thing that really strikes me about this image is the contrast between the dingy, dark bus shelter and the brightly lit warmth of the house behind.

You look a bit blurred in the image which ain't surprising, given how you had to shoot this!
Maybe a wireless remote, as previously suggested, might have been a good move or perhaps better, maybe get a mate to lay in the dingy bus shelter while you get on with being a togger.:LOL:

Thanks alot for the time you have spent looking and commenting on my picture. It was very kind.

I love low light / night shots so instantly I find it slightly enchanting. As others have said if I were to go back, I would probably look at opening my aperture a little to reduce the DOF.

I think I the main reason I chose the settings I did we're at first through trial and error to hone in on some rough ideas of settings that will work mixed in with the need to shoot a fairly decent length of shot but that was short enough not capture car light movement. I found something that worked and just went with this. If I hadn't of needed to go to bed very shortly after this shot because I start work in the early hours, I would have most certainly taken a little longer to experiment with the depth and positioning. Hind sight, huh! :LOL:

Something to look for on improvement next time around is out of subject distractions, as pointed out!

Thanks again! (y)
Great shot.

and kudos to you for putting the effort to get the shot, a brave man leaving your camera and gear even if you were close..

Great shot.

and kudos to you for putting the effort to get the shot, a brave man leaving your camera and gear even if you were close..


Hehe! Thanks. Yeah, I wasn't feeling all that confident! :help:
Week 2 - New


I struggled with this one some what. I wanted to move away from the POTY competition 'New Beginnings' so had ideas of products in new wrappers but thought they would be naff. I also liked the idea of 'brand new' - being a brand new item which happened to be a branded item (i.e. coke can!!) My best effort this week was a picture of my fiancée's new guitar! It was a christmas present but the original was broken so went back. This one, arrived yesterday, so perfect!

Hope next week is a little more diverse! :)

Thanks for looking - C&C always welcome
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I like this, although I find that the strings draw my eye up to the bridge (?) which is not the main point of focus. I then have to look around to find the 'in focus' areas.
Thanks. I do know what you mean, but I also feel it adds a little more to the discovery of the subject. Maybe at the bottom of the shot you wouldn't tell it was a guitar neck, but as you reach the top you can clearly see it is, and then the focus fill either side of the shot with more detail!

I think I chose this particular DOF here because it shows the knobs (don't know correct name) holding texture and detail. You can see my fingerprints and the casting inperfections! :)

Thanks (y)
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Two great shots (y) love the theme ideas ..this is where I am struggling so will be keeping a look out on what you produce :cool: well done (y)
Week 3 - Style

This week was even tougher! Not cool! I chose graffiti because it is someone's style of art and can be found in lots of places. I have PP'd the image to restyle into something a little different. Hope you like. C&C encouraged! (y) Thanks alot

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love it!!!

great lines and the selective colouring really works for me :)
Very nice images so far keep up the good work.
Thanks folks.
This is a combination of 3 images and so is also a unique style of PP also!
This is a great shot, i love it! The selective colouring works really well - really wish i could do that! Great capture :)
Hi, Kris, took me a while to find your 52 (I blame the JD :D).


#1, looks vvveerrrryy cold. Think I'd like to see a closer crop taken facing the bus shelter.

#2, I like how the tuners are in focus but not the strings. I'd like to see some of the strings in focus, but I feel the photograph you posted was your intended shot.

#3, feels a bit off for me; the perspective doesn't sit right... I do like the b&w colouring on the steps though...

I am a sucker for selective colouring :D
kris, i seriously like your week 3, thats mean and moody, the wet look looks awesome tied with the selective colour. good process (y)
Photo 1 - great idea but I think the composition is a bit weak. Could bring more attention to the person? Having slept at a bus stop before in the past I empathise!

Photo 2 - Nice angle, the WB on a bit on the yellow side? I'd have preferred more DOF but personal preference. Some reflections are a little distracting.

Photo 3 - Great PP. Really moody. love it.

Looking forward to seeing more :)
Liking the Style shot, well composed and well thought out pp to show the three variants together. (y)
:clap: Very clever blending of the 3 images for style.

What I really like about this though is that you've taken things that "shouldn't" work and put them together in such a way that they hang together perfectly.
- Normally selective colouring on graffiti feels a bit too predictable and almost like shooting to a formula. Not here though - it seems to sit very naturally within the image.
- You also have a very strong diagonal leading line in the staircase, and usually having this take your eye up and out of the right side of the frame would distract and irritate - but somehow it doesn't, it just works. I think because it's counterbalanced by the coloured graffiti at the bottom.

What this has done is deliver an image where your eye starts at the bottom with the graffiti, is led away from it by the staircase and then is drawn back down by the splash of colour. Neither the selective colouring nor the leading line dominates the shot and in fact they compliment each other.

At the same time the fact that it's not a conventional composition or approach to PP (having 2 different styles of B&W combined) gives it a slightly uneasy, menacing feel which works brilliantly.

The only think I'd like to see done differently is the light at the top of the staircase. I like the starburst, but is that the moon behind it? It's just a little too much for me.
That is a great pic. I like the selective colours on this - works well.

Your selected shot is definitely the best of the 4 you have shown.

I had the idea of photographing some graffiti, but didn't find any worth shooting.
Week 4 - Open

I had the idea of open mouths with or without food for this one, along with what I have done. I didn't manage to get any mouths gawping wide this week which was a shame.

The idea behind this was an open road. Unfortunately it didn't go as well as I had hoped. The day I chose to shoot this was very sunny, which is the reason why it isn't empty and open as I would have liked! I may try this again soon if I get the chance to!

Thanks for looking!

gosh Kris... I LOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVE number 3. Wish I knew how to do that <sigh> - it's fab! I really like the contrast there too... and I'm a massive fan of steps and shooting from bottom to top low to the ground... you did such a good job with that ! :clap:

HA! Open road - that was gonna be the one I was going to do... funny how the word open goes around in my head and I'm looking for "open" shots everywhere (or whatever the theme of the week is)

I like colours to be a little stronger, but that's just a personal thing - ya know, kinda vibrant

your shot depicts open road... now, just for the mustang convertible... and..... ------>;)

Really enjoying your photos - will be keeping an eye out for ya! :D