Spring Treasure Hunt Discussion and Post Your Mosaic Here As Well.

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Since Spring is being resolutely reluctant to put in an appearance I think we should hunt for it. OK, it's not a Spring themed hunt it's just an excuse to get out there and waste more film.

The usual treasure hunt rules apply, just...
Must be shot on film
Colour or b&w or any combination
15 separate shots unless you're shooting on LF where compilation shots are acceptable.
Must be shot in March/April and posted by May 12th

You can use as many or as few films as you like, b&w, colour neg or transparency.

Must include the following subjects, in no particular order

1 - Spring flower
2 - Sunrise/Sunset/Sunbeam any kind of sun will do.
3 - An egg
4 - A body of water, sea, river, lake etc.
5 - Fire engine
6 - A self portrait
7 - Bridge
8 - An elephant
9 - Weathered
10 - Man (or woman) with a beard.
11 - Books on a shelf
12 - A shop name you think is witty or amusing
13 - Shiny
14 - Kiss or embrace
15 - Shadow

You can make a mosaic of all your final shots here


Which end up looking a bit like this

January Treasure Hunt 2013 by Raglansurf, on Flickr[/IMG]

Post your interest on this thread and I'll start a list

Those taking part so far are:-

marvin d martian
Menthel (is going to try)

I'll put up a posting thread nearer the end date.
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I'm on it...
Hmmm, I wounder how many of these I can get on a single shet of LF film.

I will try. I now have the photos (well most of them!) from the last one scanned in. Probably a bit late!
I will give it a go, anything to get out and about.
Sunrise??:puke: mornings....I struggle wiv em!!

An elephant ....now come on, fair enough, I live further south than you guys but Africa is still a stretch from here!:D

Weathered.....that will be me by the time I get through this challenge!:D

OK count me in as usual.....can't possibly be any harder than trying to get a "Dreich" shot on the Mediterranean:D :D
Don't forget the clocks go forward the last Sunday in March so sunrise will be an hour later ;)

Well more like 40 minutes by the time you account for the lengthening days :D

I suspect I've got more chance of driech than sunrise but what the heck.
I suppose you could allways do a white eared elephant!!

The elephant's the easy one :D
Sunrise!Are you kidding? I've heard of it, but...
Count me in, I'm going to set myself an additional challange and try and shoot all pics using LF. :)
The hunt may be over if we wait, think we have to make do with what we get.
The hunt may be over if we wait, think we have to make do with what we get.

I know, I'll just get out and shoot (y)
I'm waiting on the snow to pass so I can actually see the sunrise or the flowers...
Am I allowed to join in after not getting anywhere near completing the last hunt yet? :shake:
Am I allowed to join in after not getting anywhere near completing the last hunt yet? :shake:

Of course you are Dean, the more the merrier :D
Due to the non-appearance of the sun this Spring I have changed the requirements for the "Sunrise" shot to include anything with the sun in, so whatever way you can shoehorn a shot of the sun into the mosaic is fine by me.
Yesterday visited the "POUND" shop and bought film for the "Spring Treasure Hunt" They were just unwraping a new carton of Agfa Visto Plus. Pity they dont stock 120.
Yesterday visited the "POUND" shop and bought film for the "Spring Treasure Hunt" They were just unwraping a new carton of Agfa Visto Plus. Pity they dont stock 120.

Aaaaaah... Visto!
For the Spring Hunt and any future challenge I have bought a Nikon 801, although showing signs of being well used everything seems to be working as it should, will know more when I have the Hunt film developed.
What I would like to know, can one change lens during the film shoot, or will the film be knackered.? To date I have been changing lens within a changing bag.
Thanks hope we have some decent weather soon like the weather men keep promising.
You can change the lens in daylight. The film is in the dark behind the shutter curtain.
Thanks Trever that saves a lot of bother. Didnt want to lose the film so played it safe.
Is anyone near to completing their Spring Treasure Hunt?

I'm afraid life has got seriously in the way of my progress leaving me without an entry to post :(
Is anyone near to completing their Spring Treasure Hunt?

I'm afraid life has got seriously in the way of my progress leaving me without an entry to post :(

Nearly there, just waiting for some colour stuff to come back from The Darkroom.

Don't worry about it the rules aren't set in stone :D
May 12th, drat! I've got one spool to process and a roll of 120 with only two frames used...
May 12th, drat! I've got one spool to process and a roll of 120 with only two frames used...

Don't panic Steve, the closing date is very much a moveable feast, at least it is when I'm making the rules :LOL: