Stop Motion Shaving ???


Knock-Off Nigel
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I have been thinking about doing stop motion for a little while and so for the craic i didnt shave for 8 days then thought i would shave it off with my finger..

here is the result..

oh by the way those of a nervous disposition may want to look away now... contains a horrorfying image (generally me).

You wanna be careful with that finger, Andi - it looks as though you just clipped your left eyebrow with it ;)!

Great work (y)!
Nice job, mate. My nephew is well into stop motion. I'll show him this...although it'll be a few years before he can try it!
Excellent... love the Hitler look at the end! ... Or is it Charlie Chaplin? :thinking:
That's a cool idea - nice one.

Looks like you maybe touched your eyebrow at some point ;)
lol.... as i said earlier lol ive been doing that to my eye for the last 10 years lol... so its a kind of habit now lol.. and i think it looks weird without it lol.

i might try a few more when i get the time ;)
That is pretty cool, been thinking about doing the same thing for a while. Just never got round to it.
Could perhaps done with a few extra frames, would of run slightly smoother, apart from that well done (y)
What a difference a beard makes to someones appearance, you look totally different!
Ha! Love it! Would have been cool if you cut yourself mid shave. Would have added a bit of drama!
What a difference a beard makes to someones appearance, you look totally different!

thanks.. in a good way i hope lol..

also i was tryign to do alot more shots to make it smooth but the remote release was sticking and wudnt take some of the shots..
yeah mate it took about 40 minutes to do..

ive did a quicker version of it but its going to take me about 40 minutes to upload lol.
Very cool video Mr Sharpfinger. :clap:

1:00 Freddie Mercury :LOL:
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Nice work. If only it was that easy in reality (y)
add music next time ;)

maybe stick it in manual so that the bg doesn't change exposure (noticed that once or twice)

I likey though
lol took about 40 minutes and it was about 200 shots using movie maker... id use something else if i had it as it only let me do 0.125 frames per second... if it was quicker it would look smoother.
That's brill Andy, very clever and well put together. You going to be doing more of them at all?


yeah hopefully.. normally im fully bald (bic'd) i was going to do this.. but the thing with me and other stop motion normally one operates the camera and the other is the subject.

in my case i was the subject and was operating the camera and it was difficult to get back to the same position after each shot.

i will definatly do it again... any ideas?