The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

I'm sure I said that yes. Global synced edits before stitching is my way of doing things.

Ah ok, I wasn't sure. I was finding it a little more difficult to maintain consistency that way so I looked for a way to do it after the stitch. It's definitely one of the challenges I found with panos when there is a wide dynamic range in the scene, well that and if there's anything moving across the scene lol
Ah ok, I wasn't sure. I was finding it a little more difficult to maintain consistency that way so I looked for a way to do it after the stitch. It's definitely one of the challenges I found with panos when there is a wide dynamic range in the scene, well that and if there's anything moving across the scene lol

It might sound crude...... But..

I'll sync the images, set WB, apply colour preset and tweak, curves and anything else it might need such as vignette decrease etc open in CS6 for stitching and crop, close so the tiff opens back in LR and then do any radial or adjustment brush work if it needs it.

Might not be how anyone else does it but it works for me well.
It might sound crude...... But..

I'll sync the images, set WB, apply colour preset and tweak, curves and anything else it might need such as vignette decrease etc open in CS6 for stitching and crop, close so the tiff opens back in LR and then do any radial or adjustment brush work if it needs it.

Might not be how anyone else does it but it works for me well.

Thanks for sharing.
With regards to processing I've just stumbled across this video this morning and given the idea a whirl.

I'm not sure how well it will work for everything but I tried it on a couple of the photos I took of Betty yesterday and this was the results against the one's I'd processed originally. I'll leave them unmarked for now to see which people prefer.

Screenshot 2021-02-01 at 12.48.51
by TDG-77, on Flickr

Screenshot 2021-02-01 at 12.51.27
by TDG-77, on Flickr
With regards to processing I've just stumbled across this video this morning and given the idea a whirl.

I'm not sure how well it will work for everything but I tried it on a couple of the photos I took of Betty yesterday and this was the results against the one's I'd processed originally. I'll leave them unmarked for now to see which people prefer.

Screenshot 2021-02-01 at 12.48.51
by TDG-77, on Flickr

Screenshot 2021-02-01 at 12.51.27
by TDG-77, on Flickr

On my Imac I'd say the right hand side images are just a bit better.
The Red on the harness does not seem as bright.
Yeah, I'd agree with that but then I like how much 'brighter' Betty looks on the left one :banghead: :LOL:
I think Betty pops more on the RHS image plus the BG looks better.
Thanks for your input, much appreciated. It's definitely something I'll play about with and see what I come up with. I've just had a go at upping blue saturation in the calibration to 50 instead of 100, and reducing the red saturation and luminance and I think that looks pretty good imo but I still think overall I prefer the original. I think this could work well for landscapes though.
With regards to processing I've just stumbled across this video this morning and given the idea a whirl.

I'm not sure how well it will work for everything but I tried it on a couple of the photos I took of Betty yesterday and this was the results against the one's I'd processed originally. I'll leave them unmarked for now to see which people prefer.

Screenshot 2021-02-01 at 12.48.51
by TDG-77, on Flickr

Screenshot 2021-02-01 at 12.51.27
by TDG-77, on Flickr
I tried this a couple of months ago. I found that it really depended on the original image as to whether it worked or not. For example, a scene with a blue sky, it makes it un-naturally so. It's certainly a useful thing to play with, but it's not a universal panacea.
A quick question for 24-105 owners. Has anyone observed an change in resistance when zooming? Particularly between 70 and 105? My new one has just arrived and though it's only slight it's not something I remember when using other.
For anyone wanting Topaz DeNoise AI there's a $20 discount at the moment plus code denoise15 takes the price to £38.90.

Still not cheap but enough of a saving to make me purchase.
For anyone wanting Topaz DeNoise AI there's a $20 discount at the moment plus code denoise15 takes the price to £38.90.

Still not cheap but enough of a saving to make me purchase.
Is it worth it over the noise reduction within LR?
For anyone wanting Topaz DeNoise AI there's a $20 discount at the moment plus code denoise15 takes the price to £38.90.

Still not cheap but enough of a saving to make me purchase.
Thanks for the heads up, I might take a punt.
Is it worth it over the noise reduction within LR?

A million times better, real eye opener for me (even though everyone always said it was amazing). Theres a month trial if you wanna try first
My nephew's partner and son, and their dog Henry from a few weeks ago. Sony a6600 + Sigma 16mm F1.4. Topaz Denoise did a great job of cleaning up some noise.



It's videos like that still blow me away, the A9/A9ii was and is still groundbreaking IMO.
I am seriously considering chopping in my A7RIV for an A9-II, but I'm pretty sure I'll miss the mp for cropping :banghead: I guess I could always buy the 1.4tc ;)
I'm feeling reassured now that I made the right choice, although it's the 1st gen and not 2nd.

Still can't decide on the first lens though.
What stuff are you wanting to shoot and what's your budget?
For anyone wanting Topaz DeNoise AI there's a $20 discount at the moment plus code denoise15 takes the price to £38.90.

Still not cheap but enough of a saving to make me purchase.
Just ordered, thanks. Need to find some photos with noise on now :LOL:
I am seriously considering chopping in my A7RIV for an A9-II, but I'm pretty sure I'll miss the mp for cropping :banghead: I guess I could always buy the 1.4tc ;)
What stuff are you wanting to shoot and what's your budget?
It's clear you need an A1, go on, give in to temptation... :LOL:
It's clear you need an A1, go on, give in to temptation... :LOL:
Haha. It does fit the bill for sure, but the price is still too high for me. For what it would cost to 'upgrade' I could buy an A9-II to go alongside my A7RIV and then have two cameras. That could be even better as it'd save me having to keep switching lenses when doing motorsport (y)
Just ordered, thanks. Need to find some photos with noise on now :LOL:

It's helped so much with fine detail on bird shots for me, I'm finding that even small amount of noise in feathers can almost make a photo look a bit soft, this witchcraft seems to be able recover loads of sharpness and not soften anything. I'm sold.
Must be where I'm going wrong got my camera set so it won't automatically go above ISO6400.

6400iso is plenty to give horrible noise problems when cropping heavily for tiny birds.