The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

Interesting read regarding the 26 vs 40mp debate. Once again it seems like LR is not really interested in Fuji files.

Its not a surprise, LR lagged behind, caught up and is now lagging behind.

DXO PureRAW2 is something else though, the amount of detail it extrracts is phenomenal both on X-Trans and Bayer (X100-original and GFX) Fuji sensors - sometimes though it can be too much! (and needs dialling back a bit in further post).

Now that PureRAW is available as a plug-in for LR the workflow is made a lot easier. Its a great tool and well worth the money.
Its not a surprise, LR lagged behind, caught up and is now lagging behind.

DXO PureRAW2 is something else though, the amount of detail it extrracts is phenomenal both on X-Trans and Bayer (X100-original and GFX) Fuji sensors - sometimes though it can be too much! (and needs dialling back a bit in further post).

Now that PureRAW is available as a plug-in for LR the workflow is made a lot easier. Its a great tool and well worth the money.
Been using C1 for a few years but the posts I read about PureRaw does make me want to try it!
I was going to revert to Adobe Lightroom Classic v12.2 once my CaptureOne Pro v23 reached its first anniversary and so with the new COP subscription v. perpetual policy I need to repurchase my license.
Instead the new Darktable v4.2.1 will be my alternative.
Its not a surprise, LR lagged behind, caught up and is now lagging behind.

DXO PureRAW2 is something else though, the amount of detail it extrracts is phenomenal both on X-Trans and Bayer (X100-original and GFX) Fuji sensors - sometimes though it can be too much! (and needs dialling back a bit in further post).

Now that PureRAW is available as a plug-in for LR the workflow is made a lot easier. Its a great tool and well worth the money.
Have you tried the full fat PhotoLab from which PureRaw gets its magic from?

I've been using PhotLab since v3 then went to LRc when I got the Fuji and at the time DXO didn't support X-Trans.
Came back to PhotoLab in v5 and have been blown away with the extra/better demosaicing compared to LRc and thats before we even get to DeepPrime.

For yourself at least or indeed anyone who already has PureRaw it would be expensive extra but for anyone contemplating PureRaw I'd say definitely try PhotoLab too as the extra control over PureRaw makes it worth the extra IMO.

I do however still use LRc.
In some areas LRc is light years ahead of DXO and beyond that initial demosaicing and noise reduction that DXO PhotoLab provides I always get a better end result, or at least one I am more happy with, when I finish off in LRc.

My workflow is, import and cull in LRc, some minor adjustments to see which files I want to work on, send those to PhotoLab and do some smart lighting/micro-contrast/DeepPrime then back to LRc (PL exports directly back to LRc and in the same location) then continue the edit in LRc.

Not quite as convenient as the way PureRaw keeps you inside LRc but equally IMO worth the extra control. Granted however if I had PureRaw I'm not sure I'd also buy PhotoLab but if I didn't, I would definitely buy PhotoLab over PureRaw and I have used both to compare.

It's not just X-Trans either that DXO beats LRc on. The files out of my little Panasonic GX9 look much better after a trip to PhotoLab (and I'm sure PureRaw) and back.
Not posted anything taken with my XT-4 for a bit. Mainly because I've only used it once this year but also I've just had little time or inspiration and when I have had a chance I've just taken the little GX9 rather than the XT-4.

Have re-visited the shots from the one outing this year with my Fuji though and had a little play with a 'dark and moody' look for this one.
It was a grim day anyway so works for me.
Will revisit the spot as I reckon there's a shot to be had with the tree in isolation with the wall curving and leading the eye.


Here comes the clag.jpg by Lost_Manc, on Flickr
Have you tried the full fat PhotoLab from which PureRaw gets its magic from?

I've been using PhotLab since v3 then went to LRc when I got the Fuji and at the time DXO didn't support X-Trans.
Came back to PhotoLab in v5 and have been blown away with the extra/better demosaicing compared to LRc and thats before we even get to DeepPrime.

For yourself at least or indeed anyone who already has PureRaw it would be expensive extra but for anyone contemplating PureRaw I'd say definitely try PhotoLab too as the extra control over PureRaw makes it worth the extra IMO.

I do however still use LRc.
In some areas LRc is light years ahead of DXO and beyond that initial demosaicing and noise reduction that DXO PhotoLab provides I always get a better end result, or at least one I am more happy with, when I finish off in LRc.

My workflow is, import and cull in LRc, some minor adjustments to see which files I want to work on, send those to PhotoLab and do some smart lighting/micro-contrast/DeepPrime then back to LRc (PL exports directly back to LRc and in the same location) then continue the edit in LRc.

Not quite as convenient as the way PureRaw keeps you inside LRc but equally IMO worth the extra control. Granted however if I had PureRaw I'm not sure I'd also buy PhotoLab but if I didn't, I would definitely buy PhotoLab over PureRaw and I have used both to compare.

It's not just X-Trans either that DXO beats LRc on. The files out of my little Panasonic GX9 look much better after a trip to PhotoLab (and I'm sure PureRaw) and back.

Thanks for your reply - I'll agree with PureRAWs abilities, I've been staggered at how good it is with teh original X100 (Bayer sensor)

I'm fairly welded to my current workflow, so won't be going down teh PhotoLab route, though if I was starting from scratch I would certainly consider it.
I was going to revert to Adobe Lightroom Classic v12.2 once my CaptureOne Pro v23 reached its first anniversary and so with the new COP subscription v. perpetual policy I need to repurchase my license.
Instead the new Darktable v4.2.1 will be my alternative.

??? Why do you need to repurchase your C1 licence (if it's perpetual)?
Anyone have experience with both the viltrox 75 and the Fuji 56? I've the 56 and the viltrox 85 and while they are really nice lenses, I think the 75 might be a nicer focal length for me. I used to shoot Pentax and loved the 70mm ltd. Perfect compromise focal length on apsc. Not sure if I'd regret getting rid of the 56 simply from the point of view of whether the new viltrox is being oversold or if it does have comparable image quality?
Anyone have experience with both the viltrox 75 and the Fuji 56? I've the 56 and the viltrox 85 and while they are really nice lenses, I think the 75 might be a nicer focal length for me. I used to shoot Pentax and loved the 70mm ltd. Perfect compromise focal length on apsc. Not sure if I'd regret getting rid of the 56 simply from the point of view of whether the new viltrox is being oversold or if it does have comparable image quality?
I have the Viltrox 75mm f1.2 and the Viltrox 85mm f1.8 and the Fuji 50mm f1.4 and f2.0, 56mm f1.2, 60mm f2.4 as well as the Fuji 80mm f2.8 macro.

I prefer the 75mm to all the above It focuses very fast and wide open or stopped down the images are beautifully controlled for sharpness and bokeh. The Fuji 80mm is a very sharp lens but very heavy and in my hands I prefer the Viltrox as it gives me 2 stops extra DOF to play with.
The Viltrox 75mm f1.2 is my preferred lens.

I have a raft of lenses between 50mm and 90mm as this suits how I see my photos.
I thought my Fuji 16-80 would enable me to reduce my lens but it is more of a travel lens as it is less sharp than the 16-55mm f2.8 and so is not a no compromise solution. The Fuji 16-55mm f2.8 is a beautiful lens but is as heavy as the 75mm f1.2 and doesnt have quite the reach or awesome bokeh.

Could the 75mm be bettered on my Fuji XH2?
Yes but it would need to be a 65mm f1.2 or f2.0 and would need to focus to quite a short distance as well. I dont think, but dont know, if Viltrox would build such a lens.

I hope this helps rather than confuses.
My T20 has arrived so now it’s a learning curve to see if I can figure things out, having been used to Olympus for many years…

I don’t have a cat so that’s one photo I won’t be able to torture you all with..
I have the Viltrox 75mm f1.2 and the Viltrox 85mm f1.8 and the Fuji 50mm f1.4 and f2.0, 56mm f1.2, 60mm f2.4 as well as the Fuji 80mm f2.8 macro.

I prefer the 75mm to all the above It focuses very fast and wide open or stopped down the images are beautifully controlled for sharpness and bokeh. The Fuji 80mm is a very sharp lens but very heavy and in my hands I prefer the Viltrox as it gives me 2 stops extra DOF to play with.
The Viltrox 75mm f1.2 is my preferred lens.

I have a raft of lenses between 50mm and 90mm as this suits how I see my photos.
I thought my Fuji 16-80 would enable me to reduce my lens but it is more of a travel lens as it is less sharp than the 16-55mm f2.8 and so is not a no compromise solution. The Fuji 16-55mm f2.8 is a beautiful lens but is as heavy as the 75mm f1.2 and doesnt have quite the reach or awesome bokeh.

Could the 75mm be bettered on my Fuji XH2?
Yes but it would need to be a 65mm f1.2 or f2.0 and would need to focus to quite a short distance as well. I dont think, but dont know, if Viltrox would build such a lens.

I hope this helps rather than confuses.
Thanks! That is very helpful indeed!
Viltrox has certainly upped their game last few years. I had the v1 of the 85mm and it was solid, just not a FL I use often enough so I sold it on but had zero issues with it [bar maybe some fringing wide open but was easily corrected] - the 75mm sounds a bit closer to what I might use for portraiture, and from what I've seen in reviews it is stellar, and should be a fair chunk sharper than the Fuji 56mm, especially wide open [judging on samples I've seen in a number of reviews]

I just received the Viltrox 13mm 1.4 and I'm really impressed with the build quality [it is their other 'red badge' pro offering to date besides the 75mm] , not got to use it proper yet just sample shots in doors but I already feel it'll be sharper/quicker/quieter than the Fuji 16 1.4 that I enjoyed so much. Even in dim lighting it was snappy and seemes very reliable in the AF dept. I just need to get used to that wider view, looking forward to putting it to work in Budapest next week :)
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I have the Viltrox 75mm f1.2 and the Viltrox 85mm f1.8 and the Fuji 50mm f1.4 and f2.0, 56mm f1.2, 60mm f2.4 as well as the Fuji 80mm f2.8 macro.

I prefer the 75mm to all the above It focuses very fast and wide open or stopped down the images are beautifully controlled for sharpness and bokeh. The Fuji 80mm is a very sharp lens but very heavy and in my hands I prefer the Viltrox as it gives me 2 stops extra DOF to play with.
The Viltrox 75mm f1.2 is my preferred lens.

I have a raft of lenses between 50mm and 90mm as this suits how I see my photos.
I thought my Fuji 16-80 would enable me to reduce my lens but it is more of a travel lens as it is less sharp than the 16-55mm f2.8 and so is not a no compromise solution. The Fuji 16-55mm f2.8 is a beautiful lens but is as heavy as the 75mm f1.2 and doesnt have quite the reach or awesome bokeh.

Could the 75mm be bettered on my Fuji XH2?
Yes but it would need to be a 65mm f1.2 or f2.0 and would need to focus to quite a short distance as well. I dont think, but dont know, if Viltrox would build such a lens.

I hope this helps rather than confuses.
Have you tried the updated firmware on the 75mm Jonathan?
I've now got a couple of weddings potentially booked later in the year so I'm back tempted to switch to Fuji again as I can't really justify another Z9 and I wouldn't trust the Z6. Just waiting to see what Nikon have in store over the next month. Plus I kind of still want another 75/1.2 as it really was fantastic :D
best place to send a camera for repair?

My stepdaughter dropped her XT-2 and ever since the rear LCD has stopped working. Its not cracked or anything so I'm hoping a cable just dropped loose inside! I did think of just sending it off to Fuji but feel they might charge a fortune, are there any decent independants anyone would advise?
best place to send a camera for repair?

My stepdaughter dropped her XT-2 and ever since the rear LCD has stopped working. Its not cracked or anything so I'm hoping a cable just dropped loose inside! I did think of just sending it off to Fuji but feel they might charge a fortune, are there any decent independants anyone would advise?

Fuji UK (Service Centre in Milton Keynes) - they have fixed price repairs, and fix just about everything for the one price, its amn excellent service
best place to send a camera for repair?

My stepdaughter dropped her XT-2 and ever since the rear LCD has stopped working. Its not cracked or anything so I'm hoping a cable just dropped loose inside! I did think of just sending it off to Fuji but feel they might charge a fortune, are there any decent independants anyone would advise?

Honestly I've always been happy with Fuji's prices and turnarounds. They're usually happy to quote before seeing it, since they have flat rates for most repairs. The few time's I've sent stuff to them they've gone above and beyond - For example when I bought an X-T1 a few years ago, I asked them about replacing the I/O door on the side since it had bowed (by this point the camera was 5+ years old). They offered to fix it for free, so I sent it to them - They fixed the door, replaced ALL of the rubber grips, and cleaned the sensor. They had it back to me 4-5 days after I sent it to them, looking like a brand new camera.
Fuji UK (Service Centre in Milton Keynes) - they have fixed price repairs, and fix just about everything for the one price, its amn excellent service
:agree: as that's been my experience as well. If it hasn't changed the prices are quoted on the website, you can also book the repair and they will send you the packaging for the item.
Couple of lenses up in classifieds now - thanks for all the help and advice on the 75mm. If anyone wants to pair them with the xt4 body, I'm sure we can come to an arrangement!
Have you tried the updated firmware on the 75mm Jonathan?
I've now got a couple of weddings potentially booked later in the year so I'm back tempted to switch to Fuji again as I can't really justify another Z9 and I wouldn't trust the Z6. Just waiting to see what Nikon have in store over the next month. Plus I kind of still want another 75/1.2 as it really was fantastic :D
Yes I am on the latest 1.2 firmware.
Everything working well. So pleased with this lens.
Z8 coming in a few weeks I hope. Rumour mills seem to confirm this. I dont have an inside track any more at Nikon UK so cannot get an confirmation/denial.
Hello everyone. I have a Fujifilm XF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 R LM OIS WR which I love but I find that sometimes I need something a little more magnification (I guess we all have that feeling!!). Has anyone got any experience of the teleconverter that Fuji offer? Many thanks:)
Hello everyone. I have a Fujifilm XF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 R LM OIS WR which I love but I find that sometimes I need something a little more magnification (I guess we all have that feeling!!). Has anyone got any experience of the teleconverter that Fuji offer? Many thanks:)
I have both the 1.4 and 2x but not the 100-400. They are both fine on my 50-140.
Thanks Topsy.
I ought to add that the reason for asking is that I have heard that there is some image degradation with the 2x but opinion seems to say that the 1,.4 is ok.
Hello everyone. I have a Fujifilm XF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 R LM OIS WR which I love but I find that sometimes I need something a little more magnification (I guess we all have that feeling!!). Has anyone got any experience of the teleconverter that Fuji offer? Many thanks:)
This is one for @Jelster I reckon. He has a 1.4 on his 100-400 (y)
Thanks Topsy.
I ought to add that the reason for asking is that I have heard that there is some image degradation with the 2x but opinion seems to say that the 1,.4 is ok.
I tried a very rudimentary test some while ago for my own curiosity. I shot the same subject with just the lens (a small table clock at near minimum focussing distance) then each converter from the same spot all on a tripod. I then loaded all 3 jpgs into windows picture viewer and enlarged each one until they were the same size on the screen and to be honest I couldn't see any significant difference between the resolution of each enlargement. I concluded that a shot at 200 zoomed in was just the same as the ones with TCs but I think the real advantage will be that with the TCs on the subject will be larger on the sensor so AF will be easier so more sharp shots particularly at longer ranges.

As I said very rudimentary and just for my own curiosity. Where I do find the TCs particularly useful is filling the frame with small objects as you get the lens's minimum focussing distance but enlarged subject on the sensor almost like macro but withthe lens front element a reasonable distance from the subject like this one shot with the 50-140 and TCx2041 Common Blue Damselfly in Haytor Quarry-0873 PS Adj.jpg
Hello everyone. I have a Fujifilm XF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 R LM OIS WR which I love but I find that sometimes I need something a little more magnification (I guess we all have that feeling!!). Has anyone got any experience of the teleconverter that Fuji offer? Many thanks:)
This is one for @Jelster I reckon. He has a 1.4 on his 100-400 (y)

I rarely use the 100-400 without the 1.4TC these days, except, maybe in my my garden. Have a look at this album on my Flickr site, plenty to choose from:
Does anyone have any recommendations for replacement hoods for Viltrox 23/33 ?

I ask because I can’t seem to use a CPL and the hood, it seems the hood just doesn’t fit after a CPL is attached…
Yes I am on the latest 1.2 firmware.
Everything working well. So pleased with this lens.
Z8 coming in a few weeks I hope. Rumour mills seem to confirm this. I dont have an inside track any more at Nikon UK so cannot get an confirmation/denial.

It's off topic but I suspect the Z8 will cost more than an import Z9 currently, but we have no idea. I've not got a current inside line these days either as the two photographers I know that got the Z9 before release haven't mentioned anything this time. Although they have mostly transitioned to Canon now.
Good to hear on the 75mm with updated FW. I nearly rebought one when AVMP had them in stock, but they sold out to save me from buying another one :D
I missed out on a IR converted X-A2 yesterday for £100....gutted.

It would have been fun to have that for the IR stuff alone.
Wow that would be a great price.
The IR conversion really adds cost to a camera so if you get it done already then it is a real winner.
I have had my old XE1 cameras converted to Full Spectrum and 665nm. I also have an XT1 that I bought already converted to FS which I now prefer.
Wow that would be a great price.
The IR conversion really adds cost to a camera so if you get it done already then it is a real winner.
I have had my old XE1 cameras converted to Full Spectrum and 665nm. I also have an XT1 that I bought already converted to FS which I now prefer.

Yeah, I sent a message asking if it include battery and when i got a reply, it was sold already.
Purposely took the XT-4 + 55-200mm out today. Reality was I could have left either camera at home as I just basically carried it around the woods for nothing!
Had zero joy with a Nuthatch as the camera refused to focus on the bird no matter what I did. Frustrating tbh.

Did catch these two though. Light could have been better but an overcast grey day under the canopy was always going to be hard work.

Grey Squirrel by Lost_Manc, on Flickr

Grey Squirrel by Lost_Manc, on Flickr