The Humbug 2016 Thread

not mine - appeared (as most of these things tend to) on Faceberk...
Lacks the impact of the Dalek dismounting a metal dustbin explaining "Anyone can mske a mistake" but the picture is pure class and, tippping my hat to Nod, perfect Tee Shirt graphic... put me dpwn for half a dozen.....
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It doesn't look like I'll be getting a 5DMkIV, bah humbug!!
It's the first Sunday of advent today, and it's November. So legally, Christmas 'does' include November as well as December. So one sixth of the year is Christmas! That doesn't sound so bad. Does it?
Funnily, we don't get TV ads where I live as they only have crap TV here with even crapper ads. So we only watch on demand TV. But we have been watching the big budget UK ads on YouTube. Sainsburies Christmas ads for real last few years, for example. When you can pick and choose an ad, and watch it only ONCE, it's quite good.
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It's the hot cross buns appearing in supermarkets in January that winds me up. They used to be available on Good Friday via pre-order, and the baker opened specially for a couple of hours only on Friday morning for you to collect them. That way they were special and actually meant something.
I'm peeved that I have an enforced 10 day Christmas break as my new company closes for that period.
I used to rather like working over Christmas.
Is that on top of your annual leave allowance or an extra 10 days?
Is that on top of your annual leave allowance or an extra 10 days?

In addition to normal annual leave.
End of year bonus and payrise.
Few days off.
Eating and drinking more than you would normally.
Watching Home Alone (1 and 2 only)

Those are what I look forward to at Christmas.

Couldn't care less about the presents and the religious nonsense.
Hibernation is on the cards for me, have 12 hour days friday, monday and tuesday on top of the usual christmas post,
and further possibilties to come.
Yep we have huge staffing problems, including no manager, nice to know they think we can manage without one :D
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In addition to normal annual leave.

Spend some of the time bringing a little joy to Retirement Home residents who might not be having (m)any visitors over the "festive" period?
Christmas humbug your having a larf I'm getting bombarded with 2017 holiday offers ,you will get xyz amount off next years holiday,camp site fees etc if you book before midnight , mind you I just sit here open mouthed when I hear the amounts of money being discussed for the darling grandkids .should have had all the kids castrated or sewn up at birth :wave::wave:
I really kid you not even had one of the daughters here last night ,what do you think of this car she says I,m thinking of getting it for xxxxxx xmas present only 4 f*****g grand ,plus it will have to be taxed and insured probably another couple of grand for a just 17 year olds first car .what happened to a Barbie doll ffs
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I know this is the Humbug thread, but what I like about the Christmas break is that generally all our customers have time off too. So when I get back I don't have to spend half the first week playing catch up and wondering why I took time off. Still feel we make to much of Christmas though.
Time to get the "Bah Humbug" hat out of storage, give it a wash and then start wearing it - that's if I can remember where I put it. Oh and the matching socks as well.
Christmas won't be starting in our house for about another week.
Our eldest has a birthday on the 9th and although he is 17 this year we have always avoided putting trees and decorations up and getting all Christmassy until after that.
I've also go a bathroom to fit, tile and decorate before then too.
I'm all over Christmas but our boys are getting older now and regardless of my efforts the wife always finds it a chore and boring even though almost every year I do the Christmas shop, house decorations and cooking. I fear Christmas is becoming a lost cause in our house so yep, Bah Humbug!
When I was a transport consultant, in a former life, I noticed something that might be of interest to Bah Humbug types.

I realised that the Department for Transport regularly published Invitations To Tender in early-mid December, with bids due in early January. This inevitably meant that the bid teams couldn't take much time off over the Christmas / New Year period.

(It wasn't just Christmas though. I dug through the records and discovered that the DfT issued disproportionate numbers of ITTs around March, with bids in immediately after Easter, and at the end of July, with bids due in early September.)

I brought this up at a Steering Group meeting and they admitted that yes, it was a deliberate policy. Evaluating bids was a difficult job and they found that their staff could do it more effectively just after a significant break such as Christmas, Easter, or the summer holidays. It had honestly not occurred to them that an inevitable consequence of their policy was that they were consistently and repeatedly stuffing up the holiday plans of all their contractors.
Stuff the season... Winter Fest rules ...

Happy Christmas my good man, would you like to donate to the poor, or should I tell them to die and reduce the surplus population.....? LOL
My office at work looks like Christmas puked in there.

It won't by tomorrow.
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Sorry, Ruth but that made me lol!
Probably my last regular day of dalliance on here for a while so I shall wish all fellow humbugs a very festive yule to all!
Probably my last regular day of dalliance on here for a while
Judge rejected your appeal then?
Hard luck, old chap - maybe next time try not to save a few bob by engaging 'Legal Dealz' as your defence brief.
Probably my last regular day of dalliance on here for a while so I shall wish all fellow humbugs a very festive yule to all!
And a merry Bah Humbug! to you too Keith (y)
Indeed! Happy Solstice - days get longer from Thursday!

Now, where's that teapot?
Indeed! Happy Solstice - days get longer from Thursday!
Well yes and no, its a leap year this year, so its only the 20th on Weds, compared to the last 3 years ...